PlayHer Man
Not only can you not prove it.. but no one gives a sh!t.Trump said:That's why women have the power and law and their side. They can lie, cheat, steal, backstab, be untrustworthy emotionally abusive, yet the law doesn't care. The law only cares if you physically hurt someone or steal money from the public.
As was said, they are manipulators and do it all to look good, be loved, and have as many friends as possible at whatever cost. It's completely accepted by the public and 100% legal. You can't prove hurt feelings or emotional abusive.
When a man claims emotional abuse by a woman or getting lied to, cheated on and uttly screwed.. the reaction he gets is usually blame. He is usually told its HIS fault for choosing the wrong woman, having bad judgement, being weak, not leaving sooner, not protecting himself, etc.
Society refuses to ever view men as victims. Especially if their misfortune is caused by a woman.
Yet when a man is emotionally abusive towards a woman he is considered vile scum and some people even call for violence to be used against him in the woman's honor. "Knock his teeth out!" "Cut off his penis!!"
As long as society keeps viewing women as precious, innocent beings sent from the heavens.. hovering over all of us... this situation won't change.