Anyway its really unbelievable the sheep type mentality of the majority of women, just let media or society create a trend as "cool" and they will all adhere to it.
Now its the further development of the "strong independant woman" which now is taking over the world so of course she is busy for any common mortal aka anyone whos not a top percenter.
You can see them wearing their approved elegant clothes and being glued to their cellphones 24/7 with an attention span of no more than 5 minutes wheter is a lecture at university or a dinner with friends.
Of course the genuine desire of convincing themselves that not only they dont need men and dont care about them but they have to show it, I mean if you dont care about men the first thing you do is going at the club where there are many right looking for you right? makes sense mr hamster.
It seems to me that its new frontier, not only independant but now also leader, she is too busy taking over the world to go out with you.
Not only she doesnt care but she has something important to do...
For those who say that "she is busy for you" although the basic principle is true meaning that if you're brad pitt she wont be busy for you, we have to consider that we're not brad pitt because we're too lazy to be but mostly because mother nature wanted to be something else...
Few years ago before all this amount of bvllsh1t reacher such size, being simply a decent man was enough to be considered and respected even before than desired or loved.
We're not talking about banging a top model whenever we want but having a sh0t with a decent girl, because if you didnt realize it yet, 80% of the men have no chance or opportunities, they all go as sex camels for months till some b1tch get drunk enough or is in the mood for them or worse have to buy at the discount market some expired woman which has been consumed in the frenetic c0ck carousel.
Sure we can just pump and dump the same way we're doing, but this is not a decent way of living and the problem is not on us to improve ourselves, it would be like saying to engineers to get more masters in a field where the average salary is 10£/day of work, the problem is not what they put in the table.