Is it just
me, or have you noticed that many in the "scientific community" have
even conveniently stopped calling it the "THEORY" of evolution, altogether...
Exactly. I have had several professors who teach it as scientific reality. They accept the SUGGESTIVE evidence for the evolution of life, and develop a cognitive block towards any conflicting viewpoints.
But it is just that...a THEORY. A theory is a concept of what
may have occured that is accepted by the scientific community. There IS evidence that supports evolutionary theory, but the majority of what you hear is an
extrapolation of that evidence. It cannot be conclusively proven any more so than creation, but that is an issue of faith and an entirely different discussion.
Going back to the article, all they really showed was that men across various industrialized and indigenous cultures prefer
youger women. Wow. Earth shattering. All that bs about this dynamic 'prolonging the lifespan of humanity' is pure speculation. The media turns this into "pop science".
Genetically and biologically speaking, there are only a [relatively] few genes of difference between us and many other animals, but that does not mean we ARE animals, in the existential sense. Emotion, reason, faith, ingenuity...all those intangible but absolutely unique attributes are what make us HUMAN. The 'evolutionary theory' train can only go so far. Man is not going to behave and evolve like an animal because he is not an animal. I think a lot of people make an intellectual wrong turn here.
Just my 2 cents.