LOL @ 6'2"
I'm 6'9" barefoot, Only ever seen one guy in my life that was taller than me, a guy in his 70's that was using a cane lol. I'm super lanky, barely tag 220lbs...but I can't help it. Marfans Syndrome.
It is a great opener being freakishly tall, but like the time at joes crapshack when I backed up into the clothes line thing they throw the orders in on...tore the thing off. Always cool to put peoples car keys on the roof of there house, or use the rain gutter for a cup holder at a party. lol
Some girls blow me off because of my unnatural size, but who cares...they must be shallow.
I'm not an ugly fool, but I know I look out of place. I can tell people feel uncomfortable when they shake my hand because my fingers go past there wrist. Some girls really really dig it for some reason.
Things could be worse I guess, I could be a midget or not be blessed with my big wang