Well, I thought that since the forum is doing so well I’d try and give little something back. I don’t know how you guy will like this, but here it is.
Risks are one of those things that often make the bravest man braver and the most cowardly man even more cowardly. They are what make life interesting. You take risks without even knowing it. I was thinking about this the other day. Why are people so scared to take risks? I mean, we take risks all the time. Almost everything we do in the course of a day is risky business. Hopping in your car to drive to school is a risk. You could get in a car accident and become paralyzed for the rest of your life. But you take it anyway. You know why? Well, you figure that the risk is worth taking because of the result. You get where you need to go.
If people didn’t take risks they would be sitting on their asses all day doing absolutely nothing. Life would be boring. Nobody wants a boring life, do they? No, of course not. Why is it that some guys have such a hard time approaching girls? While for others it’s easier than breathing? This is a question that boggles the minds of many.
I believe that I have the answer. First of all is that they have a lack of self-esteem. They don’t believe in themselves. You can only achieve what you believe you can achieve. If you don’t think you can do it, most likely you won’t. And more importantly why try? You might as well not even try because you have already lost.
Failure is all in the mind. They lose before they even begin. It’s because they never had confidence in what they were trying to do. If they‘d believed that they could do it then the failure ratio would have decreased drastically. When you believe you can do something you have tons more confidence.
“I have not failed, I’ve only found 265 ways that don't work.” Even if they still fail after they believed they could do it, they are not going to take it and just cry about it. They’re going to take that failure and learn from it, build upon it, make themselves a better person because of it, and ultimately come off as the victor. A true winner is one who takes defeat and makes himself a better person because of it.
"One of the most important things in life is showing up." A true winner is the guy who always shows up ready to give it his all no matter what the result dishes out to him. He is the guy who tries with all his might to become the best. The guy everyone looks up to. He is the guy who never stops reaching for the sky even after he’s touched it. He’s always improving himself. He never gives up. He is what a true man should be. What all men should strive to be.
"Courage is being scared to death--and saddling up anyway.” Why do people get so scared over the most trivial thing as talking to a girl? It’s not like you haven’t talked to someone before. Humans are social creatures. We socialize with people all the time. It’s what we do. It’s in our blood. Why is it we can jump off a 20-foot bridge into a freezing cold river, but still not have the balls to talk to that one girl? I just don’t get it. It’s like the great Jerry Seinfeld said, “I will never understand how women take boiling hot wax, put it on their thighs, rip the hair out by the root and still be afraid of a spider.” They are so afraid of the spider, which would basically do not harm to them whatsoever. Yet dumping boiling hot wax on their thigh doesn’t affect them.
In conclusion taking risks is one of those things you’re going to have to do. If you want to succeed in life it is extremely crucial. Don’t let any of these trivial fears stand in your way. Be the winner, the guy who never quits giving it his all and most importantly be the man you want to be. The guy who gets what he wants out of life.
"The greatest risk in life, is the one not taken"
Risks are one of those things that often make the bravest man braver and the most cowardly man even more cowardly. They are what make life interesting. You take risks without even knowing it. I was thinking about this the other day. Why are people so scared to take risks? I mean, we take risks all the time. Almost everything we do in the course of a day is risky business. Hopping in your car to drive to school is a risk. You could get in a car accident and become paralyzed for the rest of your life. But you take it anyway. You know why? Well, you figure that the risk is worth taking because of the result. You get where you need to go.
If people didn’t take risks they would be sitting on their asses all day doing absolutely nothing. Life would be boring. Nobody wants a boring life, do they? No, of course not. Why is it that some guys have such a hard time approaching girls? While for others it’s easier than breathing? This is a question that boggles the minds of many.
I believe that I have the answer. First of all is that they have a lack of self-esteem. They don’t believe in themselves. You can only achieve what you believe you can achieve. If you don’t think you can do it, most likely you won’t. And more importantly why try? You might as well not even try because you have already lost.
Failure is all in the mind. They lose before they even begin. It’s because they never had confidence in what they were trying to do. If they‘d believed that they could do it then the failure ratio would have decreased drastically. When you believe you can do something you have tons more confidence.
“I have not failed, I’ve only found 265 ways that don't work.” Even if they still fail after they believed they could do it, they are not going to take it and just cry about it. They’re going to take that failure and learn from it, build upon it, make themselves a better person because of it, and ultimately come off as the victor. A true winner is one who takes defeat and makes himself a better person because of it.
"One of the most important things in life is showing up." A true winner is the guy who always shows up ready to give it his all no matter what the result dishes out to him. He is the guy who tries with all his might to become the best. The guy everyone looks up to. He is the guy who never stops reaching for the sky even after he’s touched it. He’s always improving himself. He never gives up. He is what a true man should be. What all men should strive to be.
"Courage is being scared to death--and saddling up anyway.” Why do people get so scared over the most trivial thing as talking to a girl? It’s not like you haven’t talked to someone before. Humans are social creatures. We socialize with people all the time. It’s what we do. It’s in our blood. Why is it we can jump off a 20-foot bridge into a freezing cold river, but still not have the balls to talk to that one girl? I just don’t get it. It’s like the great Jerry Seinfeld said, “I will never understand how women take boiling hot wax, put it on their thighs, rip the hair out by the root and still be afraid of a spider.” They are so afraid of the spider, which would basically do not harm to them whatsoever. Yet dumping boiling hot wax on their thigh doesn’t affect them.
In conclusion taking risks is one of those things you’re going to have to do. If you want to succeed in life it is extremely crucial. Don’t let any of these trivial fears stand in your way. Be the winner, the guy who never quits giving it his all and most importantly be the man you want to be. The guy who gets what he wants out of life.
"The greatest risk in life, is the one not taken"