It seems! He says that I should get married and follow his traditional life example... The only path to be happy. Interesting fact: he and my mother have weird and heavy discussions/fights every day... Im guessing if that is his meaning of happiness!
Also he feel so much pleasure demonizing me to people around... I heard so many stupid things. Some one those things were even some serious accusations... But you know, words don't prove much... If they want to believe, good to know who I should keep around or not.
When someone feel miserable, they have to make everyone feel miserable.
not that, you guys need to undertand, misery loves company, if people make a choice they will sell that as a good choice, or something you need to do, if you are against, or worse, call it as being stupid, you are now calling what he choose as stupid and by proxy thenselfs, hence why who are single defend the single life, and married defend the married life.
not many have any self awareness of telling you don't do such is a fool thing, I did once, and most of time they only do so after they failed, with could also just he being bitter for failing and not wanting to see someone he know succed
now for your own case, why are you still even talking with him? ignore and move on, find a better place a new job and disapear, most guys need to understand the most basic thing in your life, if people are not adding to your life, you leave, even if that mean it will create a disconfort or fear of change, sometimes you are so afraid to be better, look for better things you hold on what you have, even if that is a miserable thing
little story, translation problems can happen
a wiseman was traveling with his pupil, duing it he find a small pretty shaken shack, with one little old cow close to it, wanted to know if anyone did live that, so he goes and ask if anyone is there, then a pretty weak and slim guys shows up and start to talk with him, he tells him his life is pretty hard they only have that little cow to support him and his family (wife and 3 small kids), you could see and notice he was pretty poor, during that its was almost night and the slim guy offered then a hoof for teh night and shared a little of they had.
they spend the night, and in the morning before anyone else was awake the wise man and pupil leaves, to continue his travels, but before leaving teh wiase men told his pupil to take the cow over the hill and to her down there, the pupil of course refused, and it wsa also not a way to pay this family for letting then stay, the wiseman told him to not question him and do so, and in the end teh pupil do what was told him to do.
after some years, the wiseman and his pupil was back in the same lands, course the pupil was curious about what did happen to that family and asked his master to see then, they started to move there and things was a lot diferent the little shack was not there but now a huge house, the barren land around now was full of crops and even had several head of cattle too, the pupil feeling guilty, see this all he thought the family was moved or worse died, the wiseman again go there to talk with the owner, and to teh pupil surprise it was the small slim men from that shack, the men now a lot more healthy and stronger was surprise to the then again and then they asked what did happen for all this prosperity he is having now.
the men said, my friend after you leave I found out our little cow walk over the hill and fall to her dead, after that since we had no otherway to survive I had to work harder and learn how to deal with the land, after several hours of hard work and year I could build this all
The Idea of the story is telling you then sometimes, the little you have is holding you back, and the best you can do is letting it go and search for better things