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Suicidial One-itis


Don Juan
May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Yes, I am suicidal. I hate life and any enjoyment that it even presents me is short lived and always replied to with a equal if not worse **** event. It is everything in life that gets to me, girls, people, things, the only thing I value in life is the ground beneath my feat.

I want to die and I wouldn't be here typing this if it wasn't for a girl. Yes, it's always a girl isn't it. She's my one-itis and I love her with everything I can. She's picked me up when I feel like **** and always been the light in my life. And we are going out.

Problem is I have no self esteem, I never have and I never will, if there's a condition out there for extreme lack of self-esteem... I've got it. I have no problem with confidence as is so often mentioned on this site, I don't care what other people think of me and I have faith in my venturues. But I cannot believe it that any other person likes me, I am a pathetic heap that no-one could ever love. I live in constant belief that the next day my girl will walk out on me, she will dump me, I cannot believe she likes me... she's lying and she will go off with some better guy at any one chance. I wallow in my own misery, I read these posts and I try as much as I can to pick myself up off the dirt, I thank you BBB. But as much as I try all I ever end up with breif hours of hapiness that end in depression. And my own escape from that is inducing pain by cutting myself.

So presents itself a catch 22, the one person that's keeping me in this world, is also the one causing me so much pain. She probably doesn't have a clue and is content with me, I have no reasons she would break up with me that she has indicated, just thousands of my own. And it is so I become depressed and do not make her enjoy my company, which will end her love for me and on that day I will leave this world behind and have the last laugh.

Everyone I ask says to dump her, but if I dump her I kill myself. Don't you just lovelife?

I thank you for listening, at least my story does not go untold

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Dude, always remember...your girl isn't there to BE your life, she's there to ENHANCE your life. Go out, find things you're interested in. Maybe it's sports, music, movies, computers, the beach, etc. A hobby of some sort. Something you're good at. But don't be content with being at it until you're the best. It sounds to me like you're not suffering from one-itis, you're suffering from a lack of diversified interests. You need to find things to do that you enjoy, and do them simply because ou enjoy them, and because you're good at them. Trust me, life will fall into place. You'll be more healthy, stronger, and more confident. And when that happens, girls will flock to you.

Solja J

Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
You're in control of your mental state. What have you done to get depressed? What have you been thinking about? It seems like you're thinking very negative.
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
yeah you deserve to die...

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
I'm sorry but do you expect us to actually feel sorry for you? Millions of people around the world dieing of hunger and disease, not to mention our own problems, and YOU are afraid that you MIGHT get dumped and want to kill yourself?

You are a fvcken BIG TIME AFC. I think it was pook who said it best : a MAN doesn't have feelings like "derpressed, melancholic, sad" etc, a man is either Happy, Angry or Horny. Read that and stop being such a Queer.

Or else take your ass to one of those "romance" forums which is flooded with fat chicks who will tell you that "everything's going to be ok" every times you start getting queer again

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Every one of you guys who responded (with the exception of Solja) are absolute ****s. From the sound of you, you're obviously on a level high above all everyone else here, since you've apparently NEVER been turned down by a girl, or had your ego wounded. If you're such DJ gods, what are you doing here among us mere mortals? Shouldn't you be out with your hundreds and hundreds of women? This guy's problems may not seem like a big deal to you, but to him, they're everything. If you're not here to help others with their problems, then what are you doing here in the first place?

Solja J

Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
^Well Said^

Solja J

Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
I'm sorry but do you expect us to actually feel sorry for you? Millions of people around the world dieing of hunger and disease, not to mention our own problems, and YOU are afraid that you MIGHT get dumped and want to kill yourself?
If there was one fish on the beach that had been set there by a wave...and thousands were already dead on the shore and this fish looked like it had a little bit of life in him...Would you throw the fish in to live? Would you say that thousands before died so why not let him..or would you throw that fish in knowing that you've saved one life?...Think about it!

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
this guy isn't suicidal...Suicidal people kill themselves - attention *****s TELL PEOPLE that they are going to kill themselves.

H'es AFC, no need to be nice about it just because he's an extra special afc...

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Absolutely not the case. Whether he's going to kill himself isn't what we're talking about here. It's treating people with some form of dignity. Being a DJ doesn't make you a better person than an AFC. It just means you've discovered something that he hasn't yet. You should be sitting here trying to explain to him what he should do, and not telling him off. I guess it just goes to show that just because you've read a few posts in "The DJ Bible", you can still be nothing more than an AFC in his very best DJ clothes.

So Billy Badass, how about you get off your high horse, and start genuinely trying to help the guys who come here, whether they're newbies or elite? Because if you're not here to do that, you're just a waste of server space.


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
Well, it's for me to step in.
First of all, I'd like to give props to Solja and Mr. Latte, you guys understand the spirit of broterhood that we cultivate here, and it isn't found in any other forum...

Now, to Mr. Ronny guy... f*ck you !
Yeah, F*CK YOU !

Let us all hope that when you go out and try to cross the street, a bird sh!ts over your head, and you get pis$ed and don't see the coming truck.

Now, let me get to business...

RaraAvis, I'll make it simple to you... I've been there, done that.
The truth is, you have the answers to your own questions, you have the solutions to all of your problems...
But you lack the will! The inner drive!

Why? I don't know... there can be lots of reasons... you know them... but... stop for one second and think about the future...
Did you ever stop to think of how many things you can do you, how many people you'll know, and you'll be important to them??

When I was suicidal, I didn't give a sh!t about it... I wanted everyone to f*ck off... but slowly... I started to notice... first my family...then my friends...and then this place here.

You have the right to do whatever you want with your life... but, wouldn't it be great if you could help other people being happy, and never suffer like you're suffering now??
Isn't the feeling so desperating that you'd never wish it to anyone, not even your worst enemy?

So... that's the answer I found... First, I wanted to prove for myself that I could be happy, I could be confident, I could be funny and I could be popular...
Second, I wanted to help people, so that they would never feel like I did...

When I was feeling sh!tty, there wasn't a BBB to cheer me up... but, I said, what the heck, since there isn't anyone up to that job, I'll have to become the man myself...
Not being arrogant here, but, it's familiar to all of us that I like to motivate and encourage people through my posts... you know why?

Because I don't want anyone to feel as sh!tty as I did... I wanted to help everyone, to enjoy the best of their lives... even if I have to spend hundreds of dollars in International Phone Calls...

Thank god for having this forum... for having this blessing... when I come around, it was a very productive period, and if it wasn't for man like Pook, Red-xl and stockholder, I seriously would have killed myself.

So, if you still don't wanna do it for yourself, at least do for the others...
Who know, in a year or two for now... you'll be the RaraAvis... everyone's favorite poster... helping people from all over the world to feel better about theirselves...

I find that, sometimes, when we don't find happiness inside of ourselves, we must look for it outside... and looks like you found some... you have a girl that actually cares for you... imagine how would she felt if you died?

What if, deep inside, she really loves you, but still haven't noticed yet?
What if the feeling of loss triggered that love to surface, along with all the sadness and depression, because you're not there anymore, and because "she was responsible".

Do you want her to feel as bad as you do?? Does she deserve that?
Don't you think that she's helping you through the bad times... and she deserves to be rewarded??

The best way you can reward her, is by being the best man you can... Funny, confident, emotive, caring, secure, controlled...
Don't you think that she deserves that?? After all she's done and still is doing for you??

Stop being so f*cking selfish and think about her for a second... Does anyone deserve the guilt of being "blamed" by someone else's suicide, specially when is someone you love, you care and you help?

Put yourself in her shoes... she's going to suffer as much as you, and probably even more that you do, and yet, she hasn't done anything wrong... her intentions were always the best...

PM if you want, we can email each other maybe, but, take my words seriously... you have been given a gift, an angel to take care of you... when I was down and low as you are... I had noone to take care of me... I had to face the lonely road on my own.. and trust me... it's harder than anything else in life... I have stumbled and failed many times, until I finally got a grip and walked slowly towards life...

Good luck, and think ten times before doing anything stupid...


Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
I have nothing to say, grow some balls.

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
I stick by my posts all the way. The guy is a MAJOR AFC.

WHY is he a major afc??? Because whenever something goes wrong he's gonna go to mommy, or his gf, or us here. Now we're here to help. If somebody was truly depressed and turned for help here that's fine, but to say that he's gonna kill himself if his girlfriend goes is just AFC. That's not looking for help. That's looking for attention. He merely wants a million post to say "Everything is going to be just fine man, your girlfriend wont dump you, you are a cool guy". And of coarse the bait is taken by SOME people...

He already made a post which asked for help with his girlfriend, and got something like 17 replies. Was that not enough?

We all know what is going to happen here. This guys' life seems to be centred around a girl, and we all know that girls HATE this shít, and sooner rather than later he will end up being dumped. What then? Suicide? This guy has GOT to be a man about it.

He has no concept about confidence. Confidence and self-esteem and tied in. What he displays is FALSE CONFIDENCE. Way to fix it? To read some of the stuff in the bible and start sorting HIS life out.

So if you guys wanna be mommy here, that's fine. Just DONT expect EVERYONE to get weak in the knees and respond with "everythings going to be ok".

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Who's telling him that everything's gonna be ok? You make it sound as though we all had a big group hug, and then an ice cream party while we watched Jenny Jones and did each other's nails.

If you read our posts, we told him the SAME thing as you. My issue isn't the advice you gave. My beef is the way you gave it. The most AFC newbie to the long time DJ who signed up the day the site opened..both these people deserve your respect. You're not above any of them. All you did was find this mentality that changed your way of thinking before they did. If you're gonna sit around and criticize people because they're in the same place that you UNDOUBTEDLY were (because we all were) at some point, you should find someplace else to do it.

Give respect and you'll get it, that's all.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Gee, anyone else remember the BuddaSMASH situation?


Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
Ann Arbor, Mi
When I was Suicidal I wish that there woulda been someone like Ronny to set me straight. So it's not politically correct. I think he's right, the man needs to read some articles and get over it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
Reaction score
Some of you think he is just another AFC looking for attention. Are you sure? How sure are you? What if he really is suicidal? Are you a fuking psychiatrist?

A "depressed" AFC posting for attention is one thing, but talk of suicide is nothing to fuk around with. The people on these boards are REAL people, and I don't care how much of a badas$ you think you are, nobody wants to feel responsible for someone killing himself.

If you don't know what the fuk you are doing, and I doubt anyone here does (I sure as hell don't), then don't fuking say sh!t that you might regret.

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast

Play some Beatles music that always puts me in a good mood.

Start helping people, volunteer, that always makes people feel good about themselves, when they can help someone else.
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
I think you still deserve to die like Ded said. And obviously WILL die. Your relationship with that chick isn't gonna last forever and since you say the 11th hour will be around the time when she dumps you or whatever, than there is no stopping you.

would you prefer a chemical or noose?


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2003
Reaction score
Props to Brazilian Blues Boy. Hey guys, has the thought every crossed your fu(ked up heads that maybe he has a mental problem that needs to be addressed by a councelor? Jesus christ, you guys are ignorant bastards. I felt just like he did, I saw a councelor, went on some medication, and now i feel great. RaraAvis, don't worry man, life gets better. Talk to your parents about this. I'm sure they could get you into counceling. And don't worry, no one will find out about it.

Good luck man..

And fvck all you other queers who don't understand things.