Tailor Your Game To Your SMV (Or Else)


Mar 19, 2019
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There are striking parallels between the dating market and any other market in general.

In the housing market for example, you must carefully assess your financial value (credit score, savings, earnings current and future, other assets) before you decide on a home purchase. Aim too low, and you will waste time and money relisting, re-selling and rebuying in order to move in to either a better quality home and/or neighborhood (with better schools, amenities, convenience etc). Aim too high and you risk, again time and money relisting reselling and rebuying a more suitable purchase. Not to mention you risk foreclosure or even bankruptcy if you are especially stubborn and/or unlucky.

The dating market is not much different. Aim too low and you will be dissatisfied and eager to move up. This will be messy emotionally as the girl you've chosen will be hurt, you will feel guilty and it may harm your reputation as someone who can't be trusted. Aim too high and you will face endless frustration and rejection. I know several guys in this situation IRL and many on this board. These guys waste precious years, even decades trying to obtain that elusive super high SMV girl. Even if they can latch on, again, the woman will be dissatisfied and very likely to cheat or leave. Or to cheat AND leave. Not to mention you will be treated poorly and perhaps drained of all of your hard earned money in the process.

There are three potential solutions.

1. increase your SMV. This prescription sometimes takes the form of "boosting your confidence"(pua's) or "looksmaxing"(redpill) or worse, simply giving up and focusing on other things (mgtow). I won't say much here, except to say that increasing SMV is not really possible. What IS possible is that you can MAX OUT your inherent SMV. Your actual SMV can never change, but you can REACH your true SMV which most never do.

2. change or explore other locations. The most extreme examples involve men traveling overseas to find a wife. Whether it's the ukraine, thailand, or central or south america. However, most men can easily accomplish the same by either moving within the US (or their home country) or simply by visiting destinations on the weekend within driving distance. There is almost certainly a destination within an hour of where you live which is far superior for dating. And if you extend that out to two hours, the odds are near 100%.

3. focus on areas of high supply of women. Yeah, be that guy. That guy who goes to the yoga studio full of nothing but hot 20 something women. And you. Or to salsa night. Yeah, three times a week because you're guaranteed hours of dancing each night. Yet, most guys will lazily swipe on tinder and bumble and get nothing. There are even better spots but it would require a reality check most guys are not willing to pursue.

Ultimately however, there WILL be a time of reckoning. You will have to make a sober assessment of your true SMV. The more accurate your assessment, the higher your probability of a) being happy and b) KEEPING your money and not wasting your valuable time. Even if you choose to delude yourself, the market will push you back towards your true SMV.

For example, if you aim too low, you'll inevitably spend some time out exploring nightlife and could very well find your options are far greater than you might have initially assumed. Or, you will 'get lucky' somehow and stumble over your own penis into a relationship with a hot girl. But more likely these days, guys are brainwashed into believing that 'looks don't matter' or some other bull**** and they blow years chasing hot chicks and getting nothing.

The dating market is completely crazy right now. You've got hordes of average and below average girls chasing the highest SMV guys. And you've got an equally large horde of average and below average SMV guys blowing up hot girls on social media inflating their value to ludicrous new heights never before possible because of the internet.

The only solution is to completely ignore social media, date IRL but with a very clear eye towards your true SMV. GL


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
Reaction score
The only time a man should ignore social media/OLD is when it stops being a profitable stream of p ussy. If it works, keep it, if not let it go.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
The only time a man should ignore social media/OLD is when it stops being a profitable stream of p ussy. If it works, keep it, if not let it go.
I sort of agree but imho (for what its worth), i suggest a 10:1 ratio of cold approach to old. OLD is cuck. Its a means to an ends but mostly low hanging fruit, attention *****s, single moms, and bpd.

I am not saying don't do it. I am saying, spread it out.