Stupid people at your gym


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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I thought it would be funny to have a thread where we can all complain about stupid/obnoxious things that people do at the gym. Curling in the squat rack and things of that nature. They have a thread like this at Sherdog and it's pretty funny. Post your stories here.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
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New Jersey
1. The skinny 150 lb dude pulling up his shirt to admire his six-pack in front of everyone, followed by 100 crunches

2. People leaving all their weights on the bar so you have to take them all off to do your warmups

3. Guys at my gym who puts on 315 lbs (6 plates) on a barbell and does a quarter squats grunting extremely loudly with his friends watching...oh yeah hes real tough $hit ain't he?

4. Guys who wear muscle shirts that look like a woman's tanktop

5. Pretty much any poser who goes in there staring at himself for an hour followed by cheating DB curls....go to walmart and buy a pair of dumbbells and stay at home you idiot.

-Once when I was doing my warmup for deadlifts, some dude grabbed a 25 lb plate from my pile of weights on the floor and tried to sneak away with it. I turned and i saw him walking away with it to go do some crunches. (small dude) I decided to avoid the conflict as he needed the weight more than i did haha

-I watched some old guy circling a small table in the front of the gym for 45 minutes. I know it doesn't sound too funny, but after noticing, and watching for 20 minutes, this man with no real purpose in this gym but to circle that one table had me and my friends crying laughing. Must have circled it a 1000 times!

To be continued...


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
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Doesn't really tick me off, but sometimes i can see a person in the gym who is clearly new

they arn't doing as much as they can, they go from machine to machine and do half a dozen different muscles

i wanna tell them that they're not doing it right, and guide them a little, because when i first started i didn't have any guidance either and that hampered my growth for a while

but i'm not that big, and just afraid that they'll think i'm talking out of my arse, so i just leave them be

what does tick me off, is when somebody is picking up a wieght or doing something with improper form which could seriously hurt thier back one day. like dumbell rows, or seated cable row


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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i am surrounded by morons in my school gym. it killed my morale to go the week of finals ><. im sure youve heard it all by now, or seen it all. so hence, i leave a trademark there: after deads, i leave weight on ground K BYE.
hahaahhaahh. and only like .8% of the ppl who go there do deads. >:O


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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I'm probably the stupidest guy in my gym. Most of the guys I train with have had over 5-20 years competitive powerlifting experience or olympic lifting and bodybuilding experience.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
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Not that I have alot of experience, but the best is when new muscle bound people start Muay Thai training.. They come in thinking cause they are big as **** and strong it will be easy.. they end up puking half way through and cringe when my weak ass kicks the pads they are holding. I also hate when they **** up my timing by constantly dropping the Thai pads during 45 sec intervals... I mean really.. cant hold up pads and feed me for 3 minutes? but they look like they could take me and break me in half... its laughable.

thses guys dont make it a week. I am sure they end up back at there gym saying kick boxing is for pussies or something.


Master Don Juan
Oct 10, 2007
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The small or new people I can understand (they don't know better) but I find it amazing that a considerable number of big/built guys at my gym never do full ROM when lifting. Only partial rom.. wth?


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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I think we all go to the same gym :crackup:

These are the people who annoy me the most at my gym:

1. The huge bodybuilder guy who ALWAYS wears sleeveless shirts and track pants (to hide his skinny legs) and probably can't squat his bodyweight. He can usually be found curling or doing upright rows in the squat rack, probably because he curls and rows more than he deadlifts and can't pick that much weight up off the floor :down:

2. Guys who wear lifting straps for EVERYTHING, even if they don't use them, along with $200 Adidas weightlifting shoes and "______ High School Weightlifting Championships" t-shirts... and do nothing but curls and Smith machine shrugs :down:

3. The black chick who talks very loudly on her phone (The last thing I want to hear while I'm deadlifting is some chick complaining about her babydaddy and screaming "MHMMMM girlfriend!" into her phone) WHILE she's doing Smith machine squats :down:

4. The guy who throws 500 lbs on the bar with no warm up then does 1/8th squats and grunts and screams the whole time, while all the other guys stop curling and gather around to watch in awe :down:

5. The people who ask me to spot them while they do quarter squats or curls :down:

6. The "curl zombies"... these are the people who do NOTHING but curls and they usually stare into the mirrors the entire time with a zombie-like gaze on their faces. They usually pick the most annoying places possible to do this, like directly in front of the squat rack or right next to the weight trays :down:

7. The 2 man bench/deadlift team: this guy "benches" 315 lbs by bouncing the weight off his chest (I seriously don't know how he hasn't broken his sternum yet) while his spotter deadlifts half the weight, while simultaneously screaming loud enough for the whole gym to hear: "It's all you, bro!" :down:

And last but not least:

8. While all this stupidity is going on, the people who work at the gym come up to me and ask me to stop "dropping" the plates on deadlifts or power cleans :rolleyes: Sorry, but I don't drop the plates, I set them down as softly as I can, but it's kind of hard to put a heavy weight down quietly, and this is a gym anyway not a library.

The 2 man bench/deadlift team and the guy screaming while doing 500 lb "squats" are much louder, more annoying and injury-prone but the staff never bothers them for some reason :down:


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2006
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The guy who will go to the bench set it up lay his towel out then spend the next twenty minutes talking to some other joker, when you ask him if its free "two more sets buddy".


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
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New Jersey
So far this is great guys! Haha so true! Here is a story.

A big guy comes up to me after my first set of deadlifting like 400 lbs, he asks me about 'MY' training for a minute and then tells me that I'm training incorrectly for my goals and that the body can only take blah blah amount of protein. He then asks me if he can try to lift the weight because he's never done a Deadlift before. (I wasn't about to stop this moron) This guy had a big chest and tiny legs, needless to say he couldn't get the bar an inch off the ground and walked away as if he was crippled.



Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
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New jersey
Fluffy said:
The guy who will go to the bench set it up lay his towel out then spend the next twenty minutes talking to some other joker, when you ask him if its free "two more sets buddy".

THIS fvcking guy's at my gym too!!!! :cuss:

I just take his sh!t off the bar now and do my own thing. He disappears talking to people for like 20 minutes at a time.

Why do people buy a gym membership just to talk for 2 hours?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
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Kerpal said:
I think we all go to the same gym :crackup:

The 2 man bench/deadlift team and the guy screaming while doing 500 lb "squats" are much louder, more annoying and injury-prone but the staff never bothers them for some reason :down:
Reminds me of the personal trainer that hangs around because the gym hired him to look buff for the patrons.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2008
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Kerpal said:
4. The guy who throws 500 lbs on the bar with no warm up then does 1/8th squats and grunts and screams the whole time, while all the other guys stop curling and gather around to watch in awe :down:
:crackup: I saw the same thing today at my gym. The guy puts on 405 lbs (counting the weights out loud as he put the plates on so everyone could hear) and then "squats" it but barely bends his knees and roars like a lion during each rep. Then his buddy does the same thing with like 100 lbs less and doesn't struggle as much... and the first guy cuts him off and says "no that's too heavy for you", lol. The second guy ended up squatting ATG since the first guy wouldn't let him put as much weight on...


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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I am absolutely the only guy who squats or deadlifts in my gym. A couple people will half squat on the smith machine though.

I see the same 20-30 guys all the time and i pretty much just live in the only rack because no one wants to use it. I didn't use to do rows and deadlifts and bb curls in there but i do now because if i leave it empty still no one uses it so i just do EVERYTHING in the rack. No one ever complains and it leaves me in my own little corner with no one getting in the way.

No one wants to squat, deadlift, good morning, military press, the pullup bar in it.. NOTHING that will require the use of the rack. If i set the safety bars at a certain height or the "bar holders" (whatever they're called) at a height, they are always in the same place as i left them the next time i'm there.

I even bench press in there now with the safety bars on since i don't have a spotter. No one ever cares at all that i'm in the only rack over an hour! But if i use other stuff (like that weirdo large double cable fly machine contraption that i'll use for something like tricep pushdowns or pullthroughs) then everyone wants to get in the way.

I do get guys who say they "used" to squat but their knees or back are "shot" now so they can't. More like won't. Most could still squat just fine. Then they go back to curling. I have a hard time believing people when they say they used to squat when i never see them doing any compound exercises at all outside of maybe a cable row with 3 different types of handles in one workout.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
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Brilliant. I think we all work out at the same gym.

I saw this the other day. Two big guys walk in with puffed chests, and sweaty (why the hell are they sweaty when they've just checked into the gym?...) Anyway, they go over to the bench press. Start putting on 45's on each side of the, they put 4 on each side....I tell my buddy, "Hey man, check this out...these guys are going to kill..."

That's 405. Bench. This is unusually high for the gym I go to since most of them aren't huge. Me and my buddy, along with bunch of others around us, stop working because we wanted to see this.

The one guy gets behind the bar, standing. The other guy is right behind him...

The guy fvcking SHRUGS!! He's doing SHRUGS on a BENCH PRESS.

And of course, it's not full range of motion. Even when that other guy is spotting him.

And what is the deal with people socializing at the gym? If you're discussing workouts, exercises that's fine. But don't stand there and debate upright rows vs. pull ups. If I wanted to watch an idiotic debate, I'll tune to O'Reilly.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2008
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lol, another one I saw...

A 120 pound beanpole wearing a wife beater thinking he looks muscular, curling 15 lb dumbbells but having to swing his back to do the curl.

I think working out is like driving. Once you learn the right way you realize how many idiots there are out there doing dumb sh*t.


Aug 18, 2007
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Some white dude on the lat pulldowns doing so much weight he has to bend his back backwards and is almost completely horizontal. Pulling the weight with his whole body...


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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Saw a guy doing curls (what else?) on one of the pulley machines today. I noticed he was wearing lifting straps... then I looked closer and realized he had actually strapped himself onto the handles of the pulley machine :rolleyes:

I did see a couple guys deadlifting today which is very rare at my gym, and their form was good :)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
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mrRuckus said:
I am absolutely the only guy who squats or deadlifts in my gym. A couple people will half squat on the smith machine though.

I see the same 20-30 guys all the time and i pretty much just live in the only rack because no one wants to use it. I didn't use to do rows and deadlifts and bb curls in there but i do now because if i leave it empty still no one uses it so i just do EVERYTHING in the rack. No one ever complains and it leaves me in my own little corner with no one getting in the way.

No one wants to squat, deadlift, good morning, military press, the pullup bar in it.. NOTHING that will require the use of the rack. If i set the safety bars at a certain height or the "bar holders" (whatever they're called) at a height, they are always in the same place as i left them the next time i'm there.

I even bench press in there now with the safety bars on since i don't have a spotter. No one ever cares at all that i'm in the only rack over an hour! But if i use other stuff (like that weirdo large double cable fly machine contraption that i'll use for something like tricep pushdowns or pullthroughs) then everyone wants to get in the way.

I do get guys who say they "used" to squat but their knees or back are "shot" now so they can't. More like won't. Most could still squat just fine. Then they go back to curling. I have a hard time believing people when they say they used to squat when i never see them doing any compound exercises at all outside of maybe a cable row with 3 different types of handles in one workout.
heres an idea.. just buy the rack off the gym :D

As for my one, personal trainers who does not correct quarter squats for their client.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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I would get into this, but I try so hard to forget. It would be too depressing.