Let me just start by saying how much I love you guys. Between the great advice and the tale of regret from LowPlainsDrifter, I have taken these words to heart and things have gone pretty smooth for me. Here is the breakdown
First Night
She came over with her laptop and we fluff talked for a bit before I dove into the computer job (Wanted to make it obvious I was not just interested in her machine) I offered her some wine and it turns out she wanted WATER after all (DOH!) No biggie really but I found it funny how I was stressing over this detail earlier and now it meant jack sh*t.
So we are having some great conversation about travel and life dreams and everything seems sweet, until we hit a snag with her laptop. She was running OS X and didnt have the admin password so I couldnt install a damn thing! I tried a bunch of different tricks to hack the password (NetInfo Manager, restarting from CD, etc) and nothing worked. It was really eating my time so I pretended to be annoyed and said, "Damn now you owe me big for all the effort I am putting in here" She agreed with me and offered to take me out to dinner! I told her that was not enough and pointed to my cheek. She gave me a kiss. Then I pointed at my other cheek and she gave me another. I pointed at my lips and she gave me a warm kiss. No tongue but still sweet.

I can tell she is a bit nervous from her body language so I take things slow and back off. (At this point I am trying to change my tactics because in the past my impatience has ruined my game)
A few friends called me so I ended up ditching her and said we should continue this another time, after I talk to my Mac specialist. She was a little thrown off, and maybe it wasnt the best move of the evening, but I didnt care at this point because I felt like going out and being rowdy and meeting some other chicks.
Second Night
I called her 2 days later and said I had found the solution to her problems. She came over right away and I was all set to work some hacking magic on her machine when I experienced the strangest problem ever on a computer. Her keyboard started triggering the wrong keys. I would press "7" and "q" would pop up on the screen. I got very frustrated but didnt show it. Instead we kept talking and making jokes about how much Apple sucks. I tried everything in my power but the machine is totally fuct so we head out to have some dinner. (she still owes me

After dinner we go for a walk and wander through a park. I figure she is already into me if she has come this far so I am looking for a way to just makeout already. The conversation grew quiet and thats when I decided to comment on her lip-piercing and started busting on her, saying that she probably cant even kiss with that thing. She proceeded to prove me wrong and we got a nice make-out feel-up session goin. I tried to get her to come back to my place as we were making our way back but she declined saying she had to work in the morning.
So far so good, but I refuse to let her dominate my thoughts.
Time to go out and meet some more fine hunnies!
Thanks again guys, I am celebrating with wine as I type this