Post last night didn't go through and didn't feel like retyping it last night on my phone so I'll just bring the last couple days here... Breezed through my last 30 hi's today, just have lots of opportunity at work. some old people, the rest mostly female nurses, caregivers, etc. A lot of them close to my age...
I'll continue this shortly...
...Sry got caught up doing something and thought I might not get the post in on time ...
So what i learned in the eye contact challenge, old people are the masters of this. Knew id be in a old folks rehab yesterday for an hour+, surrounded by a lot of female medical staff, therapists, nurses, NAs, old people, etc. But old people never break eye contact. I think it actually makes for better practice in some ways. Felt like it was MORE of a challenge and took more effort to hold eye contact and carry on convo they could relate to. Plus i have to speak louder and annunciate better. Just made me more comfortable. Nurses were harder to draw eye contact from. They seem mentally preoccupied even when standing around, because well, they're nurses and they have a tough job! Lol, said hello to a half dozen and once I got their attention they were friendly. Collected most of yesterday's hi/hellos at this facility. Just continued to struggle all week with remembering to keep track of my hi/hellos I gather on the job in hospitals, ASsisted LIving Facilities, rehabs, etc.
Today made a serious effort to REMEMBER to tally up my hi's, or else there was no way I'd reach 30. Was unfortunately at a funeral this morning (before work) and had a few. Was in a hospital and a big ALF today and got my last hour in at the ALF. This ALF had quite a few young 18-21ish mostly female employees, as well as quite a few old people (of course) and quite a few nurses to practice on. Nurses here are much more aware and less stressed, seemed happy to give long eye contact and a hello while passing in the hall. The eye contact drill was really helpful I feel
...I deliver walkers, oxygen, wheelchairs, etc and feel pretty comfortable with making saying hi and speaking with hospital, rehab, nursing home, etc employees and patrons because I go in and out of several of them per day and HAVE to ask questions almost every time for my job...