If it was only that easy. Let the world burn and wait for what grows out of the ashes?

Its like saying, if you find something wrong with feminism, stop looking for it - "Easy fix". I'm sure a lot of men in the past did just that, and look at our society now. Death by a thousand cuts. Why does it matter that women want to cut their bras? Why does it matter if the major Hollywood studios show strong and independent women in movies more? Why can't we have more scholarships for women... and ONLY for women (not for men)? Why NOT make it easier to divorce (and subsequently divorce rape)? Easy fix. If you don't like it, as an individual man, just ignore all of these things esp
if it's not currently happening to you.
It's death by a thousand cuts. Taylor swift is not a bad person. Her ideology. What she represents as a whole is a small cut. But with her cut.. the misandrist Hollywood media, the advertisements.. the propaganda against men - especially the average man; these small cuts inflict heavy damage.
The truly easy fix would be to stop ALL of these small cuts as much as we can. Call it out for what it is - misandry. That's the true fix. OR watch the world burn hahahahahah I haven't decide which one is better. Even in this supposedly "mans group forum", we have men thinking these small cuts are ok. Perhaps, we need more pain in the men's area before we have a consensus? Let the world burn some more? Let more men think they are inadequate for just being average; risk for some of them that they commit suicide? Think that they are trash for not being 6 foot, etc... But love women, for just being women even if they are grossly overwieght.. Or love women for being slvts because they were only "finding themselves" and even if they got ran through, so what? No standards at all for women?
Le the world burn? Or just point things out for what it is? I'm not sure