Subconscious is making it hard to forget


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
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Girl I was into dumped me about a month ago, I have been trying to move on.

Zero contact, Hit the Gym and lost some weight, No more facebook. Had some success with the online dating thing. Booked a learn to sail vacation. Not really ready to jump back into dating yet, so ive just been working on me. Reading, Working out, eating healthy, expanding hobbies, etc..

Making all the moves to move on, but every few nights my damn subconscious dredges her up along with an even older ex.

I rarely dream, but these have been vivid and when I awake they are forefront in my mind.

I know last nights was sparked off by this gif.

my ex looks identical from behind sans the long hair..

so guys.. what the hell can I do.. this is really throwing a kink into my moving on phase.. I am consciously trying to forget, but my subconscious isn't letting me..


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2010
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How long were you two together? I suffered oneitis recently with a girl I was banging for 3 months and I was married but sadly this was the only way I felt about a woman.

I have since moved on but I am flying solo, not working on plates at the moment, just enjoy time to myself and reading up on things. I have been having strange dreams lately though. None of them about my ex but there was this one with the hot ass girls in it that was great! I think you're fine though by your post and the way it's constructed. But I think basically you're still seeking closure and I have seen it a lot on other forums from guys who just want answers.

I think you just have to think of a girl who you felt nothing for and then everytime you think of her, think of the other girl too. This will eventually desensitize your feelings for her. It worked for me, like this nasty ass girl at my work who is gigantic and just recently got married (I feel for the afc) is who comes to mind when my ex pops in my head. It has helped and also assuming she's not coming back. I went no contact and just assume she's not coming back and I have been for a while.

Women are like phuckin' cats man, she will dabble sooner or later to get her ego check in and make sure you're not on suicide watch. Just keep focusing on you, this will pass.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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I still have the occasional VIVID dream of my old one-itis. Just had one last night actually. Every time it happens I think of texting her, but I let it pass. Keep in mind I havent been with her for over 3 years. Havent even seen her in 2 1/2.

She has texted me out of the blue saying the same thing....and let me tell you it plays with my head. But it was a dysfunctional, screwy relationship. I have to look at the facts.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2010
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Yea I had this too. We have been apart for 2 years now, but if she somehow comes up - like her mail shows up at my address... Then WTF!!!! Everything goes wonky, I get a vivid dream and need to spend some time the next morning clearing things out of the mind.

It's annoying, but as time goes on, it occurs less and less. Just remember that your subconscious is biased towards the good parts of the relationship and the feelings of attachment that you probably felt towards her.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
West Coast
There's a neurological factor at work. Pathways in the brain become very physical after a while, as you keep using them.
"As a single footstep does not create a path in the forest, a single thought does not create a path in the mind".
Therapy treatment makes use of this when people have lost certain motor skills; they have to re-learn those skills, which literally creates new neuro pathways.
The same pathways can prevent you from moving on after a relationship-- your thought processes fall into well-worn ruts instead of carving new ones.
The best way to get over a girl is to bang a baker's dozen of her friends.