Sunshine girls!


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys, just a short post that may help people out.

Sunshine girls are those girls that flirt with EVERYONE and they are ussually hot as well. These girls love flirting so much, AFC's love these girls because there easy to talk to and have a relationship with, but the AFC's always get upset when they turn them down.

The HARDEST thing about sunshine girls is finding out wether they are interested or not, AFC's always think they are interested because of all the flirting. But we know better. The key thing to getting sunshine girls is learning to read body language, if she gives off open gestures then you are in with a good chance. Keep in mind she is a lot more likely to give of open gestures then other girls, so look for more "intense" gestures.

Well knowing if there interested is great but how do you get them interested? Well, first of all you have to realise sunshine girls are some of the most insecure girls out there, that might be suprising but its true. They are insecure becasuse they need everyones attention, if they didnt have all those AFC's after them they would collapse. Use this to your advantage, and dont give her attention all the time, this works better on sunshine girls better then any other girl.

Be sparing with your attention. Flirt with her like crazy one day then the next dont be so flirty (but dont be nasty). Go up and start talking/kinoing her and when she has started flirting then cut it off and go talk to one of her friends, flirt with them if you can, then come back to her later. This drives them wild!

Hope this helped someone.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
0 what type of body language should we be looking for, i cant read boy language worth ****, so lets hear some examples plz = \


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Body language in a nutshell

Open gestures are good, if you see lots of these and she is directing them at you then that means she wants you bad.

Bad gestures are not cool, if you see them then change your game or get ready to run away. :)

But remember gestures can be affected by outside influences (Weather, lighting, etc.).

Open gestures include:

- She gives you eye contact and when she looks away she does something that would imply she is nervous, she might play with something in her hand, she might play with her hair, etc.
- She exspose's her wrist and palms to you.
- Her shoulders are directed towards you
- Her feet are directed towards you.
- Leans towards you.
- Her legs are wider then usual (and if in a group pointing towards you)
- Her pupils will dilate (get bigger). Dont forget lighting can affect this, the best way to tell is when she is looking around you can see that her pupils will get smaller when she see's people she doesnt like.
- She smiles at you.
- Laughs at ALL of your jokes even if there not funny.
- If she touches you.
- She flicks her hair and glances at you afterwads

Closed gestures include:

- Rolls her eyes.
- Crosses her arms.
- Crosses her legs (an exception if her legs are pointing towards you or leaning towards you if your next to her).
- Lean away.

Another way to tell she is interested.

Play with your pen while your in class, or do something similiar, maybe look at your watch, something like that. Do that for about 5 seconds. Then look at her, if you lock on eye contact and she quickly looks away and starts doing what you were doing, then she was checking you out.