Surprising a Girl with flowers***ADVICE****


Senior Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
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Never buy flowers, candy, whatever. Never. You need to learn better.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
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Originally posted by MikeS
never roses.
I disagree. You can buy a rose for valentines.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by asaner85
One last thing. What about her calling me everyday.

Should I diss her often, like not answer? I dont want to seem like a loser that is just waiting to talk to her. She sometimes or most of the time calls And I am unable to answer the cellphone, either because Im not near it or its off. But I end up callling her back later.

She says she really enjoys talking to me on the phone. Its not an obligational thing for us to call each other everyday. Its just that when we are about to hang up either I say "i'll give you a call tomorrow" or she says it. Or sometimes I say Ill give you a call and she ends up calling.

I'd not answer more often than i would answer. "is he out with another girl?!"

Don't tell her you'll call her. "i'll talk to you later" should suffice. Make her wonder if and when you'll call again. If she asks if she can call you say "you can try."

If you miss her call there's no reason to call back. Let her call two times or something before returning the call. And don't return it till a day or two later. If you missed her call while going out to get the mail and call her back 10 min after she called that just seems way overeager.

Actually i wouldn't even really talk to her on the phone. Just call in order to set up get togethers. If she calls "hey i'm kinda busy right now but let's go do x on y-day." Then you can touch her breasts while you talk.


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kaine
Hehehe Penkitten is right

Do romantic things sparingly and only as a reward for her good behaviour

Otherwise it is not challenging, she MAY appreciate it initially but it is ammo for certain death in the long run.

She will subconsciously think you are buying her attention

Give her the opportunity to chase you, she will find you increasingly attractive in this way.


For what things exactly should I reward her for and with what???


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by asaner85
This is my first post in this forum. Nice to meet you all!!!

Let me let you guys in with the 411.
I have known this girl since mid june. She is my best friends cousin and he thought that we'll get along great. He was right!!! We started hanging out as "friends " to get to know each other better. Well, we basically are know dating, but not "official" ( we pretty much do everything that people do when they are in a serious relationship). She tells me that she doesnt want to get hurt again(looong story) but still she seems very into me.

So I've been trying to sweep her off her feet. This will be the first time I will be getting her flowers. Heres where I need some advice...... Tomorrow, like all this week, she will work late and I wanted to surprise her by sending her flowers. What flowers exactly should I get???? I mean I read somewhere that each type of flowers is for a specific occasion.

I'll Highly appreciate any coments.
IMO on the flowers, I think if your going to give flowers to a lady let it be your GF or Wife.

And when you do don't make a big deal about it. The flower arrangement doesn't matter.

God, giving flowers isn't complicated people. It doesn't matter what kind as long as they look and smell nice.

And from what I read she isn't your girl just a girl you want to be your girlfriend. So if you want to "sweep her off her feet", why don't you just give and show her the time of her life. Do something fun and just make it a good, happy, funny time when shes with you. And by all means make a move. Then the next time you see her or before she goes give her a gift that when she looks at it, it will always remind her the good time she had with you.

However I think if your going to give your girl something to remember you by flowers aren't the best cause they edventually die. But hey if you want to give her flowers then do it. Don't ask us for permission just do it.

Blatant truth

Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
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Where's frivolousz21?

He usually sticks up for AFC tendencies like love, affection etc...he'll probably tell you to do it!

Just kidding!


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il

Dont but her flowers :)

Nishbuk-your eyes, penis, and actions..he is right.

The chase is over-rated.

way over-rated.

if you really care for her...let her know you care for her.

just dont compromise your life for her. DOnt change for her, dont do **** for her..except show her your affection for her.

if guys here could grasp the being a real Man...and not the dilluted black and white DJ area....they would have massive success


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
From a recently posted thread, an excerpt on "nice guys" with flowers...

So, its 3:30 am and I get the phonecall from hell. We’ve all had them, those phonecalls that your regret not looking at caller ID as soon as you hear the person’s voice on the line. Yes, the dreaded ex phonecall. So 45 minutes later, after the typical “You never realize what you’ve got til its gone speech” and the “what do I have to do to get a second chance speech” (obviously, the reply was there is nothing you could do to get a second chance) I get the real reason for the phonecall…the guilt trip, complete with tears, yes that’s right he cried, I have no idea why, but he did. Anyway, after the sobbing subsided I am asked a question that intrigued me, “Why don’t women like nice guys?” And then came the anger, because after all I am an abominable ***** who couldn’t see how great of a person he was. Which brings up a question that I’m going to pose, why do men like *****y women?...but, anyway, one topic at a time.
Before I begin on the previously mentioned topic, I would like to offer a disclaimer: This is just my opinion, take it for what its worth. I make no claims that anything I say here is definitive. If it rings true, great, if not, oh well, my feelings won’t be hurt.
First and foremost, there are different kinds of nice guys.

1. The “romantic” nice guy. Personally, these guys freak me out, and that’s why I try to avoid them at all costs.
They seem to carry around a pocket version of “how to treat woment” from Hallmark, and they also seem to think that women like being swept off their feet with exlaborate displays of “romance”. You know, sending flowers or gifts to your workplace or school, or showing up toting them in hand, public declarations of love, teddybears, inappropriately expensive jewelry as gifts, candlelit dinners, etc. These guys like to go on about how “they know how to treat a lady”, when in reality they treat women as if we are interchangable, because after all, all women like long stemmed roses, jewelry, teddybears, and of course being mortified in public by some guy putting you on the spot. I suspect these guys are often controlling *******s, and I suspect they appeal to some women because they are used to being controlled, and therefore don’t recognize the signs that a guy isn’t interested in you personally, as a unique individual, but is instead interested in playing the role of “Prince Charming.” Or maybe they only appeal to very young women, or maybe there’s something else going on that I have no clue, well, frankly, because these guys don’t appeal to me at all.