Surefire way of scoring

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May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
So you finally decided that you want to score with a chick. Well, there's a method I've employed and that has been employed for hundreds of years in pubs and bars and parties.

First you need to not live in a dry county.

Second, you need at least $13.00.

If you are not 21, make friends that are 21. If you are 21 proceed.

You call that potential girl and tell her that you two should hang out and party.

Well if she likes you she will agree. If she does.......YOUR ON YOUR WAY TO GETTIN IT ON!:D

Now before you pick up this girl make sure she isn't strongly christian or an overall religious or politically correct fanatic. If she isn't proceed.

Now, you go to the nearest local Liquor Store and you buy some wine OR vodka. Girls loooove that vodka.

Now make sure you know where you guys are goin....Your house prefereably and also to cement your way to SCORIN' you, bring your sister or friend that is a girl because this will be social proof and also make the desired girl more comfortable with you.

Now when you're hangin out you keep her laughing and entertained and get her to start drinkin. Now the emphasis is relaxation, comfort and lots of laughter! Don't put too much emphasis on drinkin....If you are doing this correctly in about 45-90 minutes she wil l for some weird reason give you a little attitude change and you notice this by the sparkle in her eye or warm smile. also a little awkwardness from her is a good IOI.

Now, there's also what I call the No Huddle Spread emLegs offense where you challenge her to a drinkin game(if you're good with alcohol drinkin and imagination you will come up with one that is great)...and make sure you rig it to where she will drink more than you but don't get her too drunk..its gotta be just right. Its like baking a cake in the oven, you ain't want that sh*t too cold and neither too burnt..

And the really really cool thing about this is that if you did it right you are not the one who is going to be making the kiss move....SHE WILL. Yep, and from there if you don't know what's going on or what to do then you might as well tell her to go home...if you do, then you're gonna SCORE..

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
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Iqaluit Nunavut
Or you could just go out and rape a girl... saves you the 13$ and a lot of time

your a ****in retard man


Dec 12, 2005
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i think post is right and bad.

i think you should no drink so much when seduce girl. drink messes you and girl.

yes rape is bad. do not rape girl.

but you do not understand dimebag is very right.

you see we all know drink is good way to get girl. we all been to bar club and party. have you not? how many you go without drink?

i bet very few.

here is other trick. unfortunately man who understand these thing are few. real man know dimebag no want relationship he want just fast sex one night. that ok for fast sex.

for relationship do different.

but you see i tell you other tip.

when at bar club or party and make talk with girl. you are touch her she touch you and whatever. when you are at point when she like you say you go to your place or other bar club or party. same to how dimebag say.

but you must have nice car. any one here with nice car like bmw benz porsche or ferrari and more know you get girl easy. if you have such car and get no girl you are little stuped boy.

so you tell girl to come with you. and when she see car all girl will light up. this is if she already like you some. she will like much more when she see expensive car and ride with you.

it show you a man with job and life. you have money. as much as you know like how you america say "gold-dig" girl like money. and you can have fast sex and dump her next morning. but good for one night.

i have bmw m3. when lady see my car it is done deal. i bet you.

few man know or use stuff like this. they think we bad man for be like this. but if you just want fast sex it ok for one night.

i say try. i know you like.

some time i joke and tell girl i have crap car. when they see my auto they really like. also do not say what car you have. let them see. do not try be big man and show off.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by Dimebag_Darrell
You call that potential girl and tell her that you two should hang out and party.

Well if she likes you she will agree. If she does.......YOUR ON YOUR WAY TO GETTIN IT ON!:D

Hahaha... :p That's funny as hell.

I don't know about bringing your sister over though.. :confused:


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
Originally posted by Dimebag_Darrell
So you finally decided that you want to score with a chick. Well, there's a method I've employed and that has been employed for hundreds of years in pubs and bars and parties.

First you need to not live in a dry county.

Second, you need at least $13.00.

If you are not 21, make friends that are 21. If you are 21 proceed.

You call that potential girl and tell her that you two should hang out and party.

Well if she likes you she will agree. If she does.......YOUR ON YOUR WAY TO GETTIN IT ON!:D

Now before you pick up this girl make sure she isn't strongly christian or an overall religious or politically correct fanatic. If she isn't proceed.

Now, you go to the nearest local Liquor Store and you buy some wine OR vodka. Girls loooove that vodka.

Now make sure you know where you guys are goin....Your house prefereably and also to cement your way to SCORIN' you, bring your sister or friend that is a girl because this will be social proof and also make the desired girl more comfortable with you.

Now when you're hangin out you keep her laughing and entertained and get her to start drinkin. Now the emphasis is relaxation, comfort and lots of laughter! Don't put too much emphasis on drinkin....If you are doing this correctly in about 45-90 minutes she wil l for some weird reason give you a little attitude change and you notice this by the sparkle in her eye or warm smile. also a little awkwardness from her is a good IOI.

Now, there's also what I call the No Huddle Spread emLegs offense where you challenge her to a drinkin game(if you're good with alcohol drinkin and imagination you will come up with one that is great)...and make sure you rig it to where she will drink more than you but don't get her too drunk..its gotta be just right. Its like baking a cake in the oven, you ain't want that sh*t too cold and neither too burnt..

And the really really cool thing about this is that if you did it right you are not the one who is going to be making the kiss move....SHE WILL. Yep, and from there if you don't know what's going on or what to do then you might as well tell her to go home...if you do, then you're gonna SCORE..

Besides, definitions of sexual assualt these days include hooking up with a girl who has been drinking!


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
You're assuming the girl is gonna get drunk and horny in a place she's never been before and with people she hasn't seen before. And... wait, i forgot! she will also try to kiss the guy who spent 13 dollars out of his pocket money to buy such an incredible aphrodisiac... LOL!! I know better ways of spending 13 bucks.

I admit though that what you said is not impossible. But it won't happen because of the vodka. It's all about your DJ skills. Alcohol just makes things less subtle. And if you're a wimp, she'll tell you in your face!

Have you ever fukked a sober girl? Really, they're much better.

BTW, don't forget to tell your little sister not to drink from the vodka... who knows... she might lose her virginity with one of your friends that night.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Purplepimp I tried defending you but now....I give up I atleast gave you a chance. Yeah, using booze to get women is like classic old Bull****e, and most women will already have their shields up if you push that crap. Wow so original, Why didnt I think of that? Oh I know! I'm not a chump who cant do anything else than bribe some skank who's a alchie anyways... :rolleyes:

Or if you get too fukked up you might screw your sister you incesting bastard. Im glad I have a bro. Bros before hoes.


Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
i no say bring sister. i not post this tip.

i say every one here know we go bar club party because alcohol make pick lady easy.

do not lie we all know.

i no say get girl drunk. i say tip is right and bad. it is bad little.

but alcohol make pick lady easy. i tell you. it is true. i no rape or do stuped thing.

but with alcohol girl and you more relax. i also like take girl to other club with m3. she like my auto so i take home.

you think we no respect girl. may be true. but that is how lady like it rough. why all you american so confuse on "jerk" man?

because he do these thing. i am no jerk but these thing i do.

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Iqaluit Nunavut
Originally posted by DonMEgaHoss
if you get too fukked up you might screw your sister you incesting bastard. Im glad I have a bro. Bros before hoes.
I'm guessing your sister's a hoe?


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
If I had a sister and she was a hoe I ask her to give me discounts with her friends lol naw..

animal crackers

Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
Project Chicago

Whoever you are, that was too tryhard man. Saying my real name? Whatever though, I think you're funny as hell, and you do somewhat post like JC. PM me who you really are though.

Keep it up!



Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
why is everyone acting like saints & acting like they
never boned a drunk chick?
you can't rape the willing.
you can , but then you'd have to be an idiot to.

anyways, an easier way is to have TWO
bottles of vodka, mark one of them.
the marked one, empty out the Vodka into a different
bottle. Replace it with water.
thats your's on.

the girls will be getting hammered and you'll be sober and
ready :D

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
all jokes aside...

a while back i was bouncing at one of the hottest clubs on my side of town. all the girls i met... all the ones who were down to come over and party after work, wanted to get fvcked that night. most of them were girls that i met that day. for a quick lay, the party/bar lifestyle is good.

of course, if shes willing to come over to your place, by herself and get drunk and fvck, after only knowing you for one night... you might be concerned when you find out how many dozens over other dudes shes done the same thing with.

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