Naughty Ninja
backbreaker said:there are too many variables in life to have a black and white line of "disrespect and i have to go all out" and "**** it i don't care". as stated the girl i first dated an adult stood me up what 2 times.. but she wasn't doing it to be disrestful she was doing it because she was torn between me and the guy she just got out of a 6 year relationship.
and the advice i gave you above, is the exact thing i told her.. look people do what they do, i'm not mad or upset you don't have to apologize, but i am going to give you one more shot, and if you dont' take advantage of it i am done.
there is no need to get cute, no need to come upw ith some super sweet text or anteing, just lay your cards out on the table. she is the one that ****ed up. either she wants to get to know you or she doesn't.
That's pretty much it. Dudes need to relax a bit with that Oh she's "blatantly disrespecting me!" I need to show her I don't tolerate that! nonsense. Some chicks will respond better when you don't respond and or if you do come off as if it's no big deal without actually saying it. Your actions and responses directly effect how she views you handling "flakey" or "rejecting" behavior. (If you make some chick you've met or are after the center of your world and your "plans" you'll most likely be disappointed. After all...who is she anyway?)
If a chick strings you along you just drop her and the whole thing period. If she comes around in the future? You shouldn't care as you have your own life like she should as well. That may even bring up her interest level as she wasn't as "in demand" to you as she thought she was.
It's like these chicks think if a dude reacts in a defensive or offensive manner to her flaking EVEN IF she's the one to blame "Oh this guy is EFFECTED by it." I'll either string him along or not bother anymore as he'll cause "problems" in my life.
With chicks like that you completely remain uneffected and act as if that crap she pulls never happened. (Get's their mind in WTF mode and why you aren't falling for their "test" and you may just see them slowly start chasing you.)