Macgyver said:
from the adventure that this 27 year old guy did, the whole relationship sounded like one of pure on the surface and sex buddy kinda thing. I can't relate to you as I see relationships in a different light but I congratulate you. It's very slim if the girl is an airhead and you're thinking with the smaller head in the first place.
It began as something very superficial, very physical. Then it stopped. Then a few months later it picked up again and went quite a ways beyond the superficial, turning into an actual romance/relationship rather than a fling, at which point, naturally, it stopped after a few months (check out Rollo's behaviorism response earlier on in the post).
She most certainly was not an airhead. Just a really sharp, fun, mixed up, hot-@55 18 year old with no idea where she was heading in life. My error was in allowing things to progress as far as they did, rather than slowing things down a litte, distancing myself more, stretching things out and creating more tension. Regardless of how excited she seemed about things getting serious, she wasn't ready for it.
We hooked up the second time because a) I'd showed her a hell of a good time the first time; and b) because I'd exercised the necessary discipline in my interactions with her after we split the first time.
We split the second time because a) I was showing her a hell of a good time a bit too often; and b) because i was not longer exercising the necessary discipline to maintain a position of strength in the relationship. She knew she almost had me, and I was no longer at a point where I was willing to walk away in a second.
Losing that mentality, I surrendered all. "Love" is interesting, and dangerous (and under the right circumstances without doubt amazing and fulfilling). I certainly don't understand it, but I think it without doubt has the power to make you slack, make you lose focus, and bring out the AFC that still lurks in the depths of your mind. UNLESS you've truly internalized the right mindset, which is where I need the most work. My dj mindset is powerful superficially, but crumbles at greater depths.