Tech Billionaire wants to reverse aging

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Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
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Sharing this as i found it interesting.

Found this guy blueprint and it follows different methods of anti-aging taking 100+ pills a day with different vegan foods.

His name is Bryan Johnson here is his youtube channel.

He documents his journey, apparently he has reversed his aging so far by 5 years.

In my eyes he looks weird, but results do speak for themselves, everything is shared for transparency online here including his diet and routine.

We all know you can't reverse aging based on the DNA damage that happens over-time. But i suppose what he is trying to do is make the process as slow as possible.



Don Juan
Dec 7, 2022
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IMO, he looks like a vampire... And he does look old... I don't know why people hype that he looks young... He does not, in my eyes.

Learning Curve

Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2023
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IMO, he looks like a vampire... And he does look old... I don't know why people hype that he looks young... He does not, in my eyes.
Yeap, pretty much i agree.

But, his results of analysis and blood work show really crazy numbers. He has pretty much reduced any risk of inflamations or disease.
Aug 22, 2024
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I think what he achieved for the money he put into it is the "baby-face" effect - some people are just looking (and actually biologically, being several years younger than the other), I believe I am one of those people (I can pass off as 32-33y old guy easily even if I am almost 40) this due to the fact that I had training routine since I was 16 years old until 35 (then I started to fail at it and that's where I really started feeling aging) and I am a "baby-face" type (sucked at high school, but its great now).

Now, the guy obviously is not in the gene pool of "genetically younger" people - it is obvious when you will look at his older photos - however he achieved that effect by putting a lot of effort (and money) into it. However I think he might be looking into some nasty collateral effects of what he is doing now, later in life (your body does not like so excessive changes in a relatively short period of time, body likes what I would call a "slow routine") that's why his face looks a bit odd and tbh I can tell he is into 40s - I would say he looks 42. So all his money and diet bought him 5 - 6 years (which some of us get as a "starter package" so to speak) and great looking teeths.

So its not like he is evading death - actually, I am quite sure he won't become centenarian - body is not a machine and we are all about to die - I agree that around 25th century humanity will achieve level of development that will allow to prolong life to a vast degree (well past 100 years biological stamp) but his approach is just too extreme and he is too fixated about it, also it is still early 21st century. He started eating healthy and training regularly too late. He also seems to overdo it and hit various diets/training programmes (changing them) too often (which is also inevitable for him, because he wants the best programme for his current state of health, and he is still getting older, right?).

His genes also tell me he won't hit 100 for sure. Sorry. You may become financially successful (he obviously is) but it will not change you on the biological level to the extent he proclaimes he achieves. It is probably an example of economics laws where efforts giving you 80% of his effects would cost you almost nothing (vs your current costs of living) but he decides to get additional 20% of health boost for millions (1-2mln?) of dollars per year (good for him if he can do it) except like I said, body is not a machine therefore works like machine only to some extent - if you have maintained it poorly until your late 30's, you will not make a full, clean, 100% turn around just because you decided to, applied business approach to it and spent a lot of money. Perhaps he will evade a heart attack, stroke or diagnose cancer early. That will be it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Yeap, pretty much i agree.

But, his results of analysis and blood work show really crazy numbers. He has pretty much reduced any risk of inflamations or disease.
Ive been reading “How Not to Age” and immersing in various anti-aging discussions online. Few things the all have in common, and with the blue zones is as follows:

-Quality Sleep
-Plant based diet- all evidence points towards being whole food vegetarian as optimal for aging, though Adventist pescatarians and other blue zones show fish is fine in moderation.
-Do not drink or smoke
-Keep you LDL cholesterol in the optimal range (specifically ApoB). This is separate from diet as it is highly genetic and no amount of diet will save someone who has FH.
-Cut out Saturated Fat wherever possible. Saturated fat literally inflames the liver.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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And take Curcuma/Turmeric for anti-inflammation.