Taking her away from AFC boyfriend?


Don Juan
May 22, 2003
Reaction score
christz; I hear yah, I know this girl's previous boyfriend and he is also a TOTAL AFC, I heard he had told her "...I want you back..." apparently begging her over the phone sending her flowers all that nauseating sh!t that you can imagine.

And the one thing that EVERYBODY who really knows me could tell you is that I can't be controlled, my mother, my best buddies, my exes they all know it! One time, as I was escorting this chic to my car, as we walked past another girl (#2) I was DJing, I said to her "I'm going to ... on the 29th so mark it down on your calender and I'll call you soon!" I do this all the time, most of the chics HATE it but, too bad! So you're probably right, they know I can't be controlled so it's safer to not burn their bridges even if the guy is AFC.

Which leads me back to the original post, the AFC guys (or at least some of their traits) still win out sometimes, and unless I AFCify myself any type of LTR with this type of girl is unlikely if not impossible-am I right?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
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In your head
Crotchrocket, your posts suggest you are getting fixated on this problem girl. You need to move away from this self destructive mentality NOW

You asked how you could let her go WITHOUT been rude. As I suggested LJBF is the way to go.

You are DUMPING her but communicating it indirectly to her.

"...now that we're just friends, I'd like to meet... sometime" Would that be a good way to demonstrate I really don't give sh!t?
WRONG! You do not mention williness to see her or make any appointment to see her again. Because:

A) you ARE dumping her.
B) you keep control by not directly showing want.

Continue life, date other girls, and do not wait around.

Side effect of this, she is MORE likely to initiate next contact

Again why would you want a girl who dates other guys when attached. Do you need this drama if she does endup with you. Damn Hoe, she's got your mind on her like stink on sh1t.

I AFCify myself any type of LTR with this type of girl is unlikely if not impossible-am I right?
WRONG. The problem here is that you are going after an ATTACHED girl. This complicates the whole dynamic. If she had been single and you had your basic game, then the AFC would not be an issue. You need real game to steal a girl.



Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by crotchrocket

Which leads me back to the original post, the AFC guys (or at least some of their traits) still win out sometimes, and unless I AFCify myself any type of LTR with this type of girl is unlikely if not impossible-am I right?
like kaine said, you need some solid game, i mean to steal or to try and gain the upperhand on a girl that is attached EVEN if she's a girl you've had before (fu*ked her)

sometimes your game has to break through the wall, girls that are attached but are looking for another guy are emotionally detached from whatever they do, because they probably just see it as they're testing the waters.

This girl say you do start to get her to come to you, its gonna be game after game after game. and you have to disassociate yourself from becoming AFC and catching oneitis.

girls that are attached but want out will tend to play games because they want to keep the guy they're with happy but at the same time keep you strung along just enough to keep the game going.

breaking through this is the hard part but yeah expect a lot of long breaks in between you guys talking. If she picks up the phone or calls back anytime you leave a messege or whatever that's a good sign.

a lot of phone tag, will happen
a lot of flakeyness will happen
a lot of BS excuses why you can't come over will happen

but over time (breaking up LTR's is a long term project) she will lower her defenses gradually

so its really about is the juice really worth the squeeze.. and most guys here will say NO, but maybe she is.. I DUNNO just know this type of shyt takes a long time to happen