De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.
Stop the Slogan Chanting!


"I DJed this chick good!!!"

"Really?!?!? That is so un-AFC of you!"

"Yeah I know, but would it be AFC of me to have ring tone number 21 on my mobile phone???"

"Who cares what other people think???? Keep the focus on yourself!"

"GREEEAAAAAAAT ADVICE!! But damn, I think the chicks are starting to sniff out our DJ tricks of the trade!"

"Really? Oh no! Not our super-duper-guaranteed-to-work tricks!?"

"The very ones."

"Um, what tricks are they again?"

"Oh, er, um..."

"Oh wait I remember: wait 2 days to call, use kino and eye contact. Oh, and focus on yourself!!!!! Or, is that focus on self improvement? Or is it focus on making her feel good? Or do you treat her like sh*t?"

"Yeah. All of those! We've got the super-secret, anti-AFC tricks o' the trade! Go DJ power! I can't wait to DJ up this HB9."

"Oh, is that the Walmart checkout chick you were telling me about?"


"Great, but remember to focus on yourself."

"OK, yep."

"Oh, BTW, have you tried any of this DJ stuff yet?"

"Uh, yeah of course!"

"Oh yeah! That's right. You were telling me before about how you DJ'ed that chick up really good!"

"Yeah. That was cool - I followed the way of the DJ to perfection."

"Wow! What exactly did you do again???"

"Um, well, you see, I, er, I DJ'ed HER!! Yeah, I DJ'ed her sooooooooo well!! Yeah, I think she knew I was DJ'ing her, but she totally liked it!"

"Yay! Gooooooooooooo DJ's! We're a rare commodity!!"

"AFCs suck. Now let's go back and study the DJ site some more."

Above, gentlemen, is something I've seen entirely too much of on the DJ boards. People are using jargon that sounds like something they may have read in the bible, or a post from Pook, without really understanding it.

The result of this, is low-quality discussion, hard-to-follow posts, or posts with little or no relevance.

If we are to get the most out of these boards, we have to stop mindlessly chanting back slogans we've read in the DJ bible, start being more specific and accurate in our language, and get some experience!

Seriously, it's as if some of you consult the DJ board about your every move. Why are people so afraid to experiment? Why do people think that by following a couple of over-used rules, they'll become Casanova himself? Casanova was not a success with women because he waited 5 days to call. Casanova was a success with women because he experimented, and found out what worked.

The Discussion Forum has become more of a "Looks Vs 'The Way of the DJ'" Forum, with occassional appearances from "Is this AFC?" and "There's this one girl.....". Granted, there are some good posts in the Discussion Forum. The best ones are usually posts about REAL SITUATIONS and REAL EXPERIMENTS/FIELD DISCOVERIES.

The HS Forum is basically a vehicle for 4 or 5 guys who've been there for a while to tell everyone how great they are, without giving quality information (there are a few exceptions) or writing a couple of low quality posts and declaring them to be "The Greatest Post Ever"; as well as this, there are about 50 semi-regulars and newbies who say "Read the HS DJ Bible - the answer is somewhere in there, newbie!" to every question, as if they are God's gifts to women, and because they've read a few posts in the DJ Bible, they are qualified to scorn anyone who hasn't.

The Tips Forum is pretty repetitive these days. Even when I write my own tips, I still cringe as I find myself repeating a slogan myself (which I will then hopefully remove) or stumbling over words that somebody else has already said. Of course, this sort of repetitiveness is pretty much inevitable in a section devoted to tips for dealing with women, when basically the ultimate tips is to get experience and learn. Having said this, the good tips have not completely dried up, and there are occassionally some great posts.

To sum it all up: let's improve the quality of these forums.

No more mindless slogan chanting.
No more meaningless jargon.

More genuine discussion.
More accurate language.
More experience.

De La Soul

[This message has been edited by De La Soul (edited 09-17-2002).]


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
Not to be a pessimist, but you're going to have some problems with most of that:

I'd venture that more than 80% of the people that peruse this site are under-educated, or can't read at their grade-level. At the very least, 75% of them can't accurately speak their minds using accurate words and/or grammar.

The quality of the boards will increase with the quality of minds.

Ivan Drago

Senior Don Juan
May 22, 2002
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY, USA
De La Soul, that is a hillarous post. Very acute observations. I agree about low quality posting and I believe that "what goes up, must come down". From reading the DJ Bible, I can definitely see how high up was, and unfortunately right now it is coming down. Unless we decide to do something about it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Originally posted by Von Neuen:

I'd venture that more than 80% of the people that peruse this site are under-educated, or can't read at their grade-level. At the very least, 75% of them can't accurately speak their minds using accurate words and/or grammar.
I disagree, I think there are some VERY intelligent people on these boards. In fact I would say that part of their problems with women that caused them to eventually end up here is that they are very cerebral and analytical thinkers that operated more on principles they thought they could somehow rely on. IOW, they are in their heads too much.

Great post, De La Soul.

- The performer known as Nick


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
I think this is just human nature, unfortunately. People are generally afraid to think for themselves, thus the slogan chanting and unoriginal posts. Hopefully others will take your advice and post about some experiences.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Originally posted by Bones:
I think this is just human nature, unfortunately. People are generally afraid to think for themselves, thus the slogan chanting and unoriginal posts. Hopefully others will take your advice and post about some experiences.
I think a lot of guys here accept the advice which is most commonly heard here without validating it with their own experiences, that is definitely a problem here. Lack of experience not only affects how you behave with women but your judgement on which advice you accept.

- The performer known as Nick

De La Soul

Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
It's a badly-kept secret.
VON NEUEN SAID: I'd venture that more than 80% of the people that peruse this site are under-educated, or can't read at their grade-level. At the very least, 75% of them can't accurately speak their minds using accurate words and/or grammar.
I'm with SexPDX here. One of the primary reasons that people have trouble in dealing with women is that they are too smart for their own good. They over-analyze every situation and come out the other end having thought a lot, but not having taken action.

BONES SAID: I think this is just human nature, unfortunately. People are generally afraid to think for themselves, thus the slogan chanting and unoriginal posts. Hopefully others will take your advice and post about some experiences.
There's definitely some merit in what you're saying. I think the three main reasons that account for why we get a lot of mindless repitition on these boards are:
a) People are afraid to think for themselves
b) People don't have enough experience
c) People don't fully understand some concepts, or the reasoning behind some concepts.

I gotta bump this thread up, I want more people to read it so that the quality of these boards can rise.

Thanks Ivan Drago and SexPDX, as well as the others who I have directly responded to already.



Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
I think part of the quallity problems in the board come from a mob mentallity. One person replies to a question with a piece of advice, no matter how inaccurate, and everyone (the newbs) tends to agree while adding little or nothing to the thread. Then because everyone's agreeing with the original bad advice, everyone else who reads thinks it must be good advice so they repeat it in other threads.

Unless you have something unique to add, don't reply.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2001
Reaction score
Ravenna, OH, USA
Originally posted by Shiftkey:
I think part of the quallity problems in the board come from a mob mentallity. One person replies to a question with a piece of advice, no matter how inaccurate, and everyone (the newbs) tends to agree while adding little or nothing to the thread. Then because everyone's agreeing with the original bad advice, everyone else who reads thinks it must be good advice so they repeat it in other threads.

Unless you have something unique to add, don't reply.
I agree with shiftkey here that a lot of bad advice is sometimes supported when it shouldnt be. But thats certainly not what I do. If I see some bad advice I am not afraid to disagree. Although I am a jokester at times, my overall goal when I come here is to help people with their women problems. If I see something that I know a good solution to, then I post. And if I see that the problem has already been solved or good advice has already been given, then I usually stay away from that thread. Sometimes I just post in agreement, but thats only when I am for sure that the advice given was good. And then there are those redundant posts that we see over and over and over and over again asking the same question. Well those I just make fun of, and try to make up new forums for them

And I also agree that the reason we see so many of these repetitive posts are that people are afraid to think for themselves. So they want us to hold their hand every step of the way from getting the phone # to the phone call to the date to make sure that they "get it right". I really dont know of a solution to this, other than to post something in the dj bible about thinking for yourself.

But then we would always get those fellas who dont like to read the dj bible before posting "how do i get this girl to like me" kind of things. We can rant about this kind of thing all we want, but I really dont see a way to end the problem altogether.

Maybe we can force newbs to read the bible and take a test on it and pass with at least a 90% before they are allowed to post a message on here. I know that sounds silly, but how else can we stop the repetitious repetition?

I think the stuff about "DJing" a chick is just funny, but it really doesnt give us any insight into what was actually done to attract a particular gal, which sometimes would be better. And saying that something is AFC is basically saying that its a dumb thing to do. But sometimes a little clarification would be nice. Well this post is long enough so Im done now.

[This message has been edited by StellarPKT (edited 09-17-2002).]


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2002
Reaction score
[I'd venture that more than 80% of the people that peruse this site are under-educated, or can't read at their grade-level. At the very least, 75% of them can't accurately speak their minds using accurate words and/or grammar.]

Many people came here to seek advice and help, not to write a thesis for an English essay. However, I will have to agree that posters should proofread their compositions before submitting them so that the quality and clarity of these posts can improve.

Cinical Optimist

Don Juan
Apr 20, 2002
Reaction score
Whiting, Indiana, United States
Hmmmm... I thought this was a discussion forum where guys & some ladies come to share experiences and ask questions. Seems that there are some people here that are too analytical. I agree to a point that there is some mindless bable and/or whiny complaints for post's... however... we all have the right to speak our minds... ask our questions and give advice as we see fit. If you don't like what is being written in the post's... don't read them... it's that plain and simple. My only complaint is that some guys write in ebonics and I can't understand what the point of their post is.

Cinical Optimist


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
At cinical: You spelled 'Cynical' wrong.

I'm not refuting that there are educated people on these boards, but not proof-reading posts is really aggrivating. That was the gist of my point.

And, though this guy clearly was not a native speaker of English, it's still funny:


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2001
Reaction score
Ravenna, OH, USA
Originally posted by Von Neuen:
At cinical: You spelled 'Cynical' wrong.

I'm not refuting that there are educated people on these boards, but not proof-reading posts is really aggrivating. That was the gist of my point.

And, though this guy clearly was not a native speaker of English, it's still funny:
You know, I am very glad that you directed me to that post. I mean its quite obvious that the fella that wrote it had no more than a 2nd grade education. And my IQ probably dropped at least 20 points just from reading it, but it was worth it. Cuz that sh1t was damn funny!!! Not only was his post cause for laughter, but the replies were deserving of a few knee slaps as well.

Honestly it makes me wonder just how dumb some people really are. I hate to make fun of someone for it, because I dont know the circumstances of how they got to be that way. But when you post something like that and insinuate that you actually 'know something' when its clearly obvious that you know next to nothing, then hes just asking for the abuse. Or he could be a troll; you never know what your getting when you are on the internet.

In that case, I think it would take a pretty smart man to come up with something as dumb as that. Does that statement make any sense at all? Maybe not, but at least its gramatically correct, and doesn't have any spelling errors in it

Oh, I just realized that you could very well be correct that this guys first language is not english. So it is definitely possible that he could have more than a 2nd grade education. Still, from what I could decipher from reading in between the lines of nonsense, his advice sucked

[This message has been edited by StellarPKT (edited 09-17-2002).]


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2001
Reaction score
Ravenna, OH, USA
Originally posted by Von Neuen:
Actually, per its use in that sentence, "I think" would have been the start of another subordinate clause and therefore required a comma after "think".

Yeah I know I fvcked up the sentence, I was hoping you would not notice. Just like in that last sentence I know that I wrote 2 separate thoughts and they should be separated by a period and not a comma but I just dont really give a fvck, rules were made to be broken!!!

[This message has been edited by StellarPKT (edited 09-17-2002).]


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by StellarPKT:
Yeah I know I fvcked up the sentence, I was hoping you would not notice. Just like in that last sentence I know that I wrote 2 separate thoughts and they should be separated by a period and not a comma but I just dont really give a fvck, rules were made to be broken!!!

Actually, I'm a fan of making commas into colons, myself! They almost always work, and they piss off your english teachers to no extent. hohoho~

(Why do I keep bumping this post?)

[This message has been edited by Von Neuen (edited 09-17-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2001
Reaction score
Ravenna, OH, USA
Von Neuen, after seeing the shyt that you write, I am officially designating you the DJ in charge of proper grammar. You are certainly the expert in that department. If I see anybody using commas or periods or adverbial clauses or prepositional fvcksticks in the wrong way then I will make sure I direct them to you, so they can be dealt with properly. It's up to you if you want to sit them down and teach them a lesson, scold them, whatever. I mean, its your department, but let the punishment fit the crime. Thats all I ask



I think the forum needs this now more than ever. STOP THE SLOGAN CHANTING!


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
Grande Prairie
Heh, Good advice man. I've stopped reading most of the posts these days, simply because they are all the same.