Stop Thinking - Act

Apr 17, 2006
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This just hit me about 30 minutes ago. Hold onto your seats, because this is so simple, itll smack you in the face like a baseball. My thoughts were just starting to wander to school a bit ago, thinking about what classes I had, homework from them, what i should wear, and then to 'how should i act/who should i be this week.'

Then it hit me. Like a friggen train.

I've been the most successful with women, and life in that matter when I don't worry about how I act. I just act. When I think hard about who I'm gonna try to be, or how I will act to win that beauty over, I ALWAYS fall flat on my face becaaaaause I am being fake. And everyone hates people who are fake.

For the longest while I've been trying to be a don juan, then to just 'be myself' (and when you TRY to do that it drives you mad.) It is impossible to 'be yourself' to trying. Its an oxymoron really.

So when I started to think about how I should act this week, I stoped. I just decided to act, not to think about it. Not to try to be, but just to be. Does that mean I can't improve myself? Hell no. But I can't improve my whole self all at once. When I have tried to change myself all at once, I've become a shapeless blog, some points being incredibly attactive, but overall an unattractive overanalyzing shapeless blog. How can you concretely and lastingly change somthing that is not already concrete and lasting? You get what I'm saying? You can't improve yourself if you dont have a self already. If you are constantly thinking of how you should act or be, you WILL come off as fake and pretty boring (you will spend more time thinking than actually talking, or living for that matter.)

So next time you catch yourself thinking: how am I gonna act around _____ today? Catch yourself, and stop.

Its hard, yea. But the best things are always hard. They are also the things that stay with you the longest. So don't THINK about how you will act. JUST ACT.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Good advice, but lol.. if you just ACT and be REAL.. you actually will just be real. It's a whole lot fvcking easier on yourself.. but lol if you don't know what your doing or have not experienced something it's going to be obvious and people aren't going to like that.

But hey, it's best to just be real and then get that experience really. Like lol, I'll give you an example such as social skills or kino or whatever. If you don't have the basic ones, and don't think about them.. you'll be happy, but still make a huge fool of yourself. Heh, but you'll learn.

And fvck is this ever good advice. Just remember how happy you were before you concentrated on the fact that you had to change and weren't happy? lol

People HATE people who are fake but they also HATE people who are completly embarissingly real. You gotta find the middle ground.

Member the paradox of hedonism.. the more you seek for happiness the more you will be unhappy. And happiness is found by acting not to make yourself happy as the main goal.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Good advice

On being happy. I think that this will make me happier. Just don't seek happiness.
Apr 17, 2006
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heh lol yea i know it was a bit redundent... but i dont think i would have gotten the same message across if i had just put: stoping thinking and act... plus the thread would have been deleted for 'lack of content' or somthing


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
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its a waste of time to think while/moments before doing something I would just say "just act" cause if you havent done your "homework" youll endup just acting like you always have, of course, one wants to be real so its ridiculous to change yourself all at once but you gotta work gradually on it, dont over-think it, change your mindset and then Id say its where you apply the "stop thinking - act" work on yourself first.