Summer Games: Week 2


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Hello all, hope you managed a few of the challenges last week, they were big expencive ones! Still, that weights stuff is good ****. Though this carb shake is not, eugh... this is actually offencively revolting:mad:. Anyway, this week is bathroom skills, and a side note on getting a big ****.

The whole issue of male grooming is a fairly old development in the history of blokes. Guys have been putting make up on in one form or another for thousands of years. And wigs. Of course, doesn't stop any of us (least of all me) laughing at guys who cross the line of acceptability. You know what I'm talking about, guys who straghten their hair, and goths, mostly goths.

Regardless, my point is that guys fancy girls because of the way they look, girls fancy guys because of the way guys make them feel. Therefore you only need to look passable and have a sexy ego thing going on to be sexy. YOU ARE NOT A GIRL. Getting rid of the mono-brow is a yes, wearing blusher is a nono. You can make yourself look very pretty, with a huge ****, but if you don't sort out your mack, you'll just be an off balanced sissy-boy to me, and everyone else.

Week II:
Bathroom 101
From top to bottom we are going to try to sort out any external aesthetic problems (ugly bits) you might have. And so it begins...

:rolleyes: HAIR:
Before you get stylish, first you have to make it swish. The first thing to sort out is the scalp. If you have dandruff get special shampoo, head lotion, throw everything you can at it to get rid of it! I suggest T-gel, it's pricey but it works.

The next item is the hair itself. A Barber will give great info on this, but the general rule is you don't want it frizzy and you don't want it greasy. What can i say? Condition that *****, and wash it more. The final basic hurdle of hair is optional. If your hair is especially unruly, you might want to concider getting it chemicaly or physically straightened. My advice? Go for a surfer look, straightening is money that could be better spent on whey protein & beer.

Now your hair is manageable, and not a greasy flakey icky mess, you can style it. If your hair is long, you can just comb it back or do whatever you hippies do:p. If you have short hair you will need some sort of gel. My advice? Any sort of opaque "fiborous putty" job is best. Gel makes you shiny and hard, wax makes you feel like you have jizz in your hair. This putty stuff (Fructus: surf hair for example...) is great for groomed and messy looks.

My two big timeless rules about hair style are A) Go with your hair. If you have a natural bowl haircut, not cool, like me, it's really a tussled, sexy, just out of bed fringe trying to get out! If you have curly, messy hair anyway, go for the all over surf look. if you have a bit of hair that sticks out at a funny angle, turn it into a style statement. Be bold, don't just go for a tintin quiff. B) Definition is sweet. You want your hair to be ordered. "Surf hair" takes just as much work as "groomed hair", and messy hair isn't a mess. But you don't want a cemented helmet-o-hair, so the trick is to use a small amount of putty, get your hair how you want it, and leave it- don't fiddle! You might also want to get bleached highlights put it to define things more.

:cool: EYES:
Two items here, your brows and your lids. No, if you have funny eye balls I really can't help you.

Eyebrows, if they look okay LEAVE THEM THE **** ALONE!. You can go bald, accidentally cut your **** off, lose an arm, but nothing will hamper your sex appeal like messing up your eyebrows! If they are like huge black slugs squatting on your face, grow your head hair to compensate! Eyebrows are hassle.

Only act if you have a monobrow, you go for a buzzcut/skin head and have very busy eyebrows, or if the little buggers start to take over your face. If one of the above applies- pluck. Get a great pair of tweezers (I reccomend the ones that come with swiss army knives) a magnifying mirror, and antiseptic wipes. The trick is to make sure both eyebrows are even. Oh and use the wipes to close up the pores. Oh and do it after a shower to loosen up the pores in the first place. I cannot stress enough that once you start plucking, the hair will start it grow faster and thicker, and you will have to pluck for ever. Don't do it on a whim, or when drunk.

Only other bit of the eyes is the bags. Yes, huge black shadows under your eyes aren't sexy. How to sort it out? Sleep more, computer and tv less. Simple as that- 8 hours deep sleep a night, and you are sorted.

:( EARS:
Easy one this, just use cotton buds to clean them out, but don't stick them down the ear canal. If your ears are just plain skank, get them syringed.

:mad: NOSE:
Ok, I have a question. I have blackheads, but only visable on my nose. I am yet to find a way to get rid of them. Any help would be great!

Besides that, there is two points here: congestion and hair.
Hair just needs to be trimmed if it gets bad, get a nasal hair trimmer or use scissors (carefully.). Not strictly a bathroom thing, but if you have a constant cold or blocked/runny nose, see a doctor. It's a *****, but it's often due to very minor lactose intolerance (so just lower the milk and chocolate intake), and you'll grow out of it, and exercise will help.

Oh the joys of teenage skin! It happens to everyone, but the best advice about skin care is that if it gets bad see a doctor. This is 2004, you don't have to live with acne. Just do what he says and follow the prescription.

The reason that this is the best advice is because anything less than clinical acne is trivial. A single spot can be removed with cream or by squeasing (it works if you use cotton buds/q-tips, get it ALL OUT, and put on anti-septic after, though you will have a red mark for a good long while). Red spots are nothing to get in a fit over, and if they come to a head they're easy enough to get get rid of. Remember- YOU'LL GROW OUT OF ALL THIS ****!

What is far more important is your overall skin quality. Having greasy, shiney skin is no fun, neither is having cracked, peeling skin. My number one tip is to avoid covering your face in 101 different products. If you have greasy skin, get some face wash, and use it 2/3 times a day. If your skin is dry, moisturise. Don't slap stuff on for the hell of it, apply just to the parts affected.

Shaving, this is what guys get for not having periods. Two basic tips to start with. Shave regularly, and don't cut yourself. Shave everyday, it promotes hair growth so if you want a beard some time you can, and it's just good practice. Avoid cutting yourself by not moving the blades sideways across your face, and going very gently/avoiding spots and other facial obsticals. Wet or dry? Well, I find wet gets closer and doesn't irritate as much, but it takes longer, your choice!

You may get shaving burn, especially around your neck. There are hundreds of shaving lotions on the market, and they help.

If you are feeling adventurous, sure, cultivate some facial fungus. You might want a slightly rough stubble look, or a little tash and goatee. Whetever you do, remember that no matter how cool you think you look, you will turn round a few years later and laugh at yourself. Word up. Indeed.

Three items here- lips, teeth, and breath.

To get rid of dry lips, use lip balm. Simple, and don't bite bits off. Actually, good advice for life that, don't bite bits off yourself. Remember that.

Teeth need brushing, as well you know. Get an electric tooth brush, and if they're a sexy shade of yellow, get some fancy whitening tooth paste. What about whiteing kits? Yes, they work, very well. I endorse! Just follow the instructions, and use whitening toothpaste to maintain them.

If you have missing teeth, or they're as straight as George Michael, get it sorted by an orthedentist. Nothing you really have to do, other than put up with the brace, and SO WORTH IT.

Bad breath is a killer. However, mouthwash, tongue scrapers, chewing gum and not eating poo will sort it out. If you do all the above (that's not eat poo) and you still have bad breath, go to the doctor, might be something wrong.

Cont. .....


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
And on to the rest of your body:

The chest gets a special mention as you may find that you get lumps under your nipples. It's a teenage guy thing, don't freak, they go away.

Chances are you won't get anything on your body equalling the warzone happening on your face, but to prevent irritating spots and rashes, especially on your back, you need to shower properly. Shower twice a day, and you need more than a rinse. Shampoo your hair (see above) and wash your body with shower gel, a good two or three times, one rinse is not enough.

Infections and icky bits are part of the human condition. Like death. The rules of the game are to get at them early and don't be a wuss about it. You might have a rash on your arse, and you might feel a bit silly, but if you don't tell someone or get it sorted it might spread and then your penis will drop off. There's a sobering thought for you. Eczema is a common pain, and for that and things like it stuff you can get from the doctor works a hell of a lot better than over the counter stuff. ALso, keep open minded to chinese medicine, for example, I got a pot of that voodoo stuff and it cleared me up in a week. Potent ****, mother****er.

:confused: HANDS AND FEET:
They both get a lot of work.
Hands can get sexy blisters (especially if you cycle/weight lift), get all dry and skank, and then there's the nails. Hey, worked hands are also sexy, having girly manacured hands is a bit camp. Just treat them well, moisturise them if necessary, and don't pick at them. Cut the nails down, and keep them down. AND DON'T BITE YOUR HANG NAIL! Or your nails for that matter. I'll cover giving up bad habits in a later week.

Feet don't need much work, just keep them fresh and clean, and get any sort of infection treated very quickly. Also, you cut toenails straight across, not in a curve like finger nails. If you don't you'll get an ingrowing jobbie.

Stuff comes out. The only real issue when it comes to your backside is arse hair. I concider myself to be a verifiable expert on the subject, I blame the cold English weather.

Having tried a hell of a lot, I advocate scissors. Why? Hair removal cream leaves you with no hair whatsoever and then stubble, plus is explicitly says on the tube "Not for use on your arse, whiteboy". The very idea of waxing makes me cry. Plucking, well- I havent tried it and I'm not going to. Laser removal is always an option, but the idea of someone fireing lazers at my arse scares me.

You need to rig up a pretty fancy mirror system to do it, but just trimming with scissors is the way to go. That said, it is also the best way to trim your pubes. Just do it all in one go. You won't get a porn star sack, or a totally smooth bum, but then I guess we just won't real men then will we:rolleyes:.

If you really want to get rid of body hair, anywhere, waxing sounds like the way to go. Worth the effort? Hardly. Just trim your pubes and arse if necessary, and leave it at that.

If you want to get hair though, you might want to try shaving the area. You'll need some hair there to begin with, but you can make it thicker with time, if that's the way you want to go.

:rolleyes: PENIS:
Needs a disproportionate amount of effort. Still, nowhere near as important as your eyebrows;). For hair, see above.

If you have little white bumps on your package, don't worry, it's normal but minority, though it may not look great.

Foreskins make things a hell of a lot more complicated. No foreskin, no problem- just keep things clean and you'll be fine.

If you've got a hood, you're going to need to pull it back whenever you shower to wash it out. If you don't you get nob cheese and infections. Lovely:( . If it hurts to pull back your foreskin, especially when erect you may have a problem on your hands. Your foreskin may be tight, but you can remedy this by gently pulling it back, or jacking off more I guess. You might need an operation, which is apparently supprisingly common. Grrr, useless things...

:rolleyes: SMELL:
First: Boys wear lynx, men wear cologne. If you are a very sweaty person, wear deoderant or anti-persperant. If you don't get sweaty, or its not hot- don't! Get a nice smelling aftershave, handreds of posts on this site...

Second, smelly feet suck. Now it's summer, invest in sandels.

Having sorted out all body parts, you can now make a practical grooming routine. Make something you can keep to, with the time you have, and don't get all narcisistic. Showering should only take about 5 mins, shaving and teeth 5 mins together, and then give yourself about 5 minutes to sort out your skin, and do your hair. Other stuff like trimming bodily hair and nails doesn't have to be done everyday.

Challenge 1: Write out your new daily grooming routine on a piece of paper, and stick it to your board under SELF

Challenge 2: Look at it again at the end of the week and make any changes you need to so that you can keep to it!

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
!Robin Hood country, Uk!
Looks like i get first post. Not bad.......not bad at all


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Side Topic: Bigger **** & PC Muscles

Size doesn't matter that much, especially when you are this good looking;) , but it's nice. Your PC muscles are the ones that "pump" when you ejaculate. I'm going to keep all this pretty simple, but basically the exercises consist of pulling your package in different ways. Pull too hard and you'll break something. Still, it's hardly more dangerous than wanking...The main rule is not to do any of this with a hard erection. If you get one while exercising stop and let it go down.

Phase 1:
Heat up a hand towel and put it around your penis, or have a shower or bath. Makes it less likely you'll hurt yourself.

Exercise one:
For 5 mins stretch your penis out infront of you, with each minute pull it out a little futher. After the 5 minutes give it 10 gentle tugs ******ds. Then twirl it round in a circle 30 times to get the circulation going again. Then repeat but pulling it to the left, then the right, up and down.

Exercise two:
Jelking: Get some lubrication on your boy, and stretch you penis away from your body by making an OK sign with your fingers round the base, applying some pressure, and moving up to below the base. Think milking a cow, or getting frube out of a tube! Alternate between left and right hands. Perform 200-300 "jelks".

Final Phase:
Hot wrap again.

PC Muscles:
Why exercise? Better orgasms and a lower risk of a loose bladder when you are old and wrinkly.

To find your muscle, stop pissing halfway through your slash- that's your PC muscle! It is not your anus. Ones you've found it, you can exercise it. This is best done through simple tensing it- 250 times should do it. Then do a 30 second squeeze. Once a day for a healthy urinating life!


The problem I find with penis enlargement is it takes up a lot of time. You need to do it 5 times a week to get results. You can expect to get a few inches from it though. Hey, best to try it for a week, see if you want to put in the time, hence:

Challenge 3: Write the above exercises into short hand and add to the SELF side of your board. Perform them for this week (5 days for penis, once a day for PC muscles)

Remember, do the hot wraps, and use vaseline or something. If you start to get red skin, or it hurts, calm it down. This shouldn't be painful in anyway. Remember, this is self-improvement summer, not break-your-penis summer:D .



Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
up north
anyone know how to get rid of nipple hair?? seriously....

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Fabulous idea that you have going here Cloud...


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Nipple hair? Can only think of plucking. But still, why bother? It's totally natural to have nipple hair- if you have full on beards just trim the hair with scissors.

Ment to add this in: I have a big nose, and that's not something i can run cream into and change. What can you learn from this? Well, it's no good making yourself look good if you're still not happy with the way you look. I like my nose, even if it would look better on a black guy. Hey, it's like a little bit of Def Jam on my face.

Same with the ass hair, come on! It's hair! On my butt! That's funny as! The stuff here is ment to make you look halfway decent so people aren't repulsed by your company. If you are very unhappy with yourself this will do JACK **** FOR YOU! Don't atke yourself too seriously, especially if you have hair on your ass.

Additionally, I could get plastic surgery to sort out my nose. Woh! That would be such hassle, I'm all for self-improvement (really? Couldn't have guessed:rolleyes: ) but some things are just a waste of effort.

So how do you deal with nipple hair? Laugh at it. You have hairy boobs:p.

If you have a phobia of body hair though, you might wanna try imac veet hair removal cream, supposed to be used for girls legs- but what do they know eh?! Just slap it on, wait 5 mins, hair comes off. May sting though- lets put it this way, I wouldn't put it anywhere near my ****. Regardless, that would be the way to go, unless you wanted to wax i.e. you love pain.

And cheers for the support Johnny and Matrix, this is all going supprisingly well! If anyone has any further info please feel free to add it to this thread. How are you all finding the info and challenges?

p.s. why did it censor ******ds? o u t w a r d s? madness...
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 16, 2003
Reaction score
Love it, this is some great info. Maybe at the end of the post each week you could provide a list of links for additional information. For example, for Facial Skin, and maybe one of those forums for penis enlargement. I'd be willing to help, just holler if you need it.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
Blackheads i used nasel strips. yes the things that girls use. did the job, my nose was blackhead free in 1-2 weeks.


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..
Originally posted by teedo
anyone know how to get rid of nipple hair?? seriously....
"If you have hairs growing out of your nipples, you should consider tweezing. It's painful,but like any repetitive pain you can hope to more easily endure it over time. To make the pain more bearable hold the skin down with one hand while you pluck with the other. The less the skin is allowed to move, the less pain you will feel."


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
The OC, CA
How effective is penis enlargement for someone in highschool? I mean, I'm pretty sure we're all still growing. Not that'd I'd mind a few extra inches down there, but will it effect natural growth and is it really worth it for a highschool kid who still has time to grow? Otherwise than that. Great post cloud. I look forward to week 3.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Great work man, i love it. Keep up the good work.

Capi Crimini

Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I have a question. I have blackheads, but only visable on my nose. I am yet to find a way to get rid of them. Any help would be great!

The way I've found works best is to use the back of a nailclipper thingy to pop them out bout once a month... also using Baking Soda and Mudd masks.... then large doses of S.Acid worked great for me... Just find a balance or you can make things worse.

I could argue that your post sucked.... because it did... I think it's a great idea but like most of them on this site... even mine.:( ... It lacks the content.

Rembrant for your teeth.... though you may consider it wrong Rembrant has a great whitener that uses trays that you can return if you just complain that it didn't work they way you wanted... works for me:D

DO NOT DO THE SURFER LOOK.... for once in your life make a statement.... stand'll get a lot more girls doing that then if you look like every other poser in the school. the exception here would be if you are a surfer.... but all the surfers I know.... don't do the surfer look... how ironic.... cause you'd think they would but maybe it's cause real surfers don't care about fitting in.... they care about living.

WTF is up with all the scissors? Easy as hell go buy a trimmer. Set it to number two and go over your eyebrows. put on a number one shave all your body hair...

Get you mach3 out and shave your uni-brow.

easy as that.... if your like me add in some sidburns

Washing hair.... DON"T WASH IT AS MUCH>... you realize that after the shampoo industry put rinse and re-peat on the bottle there sales nearly doubled.... anyway... I wash my hair once every three days maximum... Inbetween that time I rinse it with warm water.

For Showers and after any time you use warm water put cool water on your body. Infact when your showering every time go a little colder then the last.
Your skin likes cold water a lot more. The heat drys it to much.

Don't wash behind your ears. Pheremones.

Got wierd ears? Then grow your hair longer. this will hide them.

Buy a nice colonge. Please. It's 25+ buck and it'll last you nearly all HS if you use it right... You still have parents who pay for ****.

Unless you live near a southern coast sandles are gay....

so much more... but I have other things to do.... Baisically you posted trivial knoledge anyone could find by looking up a few posts....

Though I do applaud you for your effort. It was a grand idea... just lacking the context.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Keep up the good work Cloud.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by derEikopf
Love it, this is some great info. Maybe at the end of the post each week you could provide a list of links for additional information. For example, for Facial Skin, and maybe one of those forums for penis enlargement. I'd be willing to help, just holler if you need it. stinks. I used it for a while and it's time consuming and in general a pain in the ass. Just go see your doctor.

By the way Cloud, for blackheads I got a peeling agent from my doctor.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Hairy nipples? Lucky b1tch!:p

How do you deal with not having much hair on your body? I've got some down there and pits/legs, but my torso just has light invisible short hairs, same for my arms. I need some manly chest hair or something, dammit!:rolleyes: