Swallowing my pride and asking for HELP!

Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
I wanted to firstly say take 5 min out of your time and be bothered to read this. Because this was really hard for me to write and I know a lot of people see a long post and think they CBF reading it.

OK HERE GOES….. I HELP allot of my boys out with Girls im good at it I guess you could say im Motivational a leader as such!........... But when it comes to helping myself im hopeless :confused:. Its been like this for years I go out every weekend and the only way I talk to girls is if I drink and on the rare occasion that I actually hookup with a girl I give her my number and she calls me it will always end the same way ill never try to pursue it I just CBF and I don’t know WHY??? ............ Its like I want to do something so ****ing bad my body and my mind tells me to go for her and then when it comes down to it I DONT DO IT!. I don’t know if its a Subconscious fear of failure or whatever all I know is I need some help or something because I cant continue lying to all my friend and lying to MY SELF.......and no im not depressed imp not fat imp not a nerd.......Imp just I don’t even know what I am but yeh. I was thinking I need someone to motivate me but none I know can!!. THIS ISNT REALY A QUESTION BUT I don’t know Im just so confused :confused: .........I just don’t want to wakeup when im 40 and realize I wasted my life ...... so yeh im FINALY ASKING FOR HELP??? Hopefully somebody is listening…...???

P.S And its not just girls its everything in my life i cant put anything toagther im 19 ive had 20 jobs no career. I sit on the net till 4AM and sleep till 2PM and yeh......don’t say read the DJ BIBLE because I already have


Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
i'll see if i can help ya out here bro

get on a plane and fly here so i can slap ya !!
after that, i'll tell ya to quit wasting so much time on the net and get your lazy butt working somewhere.

you need to build up some confidence in yourself and being lazy is not going to help you.
once you get some confidence, then things will look better.
join the military, they will force you to get confidence


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
I am having some sort of the same problem some times. I am just not sure if I could get rejected. This sucks. try doing the following thing:
work up in little steps.
for example, while talking to her, pass your hand through her hair pretending there is something in there. --> look how she reacts! look deep in her eyes all the time. this raises rapport enormously. then e.g. get your hand on the knee and look how she reacts. just do it! don't ****ing care. if you're confident on doing it, and don't pull back quickly, she will think of it more and more "this guys touches me like its very natural, I guess this is really natural." and she will like it.

when ur still not sure I propose this. approach any girl you like on the street/club/bar.

then think ok I don't ****ing care if she rejects me I am never gonna see this bi tch again so what the HECK do I care? I live for my own and am having fun just for myself.

doing this to a person your friends don't know will make it a lot easier for you, because you won't have to think of all the bad consequences a rejection could have considering that you friends would know it. (even if they knew, what do you care? they will forget it pretty fast and you will be having 10 other girls from then)
Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
Man its not that im not confident i just cant be ****ed. I know what your thinking but im not one of those guys with no life and when i do talk to a girl i charm her pants off. But im just lazy and its easy to say get of ur ass but I DOTN KNOW WHY ITS SO HARD TO DO i know its probably imprinted into my genes my dads exactly the same AND IF I CAN HELP IT im not going to end up like him. Like theres so much i can do i just cant be ****ed its hard to explain but yeh. I have realised though that i try to impress peopel in my life and by doing that my whole life is a lie. IM GOING TO TRY CHANGE TRY TO MOTIVATE MYSELF not sit at the computer find a job, move out of home i got a great offer to move in with this girl and **** but yeh its easier said than done ............any advice frome someone that has gone through this i cant be the only one.
Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
can someone link me to bootcamp i never thought of that
Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
HaHaHA look at that **** man "can someone link me to bootcamp?" thats what i mean I WANT TO DO SOMETHIGN but im to ****ing lazy i didnt even realize when i said it till now....il find boot camp my self lol