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Thank you for visiting and have a great day!

Strange man-hating commerical


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Again, my pointing out this is a comment on society. If someone doesn't like it, don't read it. Also, it's not here to teach DJ's a lesson -- it's a comment on an issue I find really critical in our society: the media influence on the overall public. The example was that God-awful throw rocks at boys t-shirt.

Some kids have no choice. One of my best friends and his wife -- both TEACHERS -- have the TV on non-stop. I went there on a Sunday morning and there it was, blaring ... in front of their 5-year old and 2-year old sons, just mesmerized by it.

Contrast this to my brother and his wife who do not let their 2-year old watch TV; and another friend, who does not let his young sons watch TV. They don't even have TV ... all three of these little kids have vocabularies that are off the charts for their age. They are smart as heck ... while my TV-watching friend's kids? Not very bright.

The problem is people aren't thinking, they're just watching TV. And not even subliminal anymore is blatant man-hating/man-feminized commericals.

Anyone who thinks this is helping society or helping men or the young men of our country is insane ... and I do not care how much of a DJ one is, this is damaging society.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
S1NN3R said:
Ahem, WHO FCUKING CARES? Jesus man, are you so much of a pvssy that a commercial ruins your whole day like that? That really pisses you off so much that your first thought is to come here and make a damned thread about it? WAAAAAA!!!! My labia hurts!!! Shut the fcuk up about it! I'm just flabbergasted that you would come on here to b!tch about that.
Whats your point? He's a "lesser" man for pointing out injustice?

I wonder if he would have a "sore labia" if he were pointing out unfairness of women and or children?

Are you sure your outburst wasnt an ingrained society knee jerk reaction to shame a man? the old "be a man and ignore it" routine, same sh!t women love to use? Hmm.

Have a think about it.

Dont get me wrong I'm all for the "dont give a fvck" attitude but thats neither here nor there and unless your infertile and 100% sure you wont have sons or grandsons your outburst was nowhere near directed at the correct target.

Will I be advocating the "dont give a fvck" attitude (correctly aimed) to my son/s? Hell yes. Will I want them subjected to this sh!t if they happen to own a T.V at some point? Hell No. Apples and oranges.

Just makes my job harder doesnt it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
Ok, I guess I'm the only one who sees the irony in him coming on here to whine like a little b!tch about men being portrayed as little b!tches. I don't see a commercial as being "an injustice". I think that's bullsh!t. It's a fcuking commercial. It's intent is to sell something, not provide a template to live your life on. No one walks around living their lives based on what is seen in a commercial, so I don't see how the hell anyone can get worked up about it. It's not a threat, it's not responsible for the moral degradation of society, it's not the product of some secret feminazi regime, and it's definitely not worth thinking that it's responsible for modern society's viewpoint on men overall. It's just a commercial.

It's just a joke that some people on here are offended when they see a man portrayed as anything other than a suave/maculine/provider/alpha type in the media. It's like they're scared that a commercial is going to threaten their image or risk their power position as men. I remember a while back, someone had a post similar to this one complaining about a Vonage commercial, saying that it was offensive to men because some guy was dancing like an idiot in the background. But then he goes on to make fun of the woman in the commercial because she was in ugly b!tch. The double-standard there is inconceivable. It's ok to make fun of a girl because she looks bad, but it's "man-bashing" if a guy is dancing like a fool? Ok, fine, now I know. Then someone else was whining about a minivan commercial, something about the guy not knowing how to operate the seat and the woman doing it for him. How can you be so threatened by this that you have to whine about it in a post? Jesus people, if you were the type of man you want portrayed in these commercials then you'd be man enough to not get so damned offended over a commercial to begin with.

How do you really think a commercial effects your daily life? What, some woman is rude to you and you can think back and say "it's because she saw that commercial with the guy being made fun of so she doesn't respect my manhood!!"? Get real.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
( . )( . ) said:
No, none of the media is.... you fvckin tool.

I stopped reading after that gem of knowledge.
That's exactly what I'm saying, you fcuking tool. But some people here obviously think that the media, specifically commercials, have that sort of power to shape the future for our children. The media has nothing to do with it. People imitate the people that they are around, not the commercials they watch. A person learns their morals and their opinions from those around them that they know and trust, not from commercials. So I don't see how anyone can come on here and complain that commercials are "corrupting future generations". That's bullsh!t. It's overly sensitive people complaining and passing the buck, shirking their own responsibility to shape the world into a place that you want your own kids to prosper in. Yeah, the world is a screwed up place and it's getting more screwed up as the minutes pass, but sitting here and acting like a commercial is responsible for any of it is a crock of sh!t.

If women or society in general view men overall in a negative light, it's because men these days ACT and BEHAVE in a manner deserving that opinion, not because a commercial told them to view men like that.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
And yet a sea of Paris Hilton clones with tinkerbell accessories and wannabee gangsta rappers everywhere tells me your speaking out your ass.

Sorry mate I'll let REAL LIFE examples show me how much impact the media will have on my impressionable children.

specifically commercials
And dont try and backtrack, commercials make up the big wide world of the media. by that logic you make as much sense as a guy in a mob all throwing stones but because your throwing smaller stones it doesnt count.

If women or society in general view men overall in a negative light, it's because men these days ACT and BEHAVE in a manner deserving that opinion
You think? 10 points if you figure out what CONTRIBUTES to that?


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
10 bucks says it's not Big Brother or Dodge minivan commercials.

Saying that the media is responsible for the way children act is a scapegoat and a cop-out for irresponsible people who don't take the time with their kids to teach them real world values. If a kid plays Metal Gear Solid then takes a gun to school and shoots the joint up, it's not the game producer's fault, it's sh!tty parenting. If a kid dresses like a little slvt and gets treated like one for it, it's not Paris Hilton's fault, it's not Entertainment Tonight's fault, it's not US Weekly's fault, it's sh!tty parenting. If a kid walks around calling every girl "b!tch" or "ho", it's not 50 Cent's fault... I think you get my point.

It's your own damned responsibility to make sure your kid doesn't grow up to be a sh!thead, not the media's. I'm a big fan of personal responsibility, and lack of that is the biggest problem with today's society, not the media or anything else. EVERYTHING bad that happens to someone is someone else's fault. If you're homeless it's because the government didn't give you enough Welfare, if you're fat it's because Burger King's fries are addictive, if you roll your car at 100mph, it's because FireStone didn't tell you that you had to keep your tires inflated properly, if you burn your mouth, it's because McDonald's didn't warn you that the coffee was hot, if you're an unemployed black man it's because the white man wants to keep you down, if you're a woman and men stare at your huge cleavage and push-up bra throught your half unbuttoned shirt it's because all men are jackasses, if your kids fails high-school biology, it's because the schools won't teach your idiotic "Inelligent Design" bullsh!t. The list is endless. And this crap, men are looked down upon because commercials portray them as idiots just seems like more of the same, blame someone else for every problem that you can possibly come across.

So that brings me right back to my original statement, if men are viewed as idiots, it's because they act like idiots in real life, not because they can't play basketball in a commercial.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
S1NN3R said:
Saying that the media is responsible for the way children act is a scapegoat and a cop-out for irresponsible people who don't take the time with their kids to teach them real world values.
Who here is speaking in absolutes? Nobody here once said guys turning into wannabee thugs and chicks worshipping the skank mentality is SOLELY the fault of the media, but surely you admit it doesnt help Sherlock?

So that brings me right back to my original statement, if men are viewed as idiots, it's because they act like idiots in real life, not because they can't play basketball in a commercial.
No but men continuously being portrayed as the goofy and useless subordinate teenager isnt really helping there cause is it?

Kids are immune somehow to social conditioning through the media are they? What a lovely world you live in. Say hello to the pixies at the bottom of the garden for me retard.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Annoying as the constant derison of men in ads and eslewhere is, 90% of men these days are AFC, so it's not surprising the media reflect that.

Have you seen Wife-Swap, uk or US? The women wear the trousers in all those households.

In the UK there is a series of ads for BT (phone provider). The ongoing story is about a textbook AFC provider type who has taken on a woman and her kids.

He's a wet bumbler and she's the boss, she tricks him into buying a new house because maybe she's pregnant. The male selling the house isn't allowed to be alpha either, so he's a teenager.

Then in the new ad, her ex shows up to take out the kids. Now he's alpha - but wait, he's clearly not interested in his childrens lives, and they exchange scared looks with their now-beloved step-dad before leaving.

'Seems like a nice man' says the AFc. 'He isn't' says the woman.

Now reverse the sexes and see if that ad would ever air.

Whining isn't manly, but pointing out negative stereotypes isn't whining.

As a PUA, the more AFCs the better. But as a man I'd like to see a popular debate about masculinity, and pointing out double-standards and unfairness is a useful way of getting men, especially well-intentioned-but-doomed AFCs, to question their preconceptions.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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Not sure what world Sinnr is living in, but I highly suggest he ventures over to divorce court and sees how the men are doing in the rewards/custody areas. If he doesn't think men are being trashed more and more in American society, he's delusional.

Yes, it's up to the parents ... many of these parents are AFC. I'm pointing out some missteps in society that need to be corrected. After awhile you can't just sit back and say, "All is well." Sinnr is the kind of guy that if a man was being assaulted on the street he'd say, "It's not my problem, the criminal's parents didn't do a good job in raising him."

Sitting back and doing nothing has never helped anyone.

Also, bragging about being a DJ in a total feminized society is like living in Siberia and bragging about having a tan.


Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
Lots of theories being bantered about and theory based on no empirical knowledge is just bull*hit. The amount of research to support WestCoaster's summation is huge, the media, popular culture, peers are tremendous influences on kids. It is irrefutable.

The only thing different is we interpret this research with an insight into gender roles that few others have. Portraying a man being a man and at the same time being natural and good just does not happen in the media.

Since I four deductions, I mean children, I can speak from the REAL WORLD. Kids get home at 2:30 I at 5. If I throw the TV out the window at home, their friends have it. If I ban every friend that watches TV then I would truely suck as a father. They play football. They have cheerleaders with a cadre of mom's and peers that reinforce AFCism. Get it? It's everywhere.

As Francisco pointed out, I do guide and counter the stereotypes portrayed but its impossible to filter it all.

No, I don't lose sleep over it nor get angry. It's not worth it, too much else important to do.

But I hope others get WestCoaster's point: It is so subtle insinuative that many don't notice.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
I don't lose sleep over it either. I don't sit around and worry about it; it's something that bothers me. Men are treated like sh-t in commercials, in society and so forth. Mostly, men also put up with it.

Correct, the kids will find these messages one way or another. I bring up these issues because I think they're important.

Each person has their own style on this board, whether people like it or not. I'm not really into the techniques, pickup lines, neg-hits and other stuff like that, I can hold my own on the dating scene with who I am.

I am very concerned about the feminization/man hating that is going on, and the blatant AFCism that boys and men easily adopt (including yours truly for many years until I wised up).

I really relate to Latinoman and Rollo Tomassi on this board because I think they have amazing insights into relationships, marriage, and being a man. I read most everything they post.

Others I don't read from personal preference and because my time is limited. If someone doesn't want to read my stuff, fine. I find it rude to personally attack people and drop f-bombs because you don't agree ... though I think people should wake up to this important issue of rampant AFCism being promoted in this country.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Another thing I find odd ...

... Whenever I post about commericals, this sets off anger from posters like I've never seen here. Not sure if they're defending TV, American society, if these people are in advertising or what.

But one can post about being cheated on, dumped, almost any other topic and not get an angry response, but pointing out man-bashing commercials REALLY sets people off. I always get ripped for it, people then go into "it's the parents' fault" and "don't pay attention to TV" and "I don't watch it" and "you're an a-hole" and so forth.

I've yet to figure out this phenomenon, but this topic really, really fuels the fires, it's amazing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
Will all due respect, maybe it's because discussions about cheating or breaking up or many other topics (not all of them, but many), are actually relevant to people and talking about it can actually affect people's daily lives by teaching them things they may not already know. But complaining about how you think the media portrays men will not now nor will it ever affect any person on here. If you're going to post about something so big as the media and what you think their responsibility to society is, you might as well drop an ice cube on your driveway to solve global warming.

I apologize if I was excessively rude in my responses to you, but I feel rather strongly about the issue of modern society passing the buck and blaming everything but themselves for current problems.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Apology accepted. I post my handle on all of my threads, so if people want to bypass me (and I'm sure many do), they are welcome to do so.

And if Allen Thompson (the founder of this great site) thinks I'm using up too much bandwidth, he'll e-mail me. So far, I haven't received any of those.

Navigating around a message board is relatively easy.

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
S1NN3R said:
I apologize if I was excessively rude in my responses to you, but I feel rather strongly about the issue of modern society passing the buck and blaming everything but themselves for current problems.
I still dont think you get it, how is a guy that says "hey I'm getting tired of men continually being portrayed as retards on T.V" blaming everything but themselves?

Whats the big hang up with this? why is the sky falling in if a guy *GASP* actually dares to mention it? Why is it a strike against his manhood for noticing and verbalising ......well a strike to manhood.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
T.V. Shows:


As any comedy, we can expect the lead comedian to do some stupid stuff. Regardless if he is a woman or a man. However, what makes Joey so much different than “Everybody loves Raymond” and several other shows lead by men that in addition to acting goofy (nothing wrong with that in a comedy), they also act AFC when dealing with women. Joey did some stupid stuff as expected in a comedy. But, it was the only show I personally liked. Why? Because the man was a “player”. In the show he used to “play” the women (heck, he played WITH the women) and he was funny but at the same time manipulative. It was obviously a “guys” show.

The Outcome? – Show was CANCELLED by NBC.

My girlfriend didn’t like the show. She didn't see how I could find some of the stuff funny (she also detests "Swingers" but loves "Sex and the City" - yep, she has that hidden feminism stuff than only an experience man can see) likes “Everybody Loves Raymond” and of course “Grace and Will” (or something like that - forgot the title, but had several gay men).


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
The other day Jay Leno had a funny skit spoofing the E-harmony commericals. Leno had a stupid wig on looking like the dorky founder of E-harmony. They called it "E-Polygamy" as a guy wanted a wife who could cook, had big boobs, was good in the sack, was smart, etc. ... he ended up with seven wives. At the end he says, "Thanks E-Polygamy!"

Now the commercial would've been great right there, but then Leno adds at the end, "E-Polygamy, so a man can be the chauvinist, sexist pig that he really is" and the crowd goes wild.

They always have to get the man dig in there, ALWAYS ... it's amazing.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Kill Your Television

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

it's not an accident that we are seeing these kinds of commercials and programming. it's ON PURPOSE. it's FEMINISM run amock INTENT on destroying the family. Think George Orwell 1984

http://www.savethemales.ca/ articles on feminsim and the new world order

turn it off, throw it away, but most of all, Keep it away from children!!!


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Correct Ogre ... my brother and his wife are raising their 2-year old daughter without TV, it's amazing how smart she's getting.

One of my best friends and his wife are raising their two young boys without TV, again, it's amazing how their vocabulary and memory are so sharp.

Keep it away!

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
