

Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
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Anxiety, builiding up, wanting a secure place and my imagination telling my self i cannot do it. My concsious tells me that failure is not an option. The calming mantra of: You Are The Great Catch! Running through my head. My confidence appears again in me. Then she is gone.
My need, addcition, infancy, for the secure feeling i get when...i go to sosuave.

Break Away

As I come home everyday I have the urge to go on Sosuave for I do not want to go out into the World without knowing exactly what I do and how to do it.
I beat myself up over this mentally.

I have to break away from the infancy of this support beam I have holding me up like a bridge.
Why is it that I think my bridge will fall? My confidence.
Sosuave is here to give you information that is needed for every man, and to raise confidence.
You know deep inside if you know enough to leave.
Been here over a year?
I think many have. My guess which may not be right is you use it to analyze your life, use it as a support beam, or raise your confidence.
You need to BREAK AWAY. It is no here to guide your life. DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING SAYS ON THIS SITE. THIS IS THEIR OPINION OR WHAT WORKED FOR THEM. JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE 1000 POSTS DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE THE MASTER DON JUAN THE LABEL SAYS. USE COMMON SENSE. Where you go, yes you just don't know. But you've got to take it slow. ----Figure out where, and go there. Take action now, or forever lose your piece of mind. Sosuave, it is here to HELP YOU GUIDE your life. You can ONLY guide your life.
So Break Away from the support beam and support yourself.
The Effulgence of Confidence
The Confident Look
Ever see the guy who walks down the hall/street looking like he has no worries and has every chick he wants in the world? Girls are attracted to that. You walk the walk and girls will want to talk. Do not get this misconception though: You have to be able to back it up. When she talks to you, talk confidently. James Bond for example. He walks confidently, talks condfidently, overall a very confident man. THIS IS NOT JUST "ACTING" THIS IS MAKING A CHANGE...IN YOU!

A young man sees a girl whose sexy, pretty, cute and busty. He says to him self: I Will Approach for I, I am a man. He walks up trying to not look at her in the eyes and says: You caught my eye from the other side of the room. I'm going to see a movie tonight at 9pm want to come with me?
She replies well...I am busy tonight but if you give me your phone number I'll call you sometime.
He starts to panic and get nervous. He says: Well actually I'm free all weekend...Are you free Saturday or Sunday?

See the mistake? He's changing his schedule for...HER! You make the schedule. Now let's see how it should've been done.

The young man sees this sexy, pretty, cute and busty girl. With pure instinct he approaches. Looks at her in her eyes and smiles. He says "Hi". She greets him back. "I just couldn't help noticing you from the otherside of the room. I'm going to see The Movie at 9pm tonight you can come if you want to but if not it's fine too." She looks at him and says "Sure it sounds fun."
Notice how when he says hi, he smiles. Smiling is a universal sign that tells everyone, you are happy/you like them as a friend. Take note on how he said: YOU CAN COME IF YOU WANT BUT IF NOT IT'S FINE TOO
That is an extraordinary thing to say. It tells them:
1. That them coming does not determine if you will be happy or not
2. You are not desperate

Next time you're walking in public take some mental notes:
Do you stand up straight?
Do you keep your head up?
Are you saying hi to people as you walk by? (applies if there is only occasionally a person in the area...I'm not talking about being on the streets of New York here)

If you do all these things you will look proud, confident...and girls will love it. Most girls have immediate interest in a guy that looks confident.

The Confident Talk

A young man sat at a restraunt with a girl. He had the look of confidence that made her interested in him and made her want to go on a date with him. She says "So Mike what kind of movies do you like?" He really liked horror movies a lot but he was afraid to tell her because he did not want her to think he was a sicko. He says in a meak weak voice "I like horror movies alot...I don't like it for the blood and violence you you know i like i like being scared." She gives him a "What The Hell Is Wrong With you?" look. The waitress gives them the menu. Mike wants to order a dish he cannot pronounce. The waitress comes back and says "Sir, what would you like to order?" He starts to sweat, he looks down at the menu again. He says in a weak, low voice so the girl cannot hear "The Unpronouncable Dish." The date ended in him giving her a ride home , him not coming into her house because she's supposeedly tired and the line "Maybe I will call you sometime."

Speak Loudly! If you feel embarrased to say something...SAY IT LOUDLY WITH CONFIDENCE You don't know how to pronounce something: SAY IT LOUDLY ANYWAYS! What do you care if someone corrects you? Don't be a jerk and say there wrong. Acknowledge your wrong but until then: You are right! Speak With Confidence and whatever you say people will think you are right anyways!

Loss of Breathing...

A young man leaves the site...knowing the trials of life before him will be hard. He carries a sword with him...his protection against the devourer of all hearts...women. He had only one superman...this was his kryptonite...this one girl. She discarded him, like last night's tampon. She offers him to be used again. He thinks about it, realizing that if he did, he would be indeed an emotional tampon. He thought to himself...I have a bad disease, all from the heart is where I bleed. He asked himself...How is it my own heart can stab me?
A prophet/wiseman approached him. Disgusted by his lack of knowledge he kicks him in the balls. The man looks suprised of how he did not feel any pain. He asks the wiseman "WHERE HAVE MY BALLS GONE!?" The wiseman looks at him and laughs. "Son, Your balls have left you because you are no longer a man. You give your life and heart away to one girl. What has she repayed you with? Pain, misery, and a uncurable hurt that runs through you every day. You longer have no control of your life. Her whims become what control you. Your heart bleeds from it being abused by this devilish creature you call your god. Your heart stabbing itself is because you do not share mutual love. You gave your love away for free and now you have been cursed. If you were a man still, you would have gotten over her long ago. Your disease... ONE-ITIS. But Sir can be cured if you do work hard enough. Sir Afc nodded appreciatingly.
Listen closely Sir Afc! Always have another girl you can turn to! Do not have only one girl you are interested in! This will put all the focus on her! Never give a girl your love too fast. Wait and see. If she never can go on dates with you then she obviously does'nt! A girl can tell you one thing...but not actually mean it! What a terrible thing it is. She can act like she's interested in you but she may just like you as a...friend. DO NOT try to think of signs she may be giving you. If she's giving you signs. You will notice. (In general we all miss signs every now and then buddy) This Sir Afc, is the cure to ONE-ITIS. (works for me at least, no gurrantees)
You may have, or may not have seen my A Thank You post. Well anyways to conclude this up, I sort of left the website. By doing this I knew I could understand the information on this site better. Gradually I am. I wrote this post because I enjoy writing on this site. If you didn't understand the beginning part, I was saying when I do not understand something about what a girl says/does I go to the site to figure out. It's a hard process being out on your own. Good luck to all.
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Don Juan
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
nor cal
I have to give it to you, that was nothing short of brilliant.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
5's falling down so fast! And how did i get so many views? I do not believe that could happen, must be some kind mess up there.
===> an anagram===>mbpu


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by chill
I have to give it to you, that was nothing short of brilliant.
And thank you. I'm glad to hear you found it helpful.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
A flow of noobs posts. My god. I need to go to...pimpology...


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
some good stuff, ill sit down and take time to read it carefully tomm


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Very nice post - I especially like the part about confident loud voice. Many suffer from this. gj :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
yes, many do speak with a weak voice when they are uncertain of something or nervous.

And do you know how they come off as when they do this?

Uncertain, nervous, submissive...