STOP the Race threads

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
I'm going to solve this race issue once and for all.

People.. whenever a new race thread pops up.. just bump this thread to the top :up:

I grew up in the Washington D.C. area which is as diverse as NYC. I still live in the area now. I have had friends of EVERY race and banged girls of every race.

Here are some FACTS:

I have known men of EVERY race who had no problem pulling hot white girls. THAT'S RIGHT! NO PROBLEM :yes: . YES even the Asian and Indian men! These guys weren't ugly but they weren't rich either. Some of them even had bad game in my opinion.

I know two guys right now.. one Asian and one Indian who pull HOT white girls on the regular. These guys are above average in looks and have nice jobs.. but they're not rich or "model hot".

So there you have it gentlemen --> You're race doesn't f*cking matter!

At least not in the North East and most highly populated areas. If you live in some small town with 200 people and a 3rd grade reading level.. then maybe its time to move. But just STFU about race :)

Here is what matters:

-Looks (attractiveness)

Are there some truly racist women out there? Sure. But there are just as many women who would "never date" a fat guy or a short guy or a bald guy or a guy with tattoos. So get over the race issue! Your skin isn't the problem.. YOU are the problem. Fix it.
May 26, 2013
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have you seen any indian men personally (including the one in your group) have success with attractive blonde women?


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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Ambitious Player said:
have you seen any indian men personally (including the one in your group) have success with attractive blonde women?
you need to be like Kal Penn from harold and kumar, outgoing and laid back


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2011
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okay ****tard, you are fortunate enough to live in D.C. I live and attend college in a town where everybody thinks their either a southern bell or confederate war hero. My home town is a liberal city though. I was at college for 5 months and didn't see my first interracial couple till I went back to my hometown which was 5 months later. Yes, I went 5 months without seeing an interracial couple. Do you know how demoralizing that is more? Idk why you even made this topic in the first place. Yes, I'm gonna make race threads and if you can't deal with it than block me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Bang on! Race doesn't matter, these race threads need to stop


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2013
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As an Indian guy in Canada, Ontario, maybe I'm lucky to be in a very diverse city, but even without doing or saying anything I've seen girls checking me out.

There is a lot to do with how certain races are seen, but not everything. I think that if there were a group of girls that had preconceived notions about a certain race (i.e. Indian) and I were to approach them and quickly shatter said notions, they'd be very off guard, which could be a good thing if you can take them by surprise.

edit: forgot to mention, I've seen just about every kind of couple. Asian guy dating a brown girl, Indian guy with a white girl, Black guy with an Asian girl, white guy with a black girl. I think if you're too preoccupied with the colour of your skin, or the way your eyes look or whatever, you have more to worry about than if a girl will think you smell or not.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
Asian guys are the bottom of the food chain in terms of sexual status, that's just the way it is.

Women care about status, and walking around with a 5'7 korean dude who's stereotyped as weak and packing a 3" in his pants isn't what gets them status by their peers, regardless how much $ the dude has in his wallet. Other than that, it doesn't really matter. It's not like women are genetically programmed to be attracted to white men, they are attracted to MEN. Rather than cry about the color of your skin, make it an useful tool in your way to becoming a DJ.

Danger said:
What about midgets?

I never see hot girls with midgets. It really irks me.
Peter Dinklage seems to be doing fine.

"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you"


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
race threads = ban according to forum rules.

Besides obvious troll is obvious with his race threads. Ignore them.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I don't think knee-jerk reactions to so-labeled "race threads" are productive. Race is an actual issue that men face in the real world, and some questions and comments are dealing with it honestly and maturely.

I can see closing obviously inflammatory threads, but to get one's panties in a bunch just because the concept of race is brought up is not consistent with the principles advanced in the SS community either.

Why do we constantly preach non-reactiveness and level-headedness to each other and then scream "OMG!-Somebody said "race"!!" every time someone mentions it? This is emotional reactiveness in its purest form.

I think there is a healthy balance to strive for, just like in real life. We can always ask ourselves, is this guy raising a valid (to him) concern, or is it just someone goofing around and trying to inflame? We can always ignore and let the thread die a quick death. And on the other side of the coin we can shut down obvious trolls when identified.

My point is that sometimes threads become inflammatory more by the guys who react in horror that the subject of race has come up than by the original intent of the OP. What do we do, shut down some noob who comes around with an honest question just because we personally get all emotionally twisted by the "R" word?

If you're so upset that you can't sleep at night then report the post. If you rationally determine that a guy is simply asking about the issues of race that he perceives, then either ignore if it's not your thing or try to guide him.

There has been an obvious increase in trolls in the past few months which I'm working behind the scenes to mitigate, and the community's concerns about that are valid, but hand-wringing and being upset every time a question of race comes up strikes me as a little unbalanced.

If you have a balanced, well thought-out issue with a thread about race (or anything else), by all means report it as an inflammatory post if that's what it truly is. If not, then ignore. The whole subject reminds me of women who like to proclaim "Guns are bad". You can tell them that guns have a valid, good purpose until you're blue in the face, and you won't get her to budge because she has made an emotion-based declaration to herself and has camped out on it. These are my unsolicited thoughts on the subject. If anyone wants to correct my thinking, I'm all ears.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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I think that when it comes to race, it SHOULD be a personal preference in terms of the woman... There is nothing wrong with that. Just like women prefer tall guys, slim guys or dark haired guys.

Yes, there is still a massive stigma of racism around which SHOULD NOT exist on all levels.

I personally prefer short brunettes, I find them very attractive, nothing wrong with that at all.

When it comes to game all you can do is constantly improve yourself.

I think the advice given on this website applies to any race, it isn't something you can change, like you can't change your height!

Not once have I ever given thought to how the advice on this website applies to people of any color. It doesn't concern me one bit.

If a woman is prejudice against you because of your colour, whether your white, black, brown or blue then she sure as hell isn't the right girl for you and clearly isn't a good person!!

My advice for anyone on this forum would be the same regardless of color!

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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I agree with the guys supporting a mature and honest possibility to discuss about race, especially considering that this site is about seing the truth in a sea of bvllsh1t, being thic bvllsh1t created mostly from that madness called political correctness (aka the religion of dogmas about races,sexes and so on).

Second the whole concept of racism nowadays is polluted from so many bvllsh1t that doesnt mean much, we have guys from a certain ethnicity who dislike girls of their OWN ethnicity only to call racist the girls from an other ethnicity which do the same thing they do by having a racial preference.

Do you realize how stupid is this concept?

We have guys which find racial provocation against them in any single line while openly making fun of other races even using kindergarden insults as "small d1ck".

I travelled the whole Europe and can tell what is real racism and whats not, I had indian guys surrounding me in groups in London and calling me with racist names for white people for no reason as much as I had local guys in Riga staring me as if they wanted to kill me while I was making out with local girls and even insulted me in spanish (Im not spaniard but I look like one apparently).

Anyway as a general rule I may say that you're not allowed to cry racism if you show racism yourself, which means also ignore girls from your own ethnicity.
Also as much as we would like to have any guy give a shot, its not up to us what white women want, and their preferences must be acknowledged honestly as much as ours.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
I posted a response explaining why I made this thread and it got deleted. Seems like you can't say anything on this site lately.

All I said was.. even though race matters, its only one factor of many and its rarely the ONLY thing holding you back.

I think it often gets over blown. I'm not dismissing the idea that some women have strong racial preferences. I'm just saying those racial preferences are no different than height, weight, income, status, etc. Just like a short man can overcome being short, a non-white can overcome his race and pull hotties as well.

Just seems like a flood of racial threads lately and in many cases, the man's race is not the main / only reason for his lack of success.. even if its a factor.

Location definitely plays a part as well.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Espi said:
I get ya...but race is NOT the same as money, height, etc. Race is, in my opinion, a MUCH more significant foe than the lack of one's income, status, or took nearly TWO CENTURIES for this so-called "free" nation to adopt a civil rights bill that expressed equal rights for individuals, regardless of their skin, gender, or ethnicity. And we're STILL coming to grips with it.

If you ask me, racial issues CANNOT be "overblown." There are still MANY MANY MANY Americans of past and present generations that will NOT EVER date or marry outside of their skin color. I've talked to all kinds of folks who feel this way...white, black, etc.

On the one hand, it's perfectly naturally for most to stick to their own skin when it comes to social interaction. But for the few who are open minded enough to feel that race SHOULD NOT MATTER...they will forever face an uphill battle.
Sure.. but there comes a point where people start seeing obstacles that don't exist and assume that EVERY failure or rejection they experience is due to their race when in reality its not.

This is a big problem with the black and Hispanic communities right now. Many of them don't even TRY because they just assume "well.. I'm not white so I will fail.. why bother?"

Is that type of thinking healthy? NO.

I've even had girls I rejected assume it was race related when it WASN'T. Going around assuming everyone is racist against you isn't healthy or accurate.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Espi said:
Well, yes...there are some that play the "race card." That's what happens sometimes. And it's frustrating. But speaking strictly about an attraction/relationship standpoint, I personally believe that MOST minorities don't stand a chance with white girls--so these minorities' complaints about racial frustration are warranted.

In general (based on my being white and interacting with many white women):

--Most white girls will interact socially at a certain level with minorities. For example: they'll certainly do business with you if you have money;

--bUT, most white girls will NEVER interact sexually with minorities, nor will they even think TWICE about marrying one--regardless of his character, morals, money, height, status.
Yeah.. I'm sure that's what they TELL you. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Unless you have a camera on them at all times you have no way of knowing this. Plus its totally false unless you live in the KKK deep south.

Most white girls tell white guys what they want to hear. They ride the c0ck carousel then pretend to be "good girls" for the right guy. Most of the posts on this website confirm this. I guess you haven't been paying attention.

Don't be so naive bro. As a minority who has many minority friends.. I know better.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Certain aspects of game/attraction are important/unimportant in different areas. Just like real estate, location is a HUGE thing. An Indian/Asian/Black guy in Queens, NY will not have the difficulty an Indian/Asian/Black guy in a high racist Southern US town will.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
PlayHer Man said:
I posted a response explaining why I made this thread and it got deleted. Seems like you can't say anything on this site lately.
You sure about that? I don't know why anyone would have done that (no sarcasm).

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Atom Smasher said:
You sure about that? I don't know why anyone would have done that (no sarcasm).
Yep.. it was actually a reply to your earlier post on the first page. It must of been one of the other moderators then.

Either that or I hit the preview button instead of the post button... sh!t happens.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
I think people get distracted and forget. This is something I told a guy months ago, who was using race as an excuse for lack of success with a particular girl. I told him that the ONLY thing that is relevant is whether she has high or low interest in YOU. From that point of view, it doesn't matter whether or not she prefers tall men and you're short. Or if she doesn't want to date you because she's a gold-digger and you're dirt poor. We simply don't care what the reason is. We should only care about one thing. "Does she have high interest in ME?".

We want to weed out the ones with low interest. What makes life interesting is that different people have different tastes. Some women are only attracted to white or hispanic men. Others might only date black men. Other women might date asian, black, white and hispanic. Others might only date Asian. It's not always about racism. Many times it's simply about personal preference.

I might like a flavor of ice cream you don't like. Or we might have similar tastes. The point is, for our purposes, WE SIMPLY DON'T CARE WHAT THE REASON IS. We only care whether the woman has high or low interest so we can move forward or weed her out. That's it. Thinking about it like this makes life so much simpler.