zinc4 said:
You pedestal because you put them above uglier women...everyone does it...its the natural law of attraction for guys just like women dominant guys over weaker guys....its just natural.... Nothing goodnir bad...just reality
I completely agree. Live in reality, understand and accept your role in it.
You cannot "objectively" make a women less attractive just because she is an ass.
You cant talk away beauty. Our instincts deep down know all too well that regardless of her personality if we knock the HB8-9 up she will produce a healthy child, of high status and with good options.
The only people who look down on beauty as not being good enough, or not even important, are typically
jaded by their bad experiences. They have given up on what they really want and make excuses to justify it. Worst still, is that because HB8-9 have
intrinsic value since birth of course their personality is going to be under developed. They dont need to work on it to get what they want from life!
She won the genetic lottery. Good for her. If someone gave you 5 million dollars at birth to do with as you please, do you think you would be as socially developed or motivated as you are now? Only scarcity and hardship develops your personality.
As a side note regarding aging beauties or women on menopause. What typically happens? They become ugly! These are honest signals that she is no long able to produce healthy children, her number goes down, her options go down, pain and suffering increase, and personality quality increases. Your hot babe of 20 years marriage turns into an aging beauty and doesnt give you the tingles no more compared to that 21yo over there no? Tragic. Maybe you are aging as well and your low sex drive and low passion bull****s you into thinking looks dont matter.
Ive put up a thread trying to get over my HB9 ex. She has a horrible personality and is childish over all. So far I have found afew HB7s so I
bull**** myself into believing these girls are so much better than where I was before... but after a few weeks by objective comparison
I get turned off. You cant lie to your instincts. Completely out of my control, I actually feel bad about it. I almost wish I hadnt brought such beautiful women into my life in the past because it messes with your head. If your body knows you can do better, it wont allow you to enjoy sliding down the scale.
HB7s and below generally have better personality, because they are literally
struggling to survive against HB8-9. They have to bring more to the table to build up their options. It is what it is, but dont say beauty isnt important in women. The only real question is are you dominant enough, powerful enough and attractive enough to build up your best options? Do you have the energy required to sustain a HB9 or do you want an easier life with easier women. How easy do you want it?
Take a number of your choice.
If you dont have the resources or mental and physical energy to keep a HB9 happy, by definition of genetics alone you dont actually deserve to be with one. Strength breeds strength. It just so happens hers is completely
external and yours is completely the
internal, if we are talking on the extreme ends, hot girl - dominant guy.
You want the pretty egg, and you will always want it till the day you die.