Summer Approach Journal


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Day 10

Last few days I was feeling out of sorts so no approaches. Today I was reflecting on how little I've done over the last few days, and a number of opportunities I choked on earlier today, when I came upon an Asian girl waiting at a stop light. I approached within 5 secs (a first for me!!!) and opened with "May I ask you a question?". Turns out (i) she hardly speaks any english, (ii) she lives next door to me and (iii) she is not as attractive as I initially thought. We chatted while walking home. I didn't number close because given the language barrier and lack of strong attraction I simply didn't want to. Nonetheless, I am proud of the approach so it is going towards the total. In spite of the language barrier it was surprinsingly pleasant to chat with her. I'll probably hit a bookstore later on so hopefully I will find another target there.

Approaches Made: 9
Approaches To Go: 31


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Day 11

Another library approach. Had a bad case of nervousness before the approach as I overheard the girl talking and assumed she would have attitude. Though she said she wasn't single she said it with a smile.

Afterwards I felt like an idiot for getting so nervous. It also led me to think it might be a good idea for me to actually collect some really negative rejections to get me over my fear of the person not responding politely.

Approaches Made: 10
Approaches To Go: 30


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Journal is closed

Though I doubt this journal is getting anymore viewers I am officially closing it down. For a host of reasons I gave up on my goal of making 40 approaches after making the first ten.

Over the last week I have been working through Archer Sloan's 'Demonic Confidence'. The program is focused primarily on breaking down approach anxiety. I am having much better success with this program than with my original project. So far I have approached well over 100 women for various reasons such as asking for the time, directions, or to give them a compliment. In and of itself it may not seem all that impressive but by the end of the program I will be approaching 30 women a day trying to secure a phone number or coffee date that very day. Once I am done with this program I am thinking of giving the DJ Boot Camp a shot as it will take me beyond just conquering approach anxiety.

For all those who took the time to offer support and advice my sincere thanks. See you on the boards.