You came off as low value from the simple fact that you had so much time to talk. A high value man has somewhere to be.
"Oh wow" and "Really" are the least low value aspect of this approach. Don't worry about that. And don't worry about sounding too nice.
The approach was very incongruent. You look like a confident guy. You started off well. You made some bold moves. But at the same time you talked too much and for too long. Women and people in general can sense incongruence. They were probably waiting for you to demonstrate the value that they expected from you and gave up when they realized it wasn't happening.
The best point to end the interaction was at around 45 secs. The rest could have been cut out without consequence.
Groups are good to approach because the women will be more comfortable talking to you near the safety of their friends.
Groups are terrible because those friends have a lot of influence on how you will be perceived after the interaction.
Also getting a girl's instagram will only work in your favor if your page displays high value. I'm sure there are other ways she could have you contact her but didn't want you to.
BUT none of this really matters. She either likes you or not. You'll only know for sure when you sleep with her.
Good job either way.