Suspecting One Of My Chicks Is Lying To Me


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, so this one chick I'm on in particular has been acting funny recently. She has shown a history of being all over me and won't leave me alone for long. She even told me she loved me. But recently, she has been somewhat acting funny. She's still calls me and tries to contact me, but not as much as before.

We've discussed talking to other people before and I said it was ok, just leMme know. She told me I'm the only person she's with right now. I'm like "sure" and she gets angry. She constantly tells me this, but I also know the she keeps contact with her ex.

Now with this recent activity, I'm
split in what to do. Call her out on how she's been acting, risking that nothing is going on? Fvck with one of her friends? Play it cool till I get hard evidence? Ignore her for an extended period of time and see what happens? What?

I would explain this better but I don't have a lot of time right
now. I'll be back, no Terminator.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
Just keep doing what you've been doing. Change due to reaction is bad and an indicator that you aren't as much of your confident self as she thought you were. If you didn't tell her you loved her when she told you, then that is why she is acting funny. She'll sense if you say it and don't mean it though. You can only be cool and hard to get for so long until you are actually too hard to get and a girl loses interest and moves on.

Regarding her lying... Girls lie. Everyone lies. The trick is figuring out if that lying really matters or not. Sometimes it's a big deal, other times... who gives a crap.

Also most girls I've known don't like the word "sure." They interpret it as "no" or "not sure" or "I don't really want to" etc.


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I mean, so what if she is seeing another guy and lying about it? Because the thing is....I got this particular chick by taking her away from someone else. And though I act like it's nothing, it really does piss me off a bit that she keeps contact with her ex. It gives me motivation to never choose her as a main chick and never be faithful to her, even IF the contact is as minimal as she claims.