Stop thinking


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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Last week was a depressive one for me, no big reason at all, not much had changed, I just had all these thoughts about why not many of my friendships last, why I get so jealous, and basically why I'm insecure. From being bored and studying my cousin who's my total social opposite (extroverted, natural DJ, cool) I've realized something so simple but so overlooked that I think it might help other people as much as its helped me out of my insecurity. I believe that thinking too much and analysing everything involving relationships and life in general is what is keeping us from enjoying life.
So I decided to do something, STOP THINKING, no I don't mean become an animal, but stop analysing every situation. Stop thinking about all the what ifs, whys, hows, etc. Just let your inner self and your instincts take over, I now believe this is the meaning of "being yourself". If somebody does something don't try to find the meaning or motives behind it. This is how people become overly optimistic or hurt. When someone says or does something bad to them, they analyse it, and analyse it, and yes, analyse it again, and the action becomes bigger and bigger with every thought and in no time some minor insult has grown into a major reason to be upset and have a day ruined.
This is is also why most of us are insecure. We tend to analyse the environment. The people, what would they think if I do this? How should I act to be more accepted?
And all of types of thoughts that lead nowhere.
I say just don't analyse anything, write it on your hand or do something to remind you to stop analysing all your social interactions, take it for what it is, and just trust that what you have done is good, if they don't like it, it sucks for them, they're missing out on some great stuff.
This is the key to being indifferent, having the careless attitude women fall for, and enjoying life.
It also keeps you focused on the things that really matter, such as personal, professional, and academic improvement.

If you don't believe in any of what I've written at leats believe this "The more you think about something, the bigger it becomes".


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Louisiana "The Boot"
great post bud, gave me some good insight. how do you suppose somone would 'stop thinking' or 'stop analyzing' or whatever..

i'd like to know how.. because i do it ALL THE TIME


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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Its not hard really, just keep it in mind or write it on your hand to remind you. Sometimes its not easy to think about something else and you feel your mind kinda tells you an issue needs more analysis, but just think of a song, watch tv, or focus on a hobby, anything that takes you attention away from thinking about the issue. Always keep in mind that analysing things make them worse.
Not many people know this, but we can never be offended if we chose not to.


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Louisiana "The Boot"
its like saying:

'dont think of the red ballons on the ceiling'

the harder you try NOT to think of them, the more they are subconciously there.

same with not thinking, the harder you try not to think, the more your mind will turn.

hmmm thoughts???


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
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I like this post because I find myself doing this 90% of my time in a day.

Do you have any tips on how do we achieve this? besides focusing on hobbies, academic, self improvement etc.. but in terms of the mental level.


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Louisiana "The Boot"
Coach Bill Fletcher asked me to write a tip to help his players stop thinking about the outcome when faced with a slightly downhill four-foot putt. Thinking about the outcome causes his players to look up too soon or not follow through on their putting stroke and miss the putt. He felt his players might listen if this advice came from a mental trainer instead of their coach.

The best way to stop thinking about the outcome is to stop thinking period. Without any thoughts you are free to play without any negative emotions to cloud your gut feelings and instincts.

You can write a very philosophical book about why and how to stop thinking. To keep this brief, let's get to the essence of the issue. Our minds love to think. Our egos identify with our thoughts. We believe our thoughts give us control over the outside world.

However, Zen masters and enlightened individuals know that non-thought allows them to be one with the universe and function at a very high level. Golfers who have been fortunate to play in the zone know from experience that thinking immediately takes them out of the zone.

You can not think your mind into stop thinking because in the process you give your mind more food for thought. The only alternative is to just stop thinking, which to the unaware goes against their world view.

You can minimize your thoughts by focusing solely on your breathing or seeing the ball being hit. Through meditation you can train your mind to stop thinking, but it is very hard to play golf with your eyes closed. What I have found that works extremely well for me is to focus solely on my target and just stop thinking.

The way I trained my mind to stop thinking was by having a very thorough understanding of how my tape operates and using the Daily Affirmation in The Mental Keys to control it. During the process of doing my best to always tell the truth and eliminate all negative emotions, I was forced to stop thinking and witness all of my thoughts and actions.

After many years of using the Daily Affirmation to train my mind to select only the emotions that I chose to go on my tape, I found that I could literally stop thinking if I wanted to. Instead of being angry or having fear, I can now just stop thinking and be totally in the present.

It takes time and effort to train your mind to stop thinking, but it can be done. By making the Daily Affirmation a priority in your life, you will learn how to stop thinking and optimize your chemistry which will allow you to play in the zone on a frequent basis.</textarea><br>


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
wow dude that is really interesting, I will give this a try thanks.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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That is a good method to stop thinking but it looks like you took it too literally. By not thinking I mean not analysing situations, just enjoy it and forget about it, stop any useless philosophic thoughts of why, how, what, etc from coming to your head. These thoughts only exaggerate the real situtation, and consequently work against having an indifferent and careless attitude.
My advice is don't think about stop thinking, but rather keep your mind occupied. If these philosophic thoughts start coming to your head ie: Something reminds you of what she said earlier, do something that will take your mind away from the matter. However I find this hard to work if there's absolutely nothing interesting in your life to distract your mind.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
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My 2 cents.

You don't need to stop thinking perse, but you need to GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD.

How do you do this? you just socialize with everyone around you, your friends, old ladies, groceery store clerks.

Become interested in other people besides yourself, get talkative chatty, upbeat, listen to good music.

Don't think about yourself. Don't look in mirrors. Immerse yourself in the world.

The only thought you should be having is this: "Is everyone else around me having a good time?"

This state, which everyone has been in at one time or another, is the most effective and it gets you to stop thinking and analyzing.

So when you got out to meet chicks, warm up first to get out of your head. Talk to dudes, bartenders and especially people waaay older or younger than you. This takes away your outcome orientation.