Summer HS Bootcamp Week 1 - Fvck it


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Field Report

NorwegianDJ said:
Still awaiting the FRs
Nothing interesting really, just normal approaches.

#1 Got this hours after posting the challenge. Went down to a local store and talked to a hired gun. Initially started by asking her about the product, and then talking. Found out she was 25 and married. The convo was about 5 minutes long.

#2 Went to the mall with 3 friends. Alen and I played the money game: You set a money amount, a time limit, and a goal, and rotate turns. I gave him $10 and then I had 15 minutes to do 2 approaches that were at least 30 seconds each. If I win, I get my money back, if I don't, he keeps it. The first approach went something like this:
-"Hey excuse me, what's your name?"
-"Blah blah"
-"Nice to meet you I'm Alex, I just had to stop and say hi to you because I thought you were really cute"
-"Awww thank you!"

The convo was about 2 minutes long.

#3 This was the second one from the money game, it ended up being an approach on a hired gun. Went something like this:
-"Hey do you work here?"
-"Yes can I help you with something?"
-"Actually no, I'm Alex, what's your name?"
-"Blah blah"
-"So I'll be honest, I have no intention of buying anything here. I was walking by the store, saw you, and thought you were really cute, so I had to come say hi"

The convo was about 3.5 minutes long. This one was actually ok and I could have number closed but my friends trolled me by walk by and going "Caugh Caugh", "Man What Da ****!?" So I ejected.

#3B Did this one just for fun. The girl was on the phone and was about to walk into the food court.
-"Hey wait stop, I need to tell you something"
-"(to the phone) hold on 1 sec. (to me) What?"
-"I like men"
-"You like men?"
-"Yeah.........who are you talking to?"
-"A man...whom I like"
-"Oh, can I talk to him?"
-"Uh, no"
-"Tell him I say hi"
-Laughs and walks away

#4 This was at a different mall that we went to, but to actually shop. I saw this hot 2 set girl with really short shorts and big boobs. So I walked into the store to follow them. I ended up trying on some glasses. It went something like this"
-"Hey guys check this out, what do you think of these? I'm thinking no, but what do you think?"
-"Umm I don't know, they make you look like a cop"

The convo was about 5 minutes long, and it ended up that she was 15 :/.............Her friend had big boobs and was kinda hot in a weird way, but was a kind of chubby, so I decided against it...but I probably should have gotten her number.

So overall, it has been pretty successful, I'm almost half way done with the challenge, and the first weekend hasn't even started yet. I'm kind of sick right now, so when I feel better I'll head out again.

Criticism or comments?
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Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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LearningSlowly said:
I'll be doing all mine in one post. For clarity others may want to do the same.
Do them here though, and not in your journal.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
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South Africa, Johannesburg
Bleep! I'm gonna have to pull out amigos, Danzy said it best, Matric is a biatch! No more holidays, well they only gave us a single week! Sucks balls!

Anyway I did approach a fine number from my hood on Thursday, tall, mocha coloured, and elegant, walks really slow. I felt butterflies throughout the whole approach.

Me; hey, excuse me, can I get a moment to know you?
Her; yeah sure why not.
Me: nice..erm so what's your name?
Her: I'm Naledi, and you?
Me: your name means star in Sotho right? What a beautiful name.
Her: haha, yeah it does, how did you know?
Me: I'm Sotho myself...guess we got something in common already.
Her: yeah sure! So where do you live?
Me: I live with my Mom in Eastfield but I'm in this hood during weekends to visit my dad.
Her: oh nice...can you tell how old I am?
Me: what?
Her: just take a guess.
Me: erm, about like 17, or 18
Her: (lol) oh I'm not gonna tell you my real age.
Me: haha! I don't need your age to hook up with you this Saturday.
Her: but you need my numbers.
Me: take my phone, put them in.
Her: oh my! You an interesting chap! Totally wanna know more about you.
Me: thanks, I will contact you so we can chill yes?
Her: sure thang!
Me: Aight then, the name is Nino by the way.
Her: nice, check you Saturday.

Well, its Saturday today and the weather is FREEZING! And its raining too! Will see her tomorrow or Monday.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
After the first lecture I went up to a group of four girls, talk to two of them, they were into it but I stalled.

Next I talked to a guy and two girls. Had some fun there.

Then I had chased down two girls, they followed me back to my friends and talked with me but I invited to my lecture which they'd had already so that was that.

My FWB's was there and she brought a friend, introduced her to my friend by saying he was really well hung and we called him donkey ****. Because he's hung like a donkey and likes donkey kong. My friends were in hysterics this whole time, she didn't like me much.

From this point my FWB's followed me around and **** so the hitting on *****z was hindered. I get the feeling she wants something more.

during my last two lectures this one girl checked me up and down, but I didn't go for her because I feel weird doing it in front of a girl I'm sleeping with. Who I actually like.

After that I had a bus ride with a good friend, three girls got on the bus and he knew one, I hit on them all. Was good. One of them caught my other bus, she liked me but was not attractive. The best looking one was the youngest and had a boyfriend. Everyone laughed.


11/10 (I skipped some for being short)

Needz more cold approaches.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2011
Reaction score
I've done all of my approaches direct and I'm pretty proud of that. I've done 8 direct approaches today, but 2 of them didn't last 30 seconds. So I did 6 good ones today, and 4 the other day.

Anyway, good luck guys. KEEP PUSHING YOURSELF, DON'T STOP! Do more than 10 if you can.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
djghost said:
I guess I'll do this now that I'm lurking here. I've had a pretty boring summer so far. I did make out with an HB 7 or 8 at a recent party. This shouldn't be too hard, cause I've made it a habit to start
random convo's with everybody. You guys should try it. It makes convo's so much easier, just fvcking forcing them into your life.

2 questions
-Is there an age limit? Like can I talk to some random woman, or do I have to have interest?No limit. But obviously you know that it's better practice to talk to someone your own age, rather than a 4 year old or an old person.
-Does it have to have intentions of escalation (like number close, etc.) Or can I do the convo just to talk about a fvcking tree?Whatever you want. But once again, it's better practice to do the former.

Edit: Holy crap, post 100. Hi there.
I'm giving you rep for being the first one done...but i have to spread it around it might be a while.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Oh sick.

I just remembered 5 more girls I approached on Tuesday.
(Walking out of this lecture hall, girl bumps me)
Me: (loudly) WOAH! What's with the hitting me, I have feelings.
Her: Sorry bro.
Me: All of you girls, treating me like I'm some piece of meat!
Her (referring to a group btw): You girls, checking me out, treating me like a piece of meat.

Later I said something about a library as well.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score


Don Juan
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
I got to 8/10 kinda disappointed but hey i got some good ones in so im proud of that read about specifics in my journal