Don't look for someone who is just like you to make friends. Look for the guy you want to become, or qualities you admire.
Of course, it all depends if you can even
find such a guy, and if you do, whether or not such a guy is going to want to hang out with you anyway.
I've considered many times going the "circle of friends" route. I always hear this is how most people met their gf/bf, or whatever; it's usually through the friend of a friend, and so on.
Out of the circles of friends that I am currently a part of, many guys aren't single, and those that are, they certainly aren't introducing me to their female friends if they have any. Nor do they seem to take much of an interest in going out and meeting women. I went out last night to the bar with some friends, and I definitely got introduced to a lot of guys they knew. No women though. There were a couple of girls sitting at the table next to us, and I certainly couldn't think of anything to say to them, and nobody else I was with bothered to either (except to ask if our table was taken.)
It makes me think that maybe this whole DJ game this site promotes is a pretty unusual thing. I'm certainly not knocking it--of course it puts you at an advantage if you can take matters into your own hands, but the whole "sarging" deal that is talked about so often around here--it seems to be something most people just don't do. I wouldn't go as far to say it's unacceptable, but in general, at least where I'm from, people really don't seem to talk to those they don't know. Being as shy as I am, I would definitely feel more comfortable with several other people I know, rather than just being out there by myself, but this doesn't seem to be going anywhere for me, in terms of meeting women.
I doubt all the guys I know who have girlfriends are DJs (in fact I'm sure many of them aren't). From what I see around me, if everyone who had a girlfriend was a DJ, then ninety percent of the male population would be single.
I don't necessarily want to be a "DJ". I'd just like to be a normal guy that doesn't seem to repel women. Haven't quite gotten there yet.