Swinging to "OPPOSITE EXTREMES"...is missing the point.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Aramas had this thread:

There's a troubling thread of narcissism running through this board. It's all very well to try to deprogram oneself from being a loser and aspire to a better life, but some people seem to advocate throwing the baby out with the bath water.

I see a WORSE character trait on this forum. You guys think that becoming an idiot will make you attractive to women.


At least not to any worthwhile women.

One of the points of this is that men have become emasculated. So it will help you to become:
decisive, strong, masculine, powerful, attractive, muscular,

instead of: easily controlled, indecisive,

So the point is not to become the jerkkk!

The point is to attract "together people" by being a strong but not a cliche

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
What are some of the examples you have seen? Given some of the things written in the High School forum could be taken with a grain of salt, but you said that guys are becoming idiots. I'm not disputing that it could be true, although it would help moreso if you could give us examples of what not to do.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score

read aramas post.

This is not a place to become a jerk. That is the polar opposite.

You want to become masculine without the loss of your personal identity and treating people well.


Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Nottingham, England.
I agree.

There is a serious thread of misanthropy and especially misogynisty running through the board lately.

The problem is, that so many of the protaginists here are still such ego-maniacs they are convinced that they have suffered an injustice - hence their anger.

The anger of the AFC should disappear when you find out that it's YOU that are the problem. And once you admit that you have a problem - you can go about solving it!



Don Juan
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah - I agree with Vicki and Lionheart.

A lot of people blame their percieved lack of success with women on the women themselves. The women didn't do anything to them - they did it to themselves.

Some of the guys here talk about 'not knocking women off the pedestal, but putting yourself up there with them', and that seems a reasonable approach. Others have a mean, petty streak of vengeance in their character, which will get them nowhere fast.

The problems that most people here have experienced are extraordinarily simple ones, and they're based entirely on misperceptions.

So society has cut your nuts off and turned you into a pvssy - boo fvcking hoo. Get over it and learn how to be a man. It's not that hard - in fact it's exactly what we would do if we hadn't learned anything. Being a man doesn't mean being a jerk - the jerks don't get the girls - the real men do. The pussies are just envious of the real men so they lump them in with the jerks to assuage their poor delicate little egos.

So you're nervous when you talk to a chick for the first time - big deal, if she's at all interested she's nervous too. People get a little nervous when they're out of their comfort zone, and meeting new people does that. The more we're attracted to them the more nervous it makes us - it's natural. The trick is to acknowledge our fear and not let it control us - pretending it isn't there will just repress it until it builds up and comes back to bite us on the arse.

So somethimes you talk to a chick and she blows you off - wake up - she's not interested (which you should have spotted anyway) and move on. She's not 'missing an opportunity' or 'undeserving of your attention' - she's just not interested. Why try to punish her for something that's unconscious anyway? There are other chicks out there and unless you look like Quasimodo's arse then some will be attracted. Learn to tell the difference.

So you had a relationship that ended badly and it's all her fault, the b!tch! right? Wrong, you're just being a moron. It takes two to make or break a relationship, and the blame game is just ego indulgence. Relationships run their course, and when they do it's time to move on - preferably having learned from the experience so that we're better prepared for the next one.

Anyone that tries to put other people down in order to feel better about themselves is missing the point entirely. And yes guys - women are people too. If they were as shallow and mindless as some posters here suggest then we wouldn't waste our time on this board - which is all about getting chicks.

Deluding yourself will fvck you up. The truth will set you free.