Strangest Effin' Thing....


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Alexandria, VA
Aight, so I got this girl's screenname off a website. Yeah, I'll freely admit it, I use a couple sites to try and meet girls nearby. I'm sure a few of y'all do the same, probably wouldn't be a bad idea for a completely different thread come to think of it....

Anyways, I start talking with her, she's receptive, and we talk every other day for about a month. I keep the convos rolling, flirt, use ennuendos, and so far. I also act challengingly in that I always leave it up to her to strike up a convo, and I try to be the one to end it because I have other things to do. Along the way, we swap pictures, I find out that she's ridiculously hot, a complete nympho, that she's had a lot of sex and plenty of it kinky, that she goes home with guys she meets in clubs because her parents dont care, that she has parties at her house that wind up in threesomes....

Then yesterday she tells me that she's shocked because she'd fallen completely head over heels for this guy she knew, and she really didn't think she could feel that way about someone (neither did I). By this point I'm convinced that she's out of my league and she had said that the guy had talked with her and would probably ask her out in a few days anyway, so I figured I would end the DJ personality and find out if she's good "occasionally useful female friend" material or not. I told her the answers to things she had been askin about for the past couple of weeks, namely that I'm on a long dry spell, that no ones really come hard after me, etc etc.... basically a sobby life story. End of aura, end of mystery, end of confidence, end of my picking and choosing my women, end of everything that makes up a DJ.

So imagine my surprise when she messages me two days ago and within five minutes the conversation has turned to this "other guy" she says she suddenly likes... That she stayed up all night thinking about him and now isn't so sure about the guy she had been writing love poems about the day before.... And it turns out to be me.

Everybody together now: "...the ****?!"

Then yesterday, I try to talk with her only to find out that it's not her online, but her best friend, who knows about me. Her friend says that this girl is very confused now and wants to meet me and see where her feelings lie.

Now, I definitely ain't in this for any sort of relationship. No way, no how. Not with that kind of girl. However, it could lead to me getting myself some damn fun nights. I don't intend to get attached to her at all, which normally I would think would make her interest in me rise. However, after what happened two days ago, I have to say that I'm a bit baffled. Has anyone else run into this sort of situation before? And does anyone have any insight as to exactly what's going on?

Da Joa

Don Juan
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
Number one, I think you gave up too easily. Why drop the persona because some other guy will "probably ask her out?" That's weak, bro.. you can do better than that :)

Number two, go for it. You have nothing to lose. I agree with the no relationship thing... I'm actually hanging out with a girl for the second time this weekend, I just found out from a friend that she gave head to two guys along with two of her girlfriends at the same time, in one night. She is a virgin, though. Relationship material? Nope. Opportunity to have fun? Definitely.

Whatever you do, don't turn into this girl's friend and let her sob about some other guy to you. Other then that, I say hit it up and have a good time..


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Alexandria, VA
I dropped it because I honestly didn't care anymore. I was really pissed off at another girl at the time too, so what began as just that sort of turned into a big vent about my life.

And, wow, if a girl told me the story you just did, the word "virgin" would mean just about as much to me as a dildo does to Ellen DeGeneres. Why do girls like that even bother staying virgins?

Da Joa

Don Juan
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
Haha, nice DeGeneres reference. Let me know how it turns out with this girl.