Hes really one of the biggest smartasses on this board with all this eye-rolling stuff like he got it all figured out...What do you think, genius?
Anyways. It`s a fact that u will gain muscle if u gain strength. First ur strength goes up then your muscle mass follows. Thats y you actually shouldnt pay too much attention on your weight (u should keep your bf low tho) but rather on your lifts and how they increase. If your lifts increase your muscle mass will follow.
If your strength declines your muscle mass will either stay the same or decrease, depending on how much strength u lost (as muscle mass doesnt grow exactly proportionally to ur strength. You keep increasing your lifts and all of a sudden you put on some muscle. Then ull increase your lifts again without puttin on muscle mass and then all of a sudden u gain some muscle mass again. thats how it goes), but it will definetly not go up. So u probably gained 4lbs of fat(/ water).