Señor Fingers
Master Don Juan
After all the analyzation of Social Distortion, the Feminization of Man and the perceived power struggle of the sexes, I finally realized something...
Many of us are giving our power away to external influences and are left with none for ourselves.
Our favorite scapegoat of all time. This is the classic bleeding heart logic at work...
"Oh its not HIS fault he murdered a small village..he was a troubled youth and is clinically insane..SOCIETY made him this way"
Or in most of the cases here.....
"Its not my fault I am intimidated by women. I was raised AFC! Society is fuct up!"
Well, its no secret we havent achieved utopia yet. But you will get no closer to your goals by playing the Blame Game. Its one thing to understand the root of your dysfunction and another to accept responsibilty for it.
A brief tale to illustrate my point...
I used to run into this beggar on the subway all the time. I felt really bad for him because he was about my age and only had one leg. Whenever I saw him, I would give him whatever loose change I had. This made me feel good, knowing that I had helped someone who was relatively helpless. For months it was like this until one day everything changed.
I was walking down Houston street (one of the busiest intersections of NYC) and saw this crazy messenger weaving in and out of traffic on his bike and pulling some kamikazee manuevers. As a cyclist, I could appreciate his skill and walked to the corner to get a better view of this daredevil.
Well, much to my surprise, this guy was alot older than I though. His grey beard indicated a man of middle age. Upon closer inspection I couldnt believe what I saw. Yup, homeboy had ONE LEG! I had trremendous respect for this man and will never forget him. You can guess what happened next time I saw that bum on the subway. I didnt give him a dime because I realized he wasnt as helpless as I had thought.
One man used his disability as an excuse to fail, another used it as a challenge to succeed. The difference is astronomical!
Nationalities and Generalizations
"Asian Chicks are the best!" "White Chicks are whóres!" "English girls are cold!" "Stay away from black girls!!"
Yet again, more excuses.
"Its not really me, it is HER...damn these green-eyed/redheaded/etc girls!!"
It is much easier to blame our failures on a womans nationality, race or appearance than to face the fact that we might be doing something wrong.
Playing the victim will get you no closer to victory!
Brainwashing and the Media
"Feminists have taken over TV and film! Men are being portrayed more and more weak and submissive! We are trapped in the Matrix! Oh Noooo!"
What a load of BS! If you dont like what you see, then do what I did and turn off your TV and stop whining. Personally I cant stand television precisely because it is a parasite of my personal power. Why spend time sitting in a pool of drool, thinking the exact same thoughts as everyone else, when I could be writing a song or going for a run? (Hell, I find that I enjoy chatting with you guys more than watching these sh!tcoms anyday!)
The media is not doing a damn thing to you. It is YOU who are allowing yourself to be influenced! Take responsibility for how you spend your time and if you find yourself doing something that you feels is weakening you on a subconscious level, then stop it! (duh!)
Women and Seduction
"Women have all the power! They use their sexuality as leverage in a nefarious power struggle against men!"
Wrong wrong wrong. People only have as much power over you as you give them. Of course there are women who use their beauty to manipulate, but what does this have to do with YOU?
Seduction is not a war against women. It really is more of a dance than a competition. If there is any struggle involved, it is a battle for empowerment within YOURSELF. Treating women like the enemy whose defenses you must destroy will not get you very far!
Instead of thinking of this as a battle for power and dominance, think of it as an opportunity to display your great personality and confidence in order to genuinely connect with another human being. Often times the straightforward approach is best.
Having said that, personally I have not had much luck just walking up to girls and simply asking them out. (Unless there are some serious
signals, EC ,etc) Usually, I give them a reason (aside from my good looks) to WANT to go out with me.
This means being comfortable in my own skin, making entertaining conversation and after displaying that I am a fun and interesting person, I go precisely after what I want, (be it the digits or an InstaDate)
At the end of the day this is a GIRL we are talking about here, not a trained soldier you must defeat!
Instead of giving women all the power, your attitude should be "Yeah you are cute, but else you got going for ya?" In fact the whole purpose of you asking her out is to screen her to see if she is worthy of YOU. Not the other way around.
So often we fukk up by becoming starstruck and impressed by the fact that a girl was born with good genes. Once again we give our power away, this time to the random couplings of chromosomes!
Stop making excuses for yourself. Life is not fair and we all have to play our best with the hand we are dealt. No sense in crying over a lousy hand when you can simply make the most of it. You have much more power than you probably give yourself credit for!
So whats it gonna be?
Are you the man who overcomes the obstacles and makes sh!t happen?
Or are you the chump who underestimates himself and makes excuses?
The most empowering fact of all is that the choice is yours, my friend.
Carpe diem.
Many of us are giving our power away to external influences and are left with none for ourselves.
Our favorite scapegoat of all time. This is the classic bleeding heart logic at work...
"Oh its not HIS fault he murdered a small village..he was a troubled youth and is clinically insane..SOCIETY made him this way"
Or in most of the cases here.....
"Its not my fault I am intimidated by women. I was raised AFC! Society is fuct up!"
Well, its no secret we havent achieved utopia yet. But you will get no closer to your goals by playing the Blame Game. Its one thing to understand the root of your dysfunction and another to accept responsibilty for it.
A brief tale to illustrate my point...
I used to run into this beggar on the subway all the time. I felt really bad for him because he was about my age and only had one leg. Whenever I saw him, I would give him whatever loose change I had. This made me feel good, knowing that I had helped someone who was relatively helpless. For months it was like this until one day everything changed.
I was walking down Houston street (one of the busiest intersections of NYC) and saw this crazy messenger weaving in and out of traffic on his bike and pulling some kamikazee manuevers. As a cyclist, I could appreciate his skill and walked to the corner to get a better view of this daredevil.
Well, much to my surprise, this guy was alot older than I though. His grey beard indicated a man of middle age. Upon closer inspection I couldnt believe what I saw. Yup, homeboy had ONE LEG! I had trremendous respect for this man and will never forget him. You can guess what happened next time I saw that bum on the subway. I didnt give him a dime because I realized he wasnt as helpless as I had thought.
One man used his disability as an excuse to fail, another used it as a challenge to succeed. The difference is astronomical!
Nationalities and Generalizations
"Asian Chicks are the best!" "White Chicks are whóres!" "English girls are cold!" "Stay away from black girls!!"
Yet again, more excuses.
"Its not really me, it is HER...damn these green-eyed/redheaded/etc girls!!"
It is much easier to blame our failures on a womans nationality, race or appearance than to face the fact that we might be doing something wrong.
Playing the victim will get you no closer to victory!
Brainwashing and the Media
"Feminists have taken over TV and film! Men are being portrayed more and more weak and submissive! We are trapped in the Matrix! Oh Noooo!"
What a load of BS! If you dont like what you see, then do what I did and turn off your TV and stop whining. Personally I cant stand television precisely because it is a parasite of my personal power. Why spend time sitting in a pool of drool, thinking the exact same thoughts as everyone else, when I could be writing a song or going for a run? (Hell, I find that I enjoy chatting with you guys more than watching these sh!tcoms anyday!)
The media is not doing a damn thing to you. It is YOU who are allowing yourself to be influenced! Take responsibility for how you spend your time and if you find yourself doing something that you feels is weakening you on a subconscious level, then stop it! (duh!)
Women and Seduction
"Women have all the power! They use their sexuality as leverage in a nefarious power struggle against men!"
Wrong wrong wrong. People only have as much power over you as you give them. Of course there are women who use their beauty to manipulate, but what does this have to do with YOU?
Seduction is not a war against women. It really is more of a dance than a competition. If there is any struggle involved, it is a battle for empowerment within YOURSELF. Treating women like the enemy whose defenses you must destroy will not get you very far!
Instead of thinking of this as a battle for power and dominance, think of it as an opportunity to display your great personality and confidence in order to genuinely connect with another human being. Often times the straightforward approach is best.
Having said that, personally I have not had much luck just walking up to girls and simply asking them out. (Unless there are some serious
signals, EC ,etc) Usually, I give them a reason (aside from my good looks) to WANT to go out with me.
This means being comfortable in my own skin, making entertaining conversation and after displaying that I am a fun and interesting person, I go precisely after what I want, (be it the digits or an InstaDate)
At the end of the day this is a GIRL we are talking about here, not a trained soldier you must defeat!
Instead of giving women all the power, your attitude should be "Yeah you are cute, but else you got going for ya?" In fact the whole purpose of you asking her out is to screen her to see if she is worthy of YOU. Not the other way around.
So often we fukk up by becoming starstruck and impressed by the fact that a girl was born with good genes. Once again we give our power away, this time to the random couplings of chromosomes!
Stop making excuses for yourself. Life is not fair and we all have to play our best with the hand we are dealt. No sense in crying over a lousy hand when you can simply make the most of it. You have much more power than you probably give yourself credit for!
So whats it gonna be?
Are you the man who overcomes the obstacles and makes sh!t happen?
Or are you the chump who underestimates himself and makes excuses?
The most empowering fact of all is that the choice is yours, my friend.
Carpe diem.