80% of the time, a stripper gives you her phone number so you can call and she can entice you back into the club to rub a few more bills out of your pocket.
5% of the time, she's actually interested, and you game her like any other damaged mother of four.
2% of the time, she plans to kill you in a hotel bathroom and steal your spleen.
12% of the time, she's just an attention vvhore who gets her kicks knowing that the dozens of guys she hands her number out to are going to be calling her all the time.
1% of the time, she's a normal girl with no greater problems than any other girl you come across and you play it like you normally would.
If you didn't take the stripper home that night that you met her, don't hold your breath on taking her home any other night.
Don't misunderstand me, strippers are not unattainable. My last few real relationships and a big percentage of my last 50 dates have been strippers (sometimes difficult to avoid that living in this city of sin) but I took home or went out with all but one of them the very night that I met them. Of the rest that just gave me a number and nothing else the first night, only that one did I see outside of the club. And this is out of probably 30-40 strippers from whom I have gotten numbers. Not great odds, but hey, it's better than 2%, so some idiots on here would swear by it, I'm sure.