Talking in Loud Clubs


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Not a ground-breaking tip here but some guys need some reminders on some fine-tuning mechanical issues.

I go clubbing a lot less than I ever used to but I love how I am able to observe an interaction between a guy and a girl and be able to tell from ACROSS THE ROOM what mistake he is probably making.


When you are talking in a club (or other loud venue) and you are talking into a girl's ear do not speak so loudly that YOU can hear YOURSELF. If you are doing this then you are yelling in her ear. At best this is making her uncomfortable. At worse you are coming off as drunk, unrefined or simply annoying. Plus, you'll lose your voice if you keep it up.



Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
nice tip dude. So whats the most common mistakes made?


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2002
Reaction score
so.. what are you suposed to do then?

Just not interact at all with anyone in a club?

I don't understand what you're trying to sugest here.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by pootwo
I don't understand what you're trying to sugest here.
When you are talking in a club (or other loud venue) and you are talking into a girl's ear do not speak so loudly that YOU can hear YOURSELF. If you are doing this then you are yelling in her ear.

That's easy to understand.

Peace & Metal


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
the Netherlands
I usually talk at the right volume myself in clubs, but I can almost never hear what the other person says. Quite annoying.
Got any tips for that as well? :p


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Hopefully by now pootwo understands that I was not recommending not to talk to people, just not to talk in their ear so loudly that you can hear yourself thereby yelling in their ear.

Originally posted by S0LID
So whats the most common mistakes made?
That would be the subject of a whole new post. If you mean to ask what mistakes can commonly be observed from interactions in a club, mostly body language things come to mind such as hen-pecking (leaning your head in to listen to the girl instead of closing physical distance with your entire body), eye-contact, listening & amplification, hand-movements, etc.

I know that's kind of vague but I wrote about this at some length and detail a couple years ago after my workshop with Juggler. The post is in archives now so if you go there and do a search on my name a post called "Juggler workshop and lay report" or something like that should come up.

I-am-someone, I don't know about that one. Maybe get closer to them. Or if the interaction is going well enough, you can use the whole "let's go somewhere we can talk" bit as a pretense for isolation to a place of relative quiet and/or privacy.


Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Repost from the past: Clubs vs. Pubs

I rarely go to dance clubs anymore.

Instead, I go to the "Pub/Lounge" type places for several reasons:

1) Most of these places don't have dance floors, although they do have ambient background music.
The women that go to these places are there to meet people (Translation: Get picked up) and not to dance.

2) As mentioned above, the background music is more for atmosphere at pubs/lounges and is not ear splitting loud. It makes it 1000% easier to talk to women and run your game.

When you're at a dance club and you're trying to talk to women, you have to lean in so close to hear/be heard that you can't hold eye contact during conversation or read body language or "broadcast" your own body language and you almost have to shout to communicate.

You say something, and then she says "what?" - you repeat yourself, this time louder and she still can't hear you.
Eventually she does, but by then you're the one saying "what?" to her reply, and on and on, back and forth.
Very frustrating and a waste of time.

The last time I went to a dance club, my voice was all but gone the next day from trying to talk above the too-loud music.

3) Dance clubs are often populated with groups of women who are just out for a night of dancing with the girls and nothing more. They enjoy the attention from all the AFC's buying them drinks just so they can dance with them.
Again, the Pub/Lounge going women are there strictly to meet people, not to dance.

4) Dance clubs usually have a cover charge of anywhere from around $10.00 to $40.00 as well as a long wait to get in.
If after you wait in line and drop a fair amount of coin to get in and don't like the scenery, too bad.
Besides, I've got better things to do with my Weekend night(s) out than to stand in line for an hour while watching all the people on the VIP list walk right in. That’s time I could be using to Mack multiple women.

5) If you're not a good dancer, you might not do all that well at dance clubs. The alternate is to take the time to learn to dance well.
The problem with that is that it's time - consuming and only helps your game in one environment.

That's time and effort you could be using to hone your DJ skills.
Skills that will help you PU in any environment, not just dance clubs.

In my opinion, the Pub/Lounge scene is a better bet than the Club scene when it comes to meeting and picking up women.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
I am learning to lean in close and get some kino. Possibly even let your faces touch for a bit.

At least if I F it up I gots my touch on;)


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Timisoara, Romania
i go pretty often to club`s because i am a good dancer (house music) and getting everytime chicks attention (many times i get approached by them after i get out of the cage :) )
well in clubs i agree with sexpdx u must speak lower and i don`t know for what reason it`s better ALLWAYS to speak with a chick in her left ear (we have a forum in Romania too and it`s very spoken this thing, there is psichological answer behind this) chicks allways are more carefull to what u say trust me this is field tested and believe me i don`t know why (maybe i am just crazy)

but for clubbing it`s better to make some attraction with the girl and then isolate her from her group to go FOR A REAL TALK or something like this, and take her somewhere where the music is not so loud, so u can give her all ur weapons (to watch your tonality, voice rhytm, bl , etc...) i like to take them outside the club, where we have some fluff talk (rapport) and then we go to drink a juice somewhere, and then i suddenly remember that i didn`t "feed the fishes" or any lie so we HAVE to go to my place. and then u know..
it`s important not to hurry, and must read her bl, if she is attracted to u or not.