teenager vs mature thoughts


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
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Originally posted by Boner da Stoner
lol the most confident guys I know are the internet poserss in life...

they can talk BS about everything, everybody listens, and than laughs in silence

You're calling me an internet poser and think I'm saying "BS"?

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
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Iqaluit Nunavut
lol think whatever the hell you want:p

your just making me laugh right now:crackup:

that was totally not aimed in your direction, unless you are an internet poser, your not an internet poser are you? whatever if you are your doing your job right in making me laugh:crackup:


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
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Do not be so sure about your current mindset Comic. Believing we are right does not allow us to perceive anything else as other than false.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Originally posted by LikRetsam
Do not be so sure about your current mindset Comic. Believing we are right does not allow us to perceive anything else as other than false.
I don't perceive anything as false and I actually listen to the people that talk about sex or drugs all the time to learn new things but when that is all they talk about, then I will try to steer the conversation towards something a little bit more interesting like the future or school work or something interesting that I read.

They don't know how to actually function in the real world. Its the sad part.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
comic relief, you need to stop taking things so seriously. After you're done with high school you will probably not see most of those people anymore (unless you live in a small town and plan to stay there). If you live in a city and plan to go to college after high school you will not see most of the people you met in high school, so there is no need to build drama in your head about the corrupt state of affairs of high school life.

Like someone said to me once, "why try to act a certain way to try to impress people that you probably won't see again after high school"

The only thing I can say to you is do well in your classes so you graduate, and take advantage of the free spanish classes. Being bilingual english/spanish is a huge plus when it comes to getting jobs in the USA these day and age. Other than that have fun in your remaining years of high school and stop building drama in your head.


Don Juan
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
High school is so bizarre...

-You're suppose to learn, but they don't teach you anything important. You don't learn about human nature, dealing with people, managing your time, managing opportunity, balancing a checkbook, handling credit card debt. Everything is theory and memorization. Has memorization ever gotten you a job promotion? It's a joke.

-It doesn't mimic the real world. In the real world, you have to come to work on time, there are dress codes, there are codes of conduct.

If you guys want the secret to happiness, don't focus on stuff that doesn't matter. Do your own thing. No one has ever developed confidence by worrying about what other people are doing. Blaze your own trail.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
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who cares
i kinda realized what the original poster is trying to say today. I was in class just sitting doing some work that i didnt have to do. One girl turns around and shes like you dont have to do that. and im like i know it just helps me learn the words. and she just laughs and turns around. then this other girl a little later tells me the same thing, and the girl that asked me first turns and says with a very sarcastic and just "making fun" tone that i was doing it to learn it better.

I felt like i was doing something wrong. i was just trying to study while the dumb *****es talked about laguna beach, and how theyre getting a paid trip by their daddies to cancun on spring break.

One of the girls is smart and studies and all so i dont really think shes dumb individually, but grouped together shes just like all the other dumb girls. Actually ive realized that if you talk to anyone individually most people are relativly mature, but once they group themselves they become imature and stupid. And it doesnt just apply to teens, it applies to people in general. So maybe its not so much of the mature vs teenager mentality but the mentality you get when youre trying to fit in.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
Originally posted by GQ_Confidence_1
High school is so bizarre...

-You're suppose to learn, but they don't teach you anything important. You don't learn about human nature, dealing with people, managing your time, managing opportunity, balancing a checkbook, handling credit card debt. Everything is theory and memorization. Has memorization ever gotten you a job promotion? It's a joke.

-It doesn't mimic the real world. In the real world, you have to come to work on time, there are dress codes, there are codes of conduct.

If you guys want the secret to happiness, don't focus on stuff that doesn't matter. Do your own thing. No one has ever developed confidence by worrying about what other people are doing. Blaze your own trail.
i agree with most of your most but school on a hidden level does teach you important things. It does teach you about human nature as you interact with hundreds of people thoughout your school career. School gives you work, deadlines, so if youre smart youll realize that managing your time adequatly is an important part in life. School socializes you for the good or for the bad. learning academics is one thing but you also learn social skills.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
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-how much sex you get is equalled to popularity
- how much you got wasted was equalled to popularity
- why having your life figured out and being smart is uncool
- why holding a conversation about something other then sex or booze is "boring."
- Why being mean and a ***** is the only train of thought that can make some popular.
- Why self-improvement is a no-no in high school
I don’t know if this holds true at other high schools but at mine many of these things are simply not true. I know some people that are truly awesome and don’t hold any of those things true. In fact there’s quite a few people that don’t think like that. We have a whole club we started to discuss deeper topics then sex and booze (religion, world politics, philosophy, etc) and even discuss improving ourselves. I am one of the three founders of this club and it has over 120 members. That's a good chunk of our high school considering the fact that it’s a guys-only club due to the fact that guys are a lot more likely to discuss things like religion and emotions without a bunch of gossiping chicks around. Try band kids, they usually are smarter then the pack and think deeper.


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
I use think a lot about this subject, and got to a conclusion. Nobody really cares except yourself, and till your strong enuf to take this worlds bizarre and odd ways you’ll never get anywhere, because you will be wasting your precious time wondering and thinking about a subject that is already lost. Some people will understand but about 80 percent will think your retarded.

I think high school is a miniature overview of the world. Maybe not in the same way but close. This world is all f&#! up everywhere you look, and its being shown in schools as well. Now the reason people talk about stupid things is because of there own deeper ignorance. And as sad as it may be, more than half of this world is ignorant, they believe everything on TV and ignore reality. And its not only in high schools its everywhere especially in adults.

Sure they wont talk about how they got laid anymore, or how they got wasted but they replace that with other unnecessary crap. So stop thinking or trying to understand why things are like this and start accepting them just like they are and just walking around them. Besides high school is short might as well laugh at everyone else’s stupidity because while the girls are thinking about Laguna beach and the guys are talking about how they had a wet dream you can be thinking on how to rule over the world lol and get ahead of the game.

Good Luck:rockon: :up: