Talking with an American woman about American women


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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women love to argue. women spout sh*t off without even having a clue what they really mean.

a lot of women confuse the world 'independence' with 'selfish' - they think it means the same thing.

this is why women love the word independence, because they've actually come to believe that being 'selfish' is their DUTY to all of womanhood. its their duty to put their needs before their mans to make up for the generation of women who got 'dominated' by men. by being a selfish b*tch they are actually doing the most noble thing they can to right the wrongs of the past.

anyway, both women and men who get sucked into the current of mass thought and blindly mimic the sheep they see around them will get what they deserve - primarily a life build on quicksand.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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I see this is another thread from Str8up where he meets some woman, he thinks she wants him, but then all he does is b1tch about her and end up not fvcking her even though she wanted him "really really bad".

Oh wait no it's not!! I'm so used to responding to your threads about that kind of stuff that I was on auto pilot!

haha just fooling with you buddy. :)

As for your original post...couldnt agree more and well said!


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2004
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STR8UP said:
I was having a beer with a couple of friends last night, and somehow I ended up discussing Foreign vs. American women with a female friend of mine.

We were talking about divorce and I told her that if an American man marries a foreign woman he is less likely to get a divorce.

What was her response?

"That's because foreign women just want to be servants!"

That's when the kid gloves came off and I told her MY opinion. I told her that American women tend to be less desirable because they are hellbent on COMPETING with a man instead of COMPLIMENTING him.

She started talking about how American women are "iindependent" She must have used the word independent 15 times in 5 minutes.

I won't go into the intricate details of the convo, but it went round and round with her asserting that women should be "independent" and me asserting that PEOPLE should be COOPERATIVE and work together to capitalize on their inherent strengths while compensating for the other person's weaknesses.

We talked about why the divorce rate is so high today. We both agreed that it has a lot to do with the fact that today divorce is much less stigmatized, but she couldn't see how women wanting to compete with men might play into the equation, or how a woman's desire to be "independent" (thus ensuring her self sufficiency) might also contribute to the high rate of divorces. In other words, if a woman knows she can go out and get a job, she has much less incentive to make a marriage work, and will be more inclined to file for divorce at the drop of a hat. She just couldn't see it.

Another interesting comment she made was that "back in the day" men wanted to control their women so they could run around cheating on them.

I asked her if she believed that overall women have it BETTER today than they did 30-40 years ago. She believes they do.

I followed up that question with "So do you believe that women today are HAPPIER than they were 30-40 years ago"?. She paused for a second and finally answered "Yes, I believe they are generally happier today than they were 30-40 years ago".

Me? I believe women DO have it better today. They are in the "have my cake and eat it too" period. But are they happier? I seriously doubt that.

What do you think?
This is an excellent post. My former girlfriend was jealous every time i got a promotion and blamed me for her not advancing in her career on the basis that she could get a better job overseas. Her arguments ignored the fact that I make 10 times more than her and would have ultimately been responsible for paying the bills and taking her on holidays. As this post eludes to, women think they are independent and will leave a guy in an instant if they feel inhibited. All men I know that are in stable relationships have sacrificed their lifestyles and to some extent careers for their women

As for having these sort of discussions with women, I do so when I am on a date I have no intention of seeing again. If she wants sex, she will still sleep with me and won't care what I say


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
STR8UP said:
What do you think?
This is what I think - You should quit wasting your precious energy talking and debating with f**kwit women who have formed their belief system from reading Cosmo and watching OPrah for the past ten years.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Like Young William,I have a Foreign Girl...So nice they give their all and are just so grateful....I have wasted a lifetime on Anglo Women...End of the Day Jophil has it right leave the faithful to argue they will go out by the same door they entered,meanwhile he is shagging 19 year olds,more strength to his elbow...


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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seasonedplayer said:
This is an excellent post. My former girlfriend was jealous every time i got a promotion and blamed me for her not advancing in her career on the basis that she could get a better job overseas. Her arguments ignored the fact that I make 10 times more than her and would have ultimately been responsible for paying the bills and taking her on holidays. As this post eludes to, women think they are independent and will leave a guy in an instant if they feel inhibited. All men I know that are in stable relationships have sacrificed their lifestyles and to some extent careers for their women

As for having these sort of discussions with women, I do so when I am on a date I have no intention of seeing again. If she wants sex, she will still sleep with me and won't care what I say
:crackup: I find myself doing the same thing when I am on a date a woman that I know that I would not want to date seriously (because she is unattactive, has a bad attitude, smokes, etc.) I also do a little of this with women that I may want to be serious with as a bit of a test and to establish a philosophical framework.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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jophil28 said:
This is what I think - You should quit wasting your precious energy talking and debating with f**kwit women who have formed their belief system from reading Cosmo and watching OPrah for the past ten years.
So what you are basically saying is that I shouldn't talk to American women. Duh.

The sad thing is, this girl is actually a DECENT one, there just isn't any attraction between the two of us.

Seriously though....I only get into these kinds of discussions with her to bust her balls, just usually not this deep. This time I got a glimpse into what she really thinks, which is par for the course. Any time I have EVER had this kind of conve with a woman it gone pretty much the same direction.

I just found it interesting how warped women's perception is regarding this subject.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
A study showed that people who say all people are "fill in the blanks" typically are the VERY thing that they are accusing the other people to be.

Cite the study, I'd like to read it. Because, quite frankly it sounds like bullsh!t to me.



Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Luthor Rex said:
Cite the study, I'd like to read it. Because, quite frankly it sounds like bullsh!t to me.

There is no such "study" ( meaning research or clinical trial )
What the Pvssy Eater is getting at is that old saying that "what we condemn strongly in others is what we hate most about ourselves deep down."
This is one of those pop psych, New Age , Eastern mystic pieces of crapola which was making the rounds via email, self help books and "recovery " groups about ten years ago.
LIke every facet of human behavior , it is partly true, some of the time in some people - occasionally ..

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
the great beyond
jophil28 said:
There is no such "study" ( meaning research or clinical trial )
What the Pvssy Eater is getting at is that old saying that "what we condemn strongly in others is what we hate most about ourselves deep down."
This is one of those pop psych, New Age , Eastern mystic pieces of crapola which was making the rounds via email, self help books and "recovery " groups about ten years ago.
LIke every facet of human behavior , it is partly true, some of the time in some people - occasionally ..
Well I'll leave that kind of mushy-headed thinking for women and the AFC's out there.

Give me a break!



Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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I see that even if I'm not around for awhile I can still count on the peanut gallery to patrol my posts, twisting my words around to make me out to be a "woman hater" and such.

All I can say is that for being a woman hater, I know quite a few women who enjoy my company, and vice-versa.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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STR8UP said:
So what you are basically saying is that I shouldn't talk to American women. Duh.

The sad thing is, this girl is actually a DECENT one, there just isn't any attraction between the two of us.

Seriously though....I only get into these kinds of discussions with her to bust her balls, just usually not this deep. This time I got a glimpse into what she really thinks, which is par for the course. Any time I have EVER had this kind of conve with a woman it gone pretty much the same direction.

I just found it interesting how warped women's perception is regarding this subject.
You sound like one of the chicks from "Sex and the City". Honestly, you are wasting VALUABLE time debating points with these women that is not worth debating.

You are right and she is wrong. So, what's the point of debating them?


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2004
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Latinoman said:
You sound like one of the chicks from "Sex and the City". Honestly, you are wasting VALUABLE time debating points with these women that is not worth debating.

You are right and she is wrong. So, what's the point of debating them?
The point is that WOMEN SHOULD BE TOLD THEIR BELIEFS ARE UNREASONABLE AND DESTRUCTUVE. My 21 year old female cousin has no idea what truly functional families and relationships are like. She wants to do her own thing - her boyfriend is an AFC and she knows no better


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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seasonedplayer said:
The point is that WOMEN SHOULD BE TOLD THEIR BELIEFS ARE UNREASONABLE AND DESTRUCTUVE. My 21 year old female cousin has no idea what truly functional families and relationships are like. She wants to do her own thing - her boyfriend is an AFC and she knows no better
My experience has been that most men are WORST in their believes. You see men wasting their days hanging out with women. Men trying to befriend women hoping to get laid. Men buying flowers on the first date. Men wasting hours in the telephone. Men PRETENDING to be a certain type of man, instead of STRIVING to be that man.

I rather spend my time HELPING men to be their best (as I do in here)...than do one of those "Sex and the City" stunt with my female friends.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Latinoman said:
My experience has been that most men are WORST in their believes. You see men wasting their days hanging out with women. Men trying to befriend women hoping to get laid. Men buying flowers on the first date. Men wasting hours in the telephone. Men PRETENDING to be a certain type of man, instead of STRIVING to be that man.

I rather spend my time HELPING men to be their best (as I do in here)...than do one of those "Sex and the City" stunt with my female friends.
Golden post.

You can't blame all of women for the faults of a few men.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
joekerr31 said:
women love to argue. women spout sh*t off without even having a clue what they really mean.

a lot of women confuse the world 'independence' with 'selfish' - they think it means the same thing.

this is why women love the word independence, because they've actually come to believe that being 'selfish' is their DUTY to all of womanhood. its their duty to put their needs before their mans to make up for the generation of women who got 'dominated' by men. by being a selfish b*tch they are actually doing the most noble thing they can to right the wrongs of the past.

anyway, both women and men who get sucked into the current of mass thought and blindly mimic the sheep they see around them will get what they deserve - primarily a life build on quicksand.

Damn- that is so good JK.
Women do love that "independence" posturing stuff. Funny thing- but most chaicks still want a guy to 'provide and protect' deep down. It is just not popular any more to admit that.