Surreal's boot camp


Don Juan
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
For the past couple of weeks I kept talking myself out of doing the boot camp but it is now time I embark on my journey to DJ-hood.
I figured that posting about it here will make me more accountable.
I'm pretty good with girls but I can't really do pure cold approaches and I'm hoping this boot camp will bust me out of the comfort zone so far that I can approach any girl anywhere anytime.
I've had way too many "what if"s in my life and I feel that I'd rather be rejected 100 times than have one more of them.
About me: I'm 20, preppy, a little over 5'9, caucasian, 165 lbs and lately I've been hitting the weights every other day and biking on alternate days so I'm pretty fit and definitely above average in looks (I know for a fact that chicks dig them).

I've been doing the eye contact thing for months now and it's become second nature to me, so the first step is to get 50 hi... how bad can that be ?
Well guys, I look forward to getting some feedback on my bootcamp, especially from people who have gone (or are going) through it.
Without further ado, I'm off to the real world.

Peace DJs.


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Surreal
So the first step is to get 50 hi... how bad can that be ?
Can't be bad... can't be bad at all!
There are more efficient things you can do when approaching girls... yeah sure getting 50 hi's and 46 smiles would be great and you'd lose the awkwardness. However in my opinon for the same effort you are better off getting 20 numbers and like 10 BJ's :p


Don Juan
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Week 1, Day 1 - 6 Hi's

So this is a little bit tougher than I expected. I guess it feels pretty awkward to say hi to someone who doesn't even hold eye contact...
First 2 was a 2-set (1F/1M), but then the rest of them were chicks I would actually go for... from now on I'll try to also have a convo with them.
Just saying hi and then letting them slip away seems like a waste to me :D

Marko: I'll get in touch with you...


Don Juan
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Did a presentation in front of about 40 people today, does that count as 40 Hi's ?
Anyways... the bootcamp is going okay, but it's slow... so ****ing slow... in fact, I just realized something: sure I could spend weeks to become more outgoing with baby steps but as far as I know "drive-by Hi's" won't get me more ***** and I'm an impatient guy :D
So I just decided I'd design my own bootcamp. Instead of taking baby steps towards success I'll dive in head first and if I don't drown I'll be joining the DJ ranks very soon.
So now my new first week goal will be to do 10 throwaway approaches (I'll probably end up doing more once I get into it :)). I'm planning to use Krassus' "can I ask you something: are you single?" line.
Keep in mind that although I'm pretty good looking I don't think I look very extroverted, and my voice/tone make me sound pretty introverted/shy (I'm working on this too), so if I can do ballsy throwaway approaches, anyone can...
My new week 1 is starting tomorrow. Comments on my new bootcamp/progress are very welcome. Also if you guys wanna throw in some good throwaway lines, please do.
Week 2 will probably include real approaches and # closing no matter what.

Wish me luck guys. I'm pretty excited about this and hopefully will inspire others to follow my bootcamp.


Don Juan
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Just discussed my new bootcamp with Krassus and as it turns out, what I described above are real approaches and not throwaways :D
So, my new new week 1 will be 10 real approaches with the "are you single" line...