STOP the Race threads


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
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PlayHer Man said:
I've even had girls I rejected assume it was race related when it WASN'T. Going around assuming everyone is racist against you isn't healthy or accurate.
Right, I 100% agree with this. It's a limiting belief. Like average looking guys thinking they can't hook up with hot chicks. It's something else that is stopping you from hooking up with them.

Agreed there will always be some race issues with some people...BUT that percentage is getting smaller and really small. Whatever you are, as long as you're confident and self assured then that should be what matters.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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I don't mind a decent discussion on dating outside your race (which i have plenty of experience with.) BUT these dudes are obvious trolls... A lot of them have been banned from other sites. When you're so hung up on one issue that that's all you talk about - you either have severe psychological problems or are a troll. Most of the threads on this board are troll threads.... The mods are just too laid back to care (that’s the nicest way I can put it)...

But to have these idiots come on here saying “no asian/Indian/brown guy can pull a blond white woman.” Is just hilarious! All of us know there’s plenty who have. They’re normally above and beyond the normal level of coolness of the average Indian/Asian… But… Most guys who are pulling attractive blondes are…

Just google “cool Indian guys” or “cool asian guys”… And do your best to look like them…


And there's an asian and indian guy in "simple pickup" and im sure both have banged plenty of hot white tail...

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
bukowski_merit said:
Most of the threads on this board are troll threads.... The mods are just too laid back to care (that’s the nicest way I can put it)...
There are only two mods here with banning powers. One of them is rarely here anymore. All others must bring up posts/users in the mod corner, wait for a few mods to see it, discuss the matter and wait for responses, and then either the boss or one of the senior mods can pull the trigger. It's not a matter of not caring nor of being laid back, but rather the system doesn't allow us to deal with these issues directly and speedily.

I understand your frustration, and I'm working to suggest changes, but it takes time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I mean, I'm black. I'm married to a white women. the vast majority of women I've dated as ana dult have been white. Honestly, it's just not an issue to me.

There are very well girls in the past who just won't talk to me ebucase I'm black but **** that same chick can also not talk to a dude because he's not tall enough or another dude because he doesn't make enough money.

If you made me white right now i'd still have faults when it comes to attraction. everyone does. there is nothing I can do to you or you can do to me that's going to make me perfect in everyone's eyes. That same chick who wont' talk to me beucaes I'm black if you made me white probably still won't talk to me because I'm X or Y.

but honestly, this doesn't happen all that often. generally if i approach a woman outside my race they are receptive. being in shape and well dressed goes a hell of a long, regardless of the color of your skin.

All I can do is maximize my value. I'm very well dressed, I stay in great shape and i have game. I have inner game, I have confidence and self esteem. There are going to be women who don't' like me because of my skin tone. To each their own, there are women I'm not attracted to for stupidly superficial reasons. I'm not attracted to women with curly hair whatsoever. you can be mother teresa, great in the sack and a kick ass role model LTR woman if you got curly hair bye. thanks for playing. Ugly feet? don't even get a door prize GTFO lol.

I ,mean at the end of the day, what the **** do you want me to tell you lol? If you want to date outside your race, and you aren't having success the only logical conclusion is to keep trying and improve yourself / get more comfortable with talking to women. Using your skin color as a crux achieves nothing. even when it's true.

It's just silly, and this coming from a black guy. All the aruging in the world and you are going to come bck to the same conclusion. work, improve, inner game, become more comfortable. there is no other answer


Senior Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
i've replied to several "race-based" threads and provided insight into how/why it is. racial dynamics in dating is a real thing-

i don't like seeing threads about "race" (since race doesn't exist, a more descriptive term is "heritage") not because the topics aren't valid, but because the topics are a reminder of the various faults humans have.

heritage is a significant factor in dating-that should be expected given that a totem pole based on heritage exists.

this is more evident to people affected by the totem pole (usually visible minorities), and less evident to those who aren't affected by it, as one may naturally surmise.

that east asian females flock to white men (especially white men over other non- east asian men) while white females don't flock to east asian men- is one indication of heritage being a factor in dating. there are many others.

you can attribute one's dating choices regarding heritage to one's "preferences", but that doesn't negate the fact that such a preference is selection based on heritage.

one's failures in dating outside their heritage probably isn't fully due their heritage, but it will likely be a significant part of it.

and as several of the posters mentioned, all you can/should do is worry about your game (especially inner), and ignore women who pass you over based on your heritage, or height, or any other characteristic you fall short of.
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