Don Juan
Well when I first got to my college I became highly discouraged. The guy to girl ratio was 9 to 1 and I had seemingly no chance of meeting any girls. I didn’t even have any classes with girls (having mostly engineering classes). What made things even worse was that the floor I was on was pretty much against having anything to do with any girls there, which most likely came from resentment and frustration from being unsuccessful with them. Well I started noticing this girl around campus and I quickly became infatuated with her (due to the fact of having no interaction with any other girls). As I soon found out this girl was the most pursued girl there and considered by most guys to be the #1 best looking girl. Well I became good friends with a guy on my floor and we were very like minded. We would do whatever we could to meet girls, go to volleyball games or whatever. I would just go anywhere I thought the girl I liked might be in hopes of getting a chance to talk to her. Well it never happened. Well a little into my second semester me and my friend decided to room together. We grew increasingly frustrated with the lack of girls at the school and our un-success. About that time we both started to read Don Juan and we gradually started to change our whole game plan. We realized that pursuing the girls wasn’t working at all (mainly due to the fact of the ratio and because the girls there are so highly pursued). We decided we needed to do differently what every other guy at that college did. We needed the girls to pursue us. We started to work on an image of mysteriousness. I had a pretty good trump attribute of having a highly modified jeep Cherokee (I became known for doing crazy things like climbing the jeep onto the top of a building on campus). We soon started to realize that confidence was the key to everything. Now all this time I was trying to figure out how the hell I was to go about getting to the most pursued girl on campus. I knew I couldn’t approach her directly because that’s what every other guy did and I couldn’t compete with all them, I’m also not outgoing enough to do that. I started to think of any connections I had with her, I barely knew her roommate so that’s where I decided I had to start. I started to talk to her every chance I got, if the two were together I would go talk to her roommate and just ignore the girl I liked. Me and my friend really started to focus on the idea that we had to work on friendships with as many girls there as possible, we knew we needed the image of girls always being with us, giving the image to other girls that there must be something to us. Now my friend always sarcastically joked about Friday night being "ladies night" in our room, knowing full well that we weren’t going to be doing anything with any girls that night. But we started to think, what if we did have ladies night? Well one night I ran into the girl I liked and her roommate in the gym. I went over and started talking to her roommate, just making stupid small talk. Then all of a sudden I said "hey, you coming to ladies night this Friday?", acting as if she should know what I was talking about. She then asked what "ladies night" was and I told her that Friday night was ladies night in our room and that she should come. I said all of this with as much confidence as I could. She then leaned over to the girl I liked and told her, she then just looked at me and rolled her eyes at me, but I acted as if I could care less if they came or not, I was just offering them something to do. Well I got back to the room and told my friend that we had to put on a real "ladies night" for the next Friday. He thought I had gone insane. Its hard enough to talk to a girl at this school, how the hell are we going to throw a ladies night. Well Friday came and I had no idea of what the hell I got myself into. If the two girls came we would look really stupid, like we just used that excuse to just get them up in our room. Well as it grew closer to the allotted time we both started to panic. We knew we couldn’t just have these two girls in our room. We went back to the idea that we needed the image of being with a lot of girls. So about 10 min. before it was to start we got out the directory and started calling up all the good looking girls and their friends, about 90% of which we had never met. Surprisingly most of the girls we called said they would come. We just played it off as a joke and made it seem like we were just doing something stupid. Well I went and got two of my friends that were confident with girls that knew could help us pull this thing off. One of my friends decided to dress up in his tux and play his violin, I must say this was a very nice touch. Well the girls started to show up, the first two to show up are in the top five list, one of which my roommate liked. After that, two more girls who we didn’t know showed up in their prom dresses. Three other girls decided to bring us cup cakes and cookies. Now just imagine how this was making us look to the other girls. We had about 10 girls show up (not bad for four guys). Surprisingly the night went perfect, we just sat around drank coffee, played stupid games, and talked. Afterwards all the girls said they had a lot of fun and said they hoped we would have it again. Now about the girl I liked…. I guess her and her roommate decided they were going to show us up, she called to return my call to say she wasn’t coming, but guess who answered the phone- her best friend, she then asked who all was there and she named off all the girls. I’m sure they felt stupid, they thought they would be the only ones there and then she calls to find out a bunch of other girls are there having fun. And Im sure she got very good reports about the night from her best friend. Me and my roommate were shocked that "ladies night" had actually worked, we put our balls on the line and it paid off. Doing something like throwing a "ladies night" could have easily backfired on us and made us look really pathetic. That night really boosted our confidence. The girls started to talk about us and our "ladies night" and we started getting looks from a lot of girls we didn’t even know. Now the next time I saw the girl I liked she said she would be coming to the next ladies night. I then told her that I had a busy week and I didn’t feel like dealing with "ladies night". I just told her that I would probably get some people together and go out to eat or something and that she was welcome to come if she wanted. So that’s how it started with me and her. I continued to not pursue her at all but her and her roommate continued to seek me and my friend out to do stuff every weekend. It was working perfectly. We continued to smit them as much as bearable, like we had stuff to do or whatever, and that made them pursue us even more. We didn’t do stuff with them every chance we had (even though I wanted to) but we made sure they had a lot of fun every time they did do something with us. They had tons of good looking guys pursuing them but these were the guys they would ditch to come do stuff with us. A few weekends ago they came and spent the weekend at my house. A lot of guys got pissed about this. Its just crazy looking back on all this and seeing how far me and my roommate have come. We owe a lot of it to this site. I was just some not very social insecure freshman with average looks that became infatuated with the hottest and most pursued girl on campus and arranged it so that she pursued me. Right now things are going ok with the girl, im still in the friends zone but that’s mostly due to my lack of balls to push it any further. I’M not sure how it will go with her, I at least know she is somewhat interested in me. I may be having a few difficulties getting her but then its nice to remember that I have it made with a lot of other girls there. I’m just a freshman and I have a lot of the upperclassmen guys jealous of me. I just cant believe how much this sight has really helped me and I just wanted to tell yall how well the advice I get here has worked.