Stupid females and their overused phrases! LONG READ!

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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Okay, the background of this other girl. She's decent looking (some would say hot), younger than me, smart and sassy... but as I write this description... I think I'd pass on her now... considering 90% of the time, I HATE younger girls.

About her situation: I've been witty, funny, confident, smart, and slightly "jerkish/****y" at times to her and EVERYONE at work. We've worked together for 9 months, but not many times through out those 9 months. I never showed any real interest in "getting to know her"... but only innocent flirting.

But now, the time of year where our store goes to an amusement park is coming up and I wasn't sure if any of my coworker buddies were going... so I decided I'd try to make sure I was in a "group" of people I know... and definitely sit with someone I "like" and not be the oddball, since my buds might not go.

So the week before, I went in to pick up my schedule and tried picking up hours. This girl said she wanted me to work for her, and I told her, "Yeah sure... In one condition" and told her to talk to me in a few minutes since I'm "doing something" and I walk off. and I know she's curious because she follows me and asks what the one condition is.

But later I get the schedule to write down my hours, wave the girl over to talk to me after she's finished with a customer, and to come discuss the one condition. Customers start pouring in, and I wait about 5-10 minutes since I'm done writing out my schedule. I'm not mad, of course, but I hate being at my job if I'm not working... and I wanna leave ASAP. So I walk up to the counter, press the feed button on the reciept printer, write her a note.

It read:

I'll work your shifts if you sit with me at <amusement park>...

[ ] Yes [ ] No

(hint: check one)

<arrow pointing to the back>
Back reads:

But seriously, that's the one condition. my number is #
After I gave it to her she smiled and laughed and said she'd text me later that night. I was thinking "ding, ding, red flag... I'll just turn texting into phone talking".

Txt msg:
Her "blah blah about the note haha, sit with you on one ride, on the way there/way back, or the whole time? I promised I'd sit with <female friend>."
Me "yo i'm not into texting too much, lets use our cellphones like they're supposed to be used."

She calls and she talks about the one condition and that only (ding ding red flag). I make some jokes about her voice on the phone, blah blah blah, and It appears her friend can hear me because i hear "whoa, jerkish?". I don't make a big deal about it, and I start talking about how it's all or none, and If not, she can think of some way to make it up to me. blah blah and she said she'll call me in the morning. Neat.

She didn't, so I left one, and one only text message to her noontime saying "Sooo..?" No response. Couple days later still no call, I decided to call her while I was out and leave a message. No word from her yet. I decided to keep it at one text and one voicemail maximum, then delete the trick.

Alright, today I went into my work to pick up my check and schedule. went to the break room where some of my female coworkers and a new coworker were having their lunch break.

One of them (a female) I'm real friendly with and we talk about things openly. i have a feeling this girl has my back more than anyone else at my job... as in she'd probably keep her mouth shut or defend me if people were talking crap about me.

(Not that I'm paranoid, I just know the dudes at my job don't like me because I appear anti-social, quiet, but confident and I show that I am not into their stupid "I'm a badass" attitudes. I know 100% they think I'm a pretty-boy.)

So my reliable coworker told me about how she heard that I'm "creepin' on <girl's name>"

First, let me give you the definition of this slang word that girls use loosely nowadays.

creep (krēp)
intr.v. crept (krěpt), creep·ing, creeps

1 Slang An annoyingly unpleasant or repulsive person.

2 Slang A boring, disturbingly eccentric, painfully introverted, or obnoxious person.
Note that this conversation took place in front of other coworkers. I kept my cool.

I just explained to my reliable coworker (in front of the other people) that: "I have no idea what she means by creeping, since every girl uses that word to describe everything, And that It's not like I text message her or call her. I only called and texted once and left it at that."

After that, they changed the topic to me getting a buzzcut and nosering out of the blue.

Later when there's no coworkers around I ask her about it, and she said she doesn't know... she's just repeating it for me.


Now sorry for this VERY unnecessarily long thread. Details help people.

I'm not mad about the situation with the girl, I doubt she called me a "creeper". I just know she told other people at work, and they labeled it that judging from the ghetto wannabes at my work.

Now I don't know if I even wanna go to this amusement park with my store. I might be the oddball, because I have no clue if my buddies are going.

Only reason I wanna go is because it's a steal, costs $45 covering: charterbus (gas), food, and tickets which cost $45 itself.

Being called a creep is such a confidence killer, everything I thought I was doing right was smashed into the ground with such a stupid word.

All this for trying to get to know and be nice to one person for once.

I MIGHT go to the park with the store, and go solo trying to practice my game on girls who live 3 hours away from me... but that would be awkward if I bumped into people from the store.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
dude, i think you handled it pretty well... just cut her off, you see she's a AW. Go to the park, have your fun, and just be socialble. As long as your having fun, its all good. But on a side note, I just started working, and im not really sure how to go about flirting with coworkers, any advice?

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
blackbelt2k said:
dude, i think you handled it pretty well... just cut her off, you see she's a AW. Go to the park, have your fun, and just be socialble. As long as your having fun, its all good. But on a side note, I just started working, and im not really sure how to go about flirting with coworkers, any advice?
funny you ask me, i work two jobs and am 19. one job is a chick-fil-a, the other is abercrombie. i know nothing of the professional workplace flirting games -- other than the normal busting on what they do, negging.

i don't recommend flirting with coworkers anymore, UNLESS you're 100% sure they are interested, or it'll turn into workplace gossip... if there's many peers that are at least acquaintances.

also, i'm pretty sure she isn't an AW, she's pretty down to earth. perhaps she just wasn't interested in the first place, which is completely fine with me. the problem was the workplace gossip over something small and private was exploded.

gossipy girls should be backhanded.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
A better place, a better time.
Go to the park, rides are fun.

blackbelt2k said:
I just started working, and im not really sure how to go about flirting with coworkers, any advice?
Don't go any further than flirting! Seriously you can get really fvcked (not in the good way) if something goes wrong. Flirt with them, practice your game, but don't go any further than that. There's a lot of other women out there.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
Don't let her being a co-worker stop you from sleeping with her. These aren't jobs you are going to work for the rest of your life, so if something goes wrong, it's no big deal. If you had just landed a $100K investment banking job right out of college, I'd tell you differently.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
Reaction score
You're 19, but did that checkbox shvt that got old in grade 3, much less her for her to sit with you?

Not sure what to say there...

As a rule though, don't date people from work, if it doesn't work out it messes up a lot.

I'd next her, though it seems shes already done that to you. :\


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Don't use ultimatums with women, they are so indecisive they will just be totally turned off of you by them. Also, since she didn't give you an immediate answer you were looking for (yes), you should have dropped it and just said it was a joke, no need to create drama at the work place because she obviously wasn't displaying a lot of interest.

I also just realized you used a second ultimatum when you were talking on the phone, STAY THE F**K AWAY FROM THESE. You started shooting yourself in the foot after the first phone call.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, SFV
why do you care if you only want her as company for this trip? What, are you catching feelings? Or are you just sensitive? You seem incredibly impatient, not chill... Just relax man and don't worry about this petty crap.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
You should have dropped her when she didn't call back the next morning and didn't respond to your text.

Here's what I think happened:

She was into you a bit, and she was sh!t testing you with the whole I promised I would sit next to my friend crap. But when you started pushing about getting an ultimatum well, like Lookout said, women are really indecisive and when you got more aggressive she chose the safer one which was to just ditch you!!!

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
OrangeCrusader said:
You're 19, but did that checkbox shvt that got old in grade 3, much less her for her to sit with you?

Not sure what to say there...

As a rule though, don't date people from work, if it doesn't work out it messes up a lot.

I'd next her, though it seems shes already done that to you. :\
well, any retard can see that check the box thing was a joke. no offense, i don't mean that you're a retard... you just thought i was being 100% serious.

and yes, sit. i wasn't emphasizing the sit part though... more like, "for me working for you, you can make it up to me with something that goes along of the lines of getting to know each other outside of work... wait, if you want, here's an idea, you sit with me on the rides."

the hookers loss anyway.

RokyRoc said:
Touchout said:
Don't use ultimatums with women, they are so indecisive they will just be totally turned off of you by them. Also, since she didn't give you an immediate answer you were looking for (yes), you should have dropped it and just said it was a joke, no need to create drama at the work place because she obviously wasn't displaying a lot of interest.

I also just realized you used a second ultimatum when you were talking on the phone, STAY THE F**K AWAY FROM THESE. You started shooting yourself in the foot after the first phone call.
You should have dropped her when she didn't call back the next morning and didn't respond to your text.

Here's what I think happened:

She was into you a bit, and she was sh!t testing you with the whole I promised I would sit next to my friend crap. But when you started pushing about getting an ultimatum well, like Lookout said, women are really indecisive and when you got more aggressive she chose the safer one which was to just ditch you!!!
thanks for your advice, but honestly i don't agree 100%. also, i generalized when i typed these "ultimatums"... i wasn't being forceful in anyway. she and i discussed it, and i told her to come up with ideas while whatever i was doing... and she didn't come up with any that seemed fun, so i told her she can think about it because i really didn't feel like staying on the phone long.

also, i won't play off what my intentions are as a joke. i'm fine with being "rejected" (if that's the final word on this situation). from the way it appears now, she's just a child who feels she needs to tell her workplace "friends". i'm not into a girl who acts like a child.

wjh said:
why do you care if you only want her as company for this trip? What, are you catching feelings? Or are you just sensitive? You seem incredibly impatient, not chill... Just relax man and don't worry about this petty crap.
because at that point, she seemed pretty cool... and she probably still is pretty cool. am i catching feelings? no, i don't have any "heartbreak" feelings nor do i have hard feelings towards her. no, i'm not sensitive, i'm not impatient, and i am chilled.

when i spoke to her over the phone, i wasn't forcing her to come up with ideas, nor was i rushing her to rush her customers while i was waiting... i was waiting patiently and i wasn't stomping my feet in a sissy tantrum.

you pretty much described me completely opposite.

sure i'm not relaxed at this second about it, and i might be worrying about people talking about me behind my back at work... but i can now look at it this way... i can finally leave this job, make more money, and get some of my career experience.

thanks for the advice though.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, SFV
you just seem overly worked up over it man, and I understand that it's not fun what you're going through right now, but some perspective might help you laugh it off. The work drama is definitely not worth it. You'll be cool. A&F is a cool place for a young guy to work. Plenty of scattered a55. Good luck bro.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
Hmm... then based on Sherlock Holmes deduction technique. She must be a drama queen, if everything you say is 100% true and unbiased but close enough.

Keep on flirting (lightly) with her (if you decide to stay, and why shouldnt you stay, if you like the job then it doesnt matter what ppl say behind your back) but just use her as target practice for your game. I wouldnt get serious with that unless she has a good fool-proof BS proof reason, and since women rarely do...

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
wjh said:
you just seem overly worked up over it man, and I understand that it's not fun what you're going through right now, but some perspective might help you laugh it off. The work drama is definitely not worth it. You'll be cool. A&F is a cool place for a young guy to work. Plenty of scattered a55. Good luck bro.
i'm not stressed and overworked, really... it's more like a pet peeve when girls choose words carelessly.

same job: a really hideously ugly girl called me a "creeper" because i was making joking comments to coworkers to see if they smile or whatever their reaction is... i said "the way your hair blows in the wind"... i said that before to the girl in this situation when she walked through the front door on a windy day... and when a thicker girl made a comment on how she started going to the gym, i said "oh, that's why you started getting a kickin' bod'" ... i say lame jokes for fun... why not?

i don't wanna be just like every other douchebag i work with who talks about rap music and who they hungout with the other day.

and yeah, abercrombie is pretty sweet. but i'm over it. i told the managers to stop scheduling because the job is lame... and they agreed... and agreed to keep me in the system for the discount.

RokyRoc said:
Hmm... then based on Sherlock Holmes deduction technique. She must be a drama queen, if everything you say is 100% true and unbiased but close enough.

Keep on flirting (lightly) with her (if you decide to stay, and why shouldnt you stay, if you like the job then it doesnt matter what ppl say behind your back) but just use her as target practice for your game. I wouldnt get serious with that unless she has a good fool-proof BS proof reason, and since women rarely do...
everything is 100% true to what i know... and i try to remain unbiased in every way. ...other than calling those people douchebags... because they actually are.

she just may be... i haven't bothered to get to know her much, other than fluff talk and superficial stuff about ourselves.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Simple enough: girls use the word "creep" when they're not attracted to the guy hitting on them. You haven't done anything wrong really and you'll find that if you try the same on a girl who's interested, you'll get a very very different response. You didn't read her vibe right in this situation.


New Member
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
You should just go to the Amusement Park anyway. It doesn't really matter what the opinion of you is. I've been in the company of people who thought I was a douche or a "creep," but I went anyway. I used to not, but I just don't care anymore. Just go and have some fun. :)

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Good thread. My #1 most HATED word coming outta young people's mouths is the word beginning their sentences with, "Actually, blah blah blah..." Even nurses and doctors do this crap over and over - NOT professional! Another one is "Exactly" as if they're smarter by saying that fvckin word.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
Reaction score


Dude everything else was cool, but your position was all wrong, you emphsised to her through your actions that you had an invested interest in the outcome of the situation (her siting with you).


Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
yeah i'm surprised it took so long to mention what dalton did. it's obvious what went wrong here.

sounds like you were doing fine BEFORE the checkbox thing... you were flirting, teasing, not showing TOO much interest, etc.

but then saying that she has to MAKE IT UP to you by SITTING with you? you're asking for our help so this is exactly what you did wrong. do you see what was wrong here? making up for you working for her implies that she is doing you a favor in return for you doing her a favor. in this case it is implying that her sitting with you is an equal favor to you working her shift. that shows such low value man... it shows that you feel that her sitting with you is so valuable that you'd be willing to work an extra shift just for that blessing. no matter what may have been going through your head that is how it appears on the surface and i am certain that is how she interpreted it. the whole frame of this attempted pickup was pretty whack to be honest... i'm not surprised you were told you were "creeping." you were practicaly begging this girl to sit with you!

you need to come from a frame of higher value. she's the lucky one to be sitting with you! not the other way around.