success stories


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2003
Reaction score
im fairly new to this site but what i have learnt so far has benefited me no end. Ive had some success with girls and now i know what went right and why. in the future im going to do even better.

anyway heres my question - i just read a post where a guy was talking about how far he had come since he first visited this site and i was wondering if anyone else could tell me their success stories?

im interested because i think it will give a time frame. i want to know how long it takes to get from rafc to dj.

cheers guys


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
i started really reading and applying some things on this site about 6 or 7 months ago. the first 3 months were bittersweet because of all the learning experiences. i was a major AFC. after about 3 months i hooked up (sex) with my first chick and it seemed to go downhill from there. you just start living this lifestyle and you don't even have to think about it. i'm still learning. remember that experience is the key.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Originally posted by Knicknack
i started really reading and applying some things on this site about 6 or 7 months ago. the first 3 months were bittersweet because of all the learning experiences. i was a major AFC. after about 3 months i hooked up (sex) with my first chick and it seemed to go downhill from there. you just start living this lifestyle and you don't even have to think about it. i'm still learning. remember that experience is the key.
Despite my absolutely **** shocking choke the other day , I'd say it's taken me four months to get to the DJ level..

Poopie Doodies

New Member
Dec 8, 2003
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I am also new here, but after reading some of the stuff I get the idea that a DJ never truly "arrives" and is constantly improving himself in every way...

You know..the journey makes the man and so on

Paid Laid & Made

Senior Don Juan
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Its truly more of a learning experience. If you log on every 2 weeks, your not going to be getting everything out of this as if you would constantly try and improve your game.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2003
Reaction score
cheers for your replies.

its only been a couple of weeks for me but now i know the underlying principles of what makes a man attractive to a woman i am making a lot of headway. already i am getting better reactions (smiles, the eye etc.) from the ladies.

i just cant believe that i used to suppress my naturally c + f attitude because i thought it was unnattractive and too arragant. i realise now that there were so many times when girls were attracted to me but i never saw it, i thought that i was too much of a idiot, always taking the piss. its like this feminised society threw me in entirely the wrong direction. its no wonder that sites like this need to exist and that the balance of power between the sexes feels unfair when society/the media feeds young men such mixed messages.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
" I'd say it's taken me four months to get to the DJ level"

Thats pretty quick man, you rekon your 100% DJ now? Or just at a level where your comfortable? Or you feel DJ but still have a lot of things to learn?

I've been on this site for about the same time, 4-5 months, I wasn't really AFC before but I've been on a constant climb up the path to DJ since I came here.

I don't think I'm even close to the man i wan't to be yet but i'm always improving. That's the great thing about realising your a Dj (which everyone whose found this site can claim to be in some way) - you know you can only get better, and no matter which path you take the simple fact that your working on improving yourself and your life will guarantee your path is a good one.

A few small steps on my part since I found this site are as follows.

- I've always been an active and spontainious person but reading some of the posts here have made me take that a step further and i make an effort to try and enjoy every second i'm alive.

- I used to be quite self consious around people, strangers, big groups, but never by myself, it was minimal but still a bit annoying. SInce i've been doing the gym, working on myself mentally by doing a bit of zen and confidence excercises (giving myself a mental slap when I feel like im getting down) it's improved and i find myself saying and doing things I wouldn't normally do around people.


New Member
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
This site is insightful, but really you have to look at each cases and analyis it. Should use it just for reference.

What do you think?


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score

Good! Realizing past mistakes is a good way to move on and realize future opportunities. Don't dwell on the past though - it can't be changed, and these girls shouldn't even be bothered with now.

I read a post by a guy who had been on the site for 2 years or so and was still afraid to talk to girls.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2003
Reaction score
This site is insightful, but really you have to look at each cases and analyis it. Should use it just for reference.
it seems to me that there are basic rules to human nature that become blinded by our ideals (see signature). rules like the way that people are attracted to what seems better and if you bust someones balls you give the impression that you are better( this only gives the impression though and a lack of substance is unattractive). and ideals like world peace, utopias or no suffering. its as if some people get so wrapped up in how it "should" be that they forget how it is. this doesnt meen discard ideals and become a total cynic but that youve got to work with the present rules before you can break them.

anyway im digressing. the point is that masculine ways seem to have been buried in favour of more feminine ideals and its given women the advantage in the battle of the sexes. this site is good to see a less typically, politically correct and more realistic view of the world. views that, although realsitic, contradict popular opinion. of course all posts must be seen as opinion and not gospel.

im just striving to be a real man; strong and good.