(JJ) said:
i get jealous sometimes, like everyone else on the face of the earth. i'm just wondering, is it shooting yourself in the foot to confront a girl about things that bother you and make you feel jealous? does it come across as insecure or does it help? i'm in a relationship of 6 months. semi serious. (by that i mean she said she wants to go to college together and blah blah blah) just wondering. if you need more info, ask. im not trying to be ignorant here, but i know i'm inexperienced and some of yall can probably help
You need to not care. A relationship can end at anytime regardless of what other guy is around. The sooner you get it into your head that love and relationships are a total crap shoot in terms of how long they last, the better off you will be. Anytime she is talking to another guy, have a smile on your face. Now, if this guy is putting the moves on her or if she going out alone with this guy on some type of date, then step in and make your feelings known because that is a sign of disrespect. If you feel like she may have a small attraction to him, I wouldn't say anything.
Not to be arrogant, but I pick up attraction from attached girls all the time for some reason, some with boyfriends, some engaged, even some who are married! But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter because they have chosen who they want to be with. You shouldn't let it concern you.