Yes, I am suicidal. I hate life and any enjoyment that it even presents me is short lived and always replied to with a equal if not worse **** event. It is everything in life that gets to me, girls, people, things, the only thing I value in life is the ground beneath my feat.
I want to die and I wouldn't be here typing this if it wasn't for a girl. Yes, it's always a girl isn't it. She's my one-itis and I love her with everything I can. She's picked me up when I feel like **** and always been the light in my life. And we are going out.
Problem is I have no self esteem, I never have and I never will, if there's a condition out there for extreme lack of self-esteem... I've got it. I have no problem with confidence as is so often mentioned on this site, I don't care what other people think of me and I have faith in my venturues. But I cannot believe it that any other person likes me, I am a pathetic heap that no-one could ever love. I live in constant belief that the next day my girl will walk out on me, she will dump me, I cannot believe she likes me... she's lying and she will go off with some better guy at any one chance. I wallow in my own misery, I read these posts and I try as much as I can to pick myself up off the dirt, I thank you BBB. But as much as I try all I ever end up with breif hours of hapiness that end in depression. And my own escape from that is inducing pain by cutting myself.
So presents itself a catch 22, the one person that's keeping me in this world, is also the one causing me so much pain. She probably doesn't have a clue and is content with me, I have no reasons she would break up with me that she has indicated, just thousands of my own. And it is so I become depressed and do not make her enjoy my company, which will end her love for me and on that day I will leave this world behind and have the last laugh.
Everyone I ask says to dump her, but if I dump her I kill myself. Don't you just lovelife?
I thank you for listening, at least my story does not go untold
I want to die and I wouldn't be here typing this if it wasn't for a girl. Yes, it's always a girl isn't it. She's my one-itis and I love her with everything I can. She's picked me up when I feel like **** and always been the light in my life. And we are going out.
Problem is I have no self esteem, I never have and I never will, if there's a condition out there for extreme lack of self-esteem... I've got it. I have no problem with confidence as is so often mentioned on this site, I don't care what other people think of me and I have faith in my venturues. But I cannot believe it that any other person likes me, I am a pathetic heap that no-one could ever love. I live in constant belief that the next day my girl will walk out on me, she will dump me, I cannot believe she likes me... she's lying and she will go off with some better guy at any one chance. I wallow in my own misery, I read these posts and I try as much as I can to pick myself up off the dirt, I thank you BBB. But as much as I try all I ever end up with breif hours of hapiness that end in depression. And my own escape from that is inducing pain by cutting myself.
So presents itself a catch 22, the one person that's keeping me in this world, is also the one causing me so much pain. She probably doesn't have a clue and is content with me, I have no reasons she would break up with me that she has indicated, just thousands of my own. And it is so I become depressed and do not make her enjoy my company, which will end her love for me and on that day I will leave this world behind and have the last laugh.
Everyone I ask says to dump her, but if I dump her I kill myself. Don't you just lovelife?
I thank you for listening, at least my story does not go untold