Talking Dirty


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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Well if you read my thread the "UNSEXUAL GIRL" ive been dating this girl who is very inexperienced. She claims shes not innocent so ive been trying to open her up.

The last time I was with her she sat on my lap, and we made out as I carrassed her ass, and felt her up. She was wearing a g-string also.

Anyway Ive been trying to get her to be more sexual, she gets kinda uncomfortable and shy about it in person so, on AIM or TEXT msg's shes much more open.

Anyway the last time I left her we had a conversation and she told me she has private things about me on her mind, and im like " whattt common tell me" then shes like " oh no im to shy i cant.. maybe later"

so I try to get her to talk dirty and she says " i will give you a lap dance next time i see you " etc so im like uh... " then " lol and she says then we will see... so

then on AIM

when I told her I wanted for her to wear skin tight shorts, and then id rip them off, and eat her. She then said she was getting really horny and she said

" what am I to do about it!! "

" I know what you can do "

then she said " well i mayor may not do it befor I go to bed !!!!;-) "

so anyway should I stay away from talking dirty to this inexperienced girl or do you guys think its working?

My main question is, can talking dirty deteriorate the relationship in anyway?
I know it helps sexually obviously but can it make her think im disgusting, can it ruin the emotional aspect of our relationship or anything else? thx-

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
sounds like its working great. My advice would be to keep it up.

My main question is, can talking dirty deteriorate the relationship in anyway?
??I don't even know where to start with that question...erm, don't be ridiculus.

If you're worried that sexual things might ruin your relationship then I haven't got the time to help you.

I know it helps sexually obviously but can it make her think im disgusting, can it ruin the emotional aspect of our relationship or anything else?
- No, it won't make her think you're disgusting.

- I don't think it will negatively affect the emotional situation.

You're doing ok so far, however this post isn't a good sign.
You will have to get sexual eventually right?

if you're worrying that getting too sexual will damage your "friendship" with this girl then you should ask yourself if you even want a relationship.

The bottom line is this:
A normal relationship involves sex and you definately shouldn't feel uncomfortable about your sexual desires. Your attitude in this post mirrors that of the AFC "niceguy" who doesn't want to offend the women and generally walks around in egg shells. She wants sex, if you do too then go ahead. Its the natural progression of the relationship.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Juan and only
The bottom line is this:
A normal relationship involves sex and you definately shouldn't feel uncomfortable about your sexual desires. Your attitude in this post mirrors that of the AFC "niceguy" who doesn't want to offend the women and generally walks around in egg shells. She wants sex, if you do too then go ahead. Its the natural progression of the relationship.
Agree completely. I made this mistake with my GF at first - she's inexperienced and rather asexual. Well, she WAS, till I got over my fear of offending her sexually and ****slapped her one morning (it was a joke!). After that we were fine. She's much more open about it now, and I'm much happier than I was. You have to take the lead here and man up. Keep doing what you're doing and go boldly forward, son, d¡ck in hand. :p


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
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watch mysteries stuff on LMR last minute resistance
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah exactly watch (or read) Mystery's stuff on kino escalation and positive/negative enforcement--1 step forward, 2 steps back. Escalate things with her sexually and if she is uncomfortable, then ignore her and whatever--making her feel more uncomfortable, and wait for her to come on to you, etc.

Social D


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Def. keep the dirty talk sh!t goin.

Odds are, if this girl isn't experienced... she hasn't had to many guys be this way w. her... and is a volcano inside, loving this sexual excitement.

On top of that... it only strengthens who you are to her. Your the guy that is first taking her into this naughty hot sexual world of pleasure. She's probably known nobody else as this, so your the sole person in this roll. MONUMENTAL!

Icing on the cake... because you are now that person, who is this to her, guess who's going to get the rewards.........?!

Ya... exactly!

Even better is, that since she has no idea of whats what, as far as sexuality... you can open this girl, and mold her into whatever heights you want to open and help her explore. Odds are, she'll be the horniest lil piece of a$$ you could imagine, once you get it to those levels.

Its fantastic to rile the feathers of further kink on AIM, etc. Its a totally safe place, where your not there together, and she can unleash a little more of herself. A playground if you will... to test this new world out. Perfect.

Only thing I can think of to say in caution would be. Don't take her too far, too fast. That will make her lock up, and instead of seeing you as the guy, that she's so sexually attracted to, and exploring all this with. Her frame could quickly change to your a perveted a$$hole trying to exploit her (take her too far).

Getting her horny and then pulling away, so she initiates again... will create just the right illusion for her.

So just groove it............ 2 steps forward, 1 step back!



Don Juan
Dec 17, 2005
Reaction score
Again a link to mystery's talk on the lmr would be cool. :) *beams*