Stoicism. The first Don Juans were the Stoics. How Stoicism can help you with women and life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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I've been following Stoicism for a few years now and I suggest you research it yourself as Im far from an expert. However, I have implemented some of its teachings into my life and want to share some quotes with you:

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. -Marcus Aurelius
Answer to do looks matter?

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. -Marcus Aurelius

You cant control how she responds to you, but you can control how you respond to her. You can't control if she flakes, doesn't text back. These things should never upset you, as its not in your control.

The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. -Marcus Aurelius
I truely believe we manifest our thoughts. If you walk around saying to yourself how undesirable you are, you will be undesirable. However if you pick your head up walk tall and believe you are a worthy catch, you will become just that.

Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it.
Don't walk around saying "Im so alpha" just be alpha.

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.

Make yourself. The beauty of this life is you can be/do anything! Want to be a muscular, motorcycle riding badass? Do it. Want to be a laid back family man? Do it. Want to take a hiatus from work and backpack Europe? Do it. Its all within your reach.

Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.
Did he not predict the current times? We made women equals and they run overtop of most men. Not us, because we know better.. but most.

Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.
Learn from the forums. Learn from the mistakes of others so that you wont make them yourselves. In life and with women.

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
This is one reason why we take women on action dates. Laser Tag, Bowling, Amusement Parks.. sitting over dinner and talking accomplishes little in advancing things. Keep it fun and full of adrenaline.

He was a wise man who invented beer.

Just a few of my favorites. Its so many more I could make this a 10 page thread.
If you think Stoicism seems like a school of thought you'd be interested in, I suggest you read 'Meditations by Marcus Aurelius'
Its free in the android app store and a great book. Also check the reddit stoicism. A page on reddit I frequent daily.
Everyone have a good weekend.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Stoicism can also make you rich, ironically. An ascetic lifestyle can help you understand that your "happiness" isn't dependent on material things or other people, which is great, but it also has huge financial benefits.

Around three years ago I dumped about 90% of my "stuff" (cars, bikes, furniture, white goods, cutlery, you name it). I downsized so I could take advantage of some work opportunities and maximise my savings - at the time there was nothing Stoic about it. But not only did I not miss any of it, it actually felt great not having so much sh!t to worry about - can't see myself ever going back to the way things were.

Not having a tonne of crap allowed me to save a tonne of money. Now that I have a tonne of money I no longer want a tonne of crap. And so it goes. Don't get me wrong, the tonne of money is nice, it eliminates a lot of anxiety and that's probably what I like most about it.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Stoicism can also make you rich, ironically. An ascetic lifestyle can help you understand that your "happiness" isn't dependent on material things or other people, which is great, but it also has huge financial benefits.

Around three years ago I dumped about 90% of my "stuff" (cars, bikes, furniture, white goods, cutlery, you name it). I downsized so I could take advantage of some work opportunities and maximise my savings - at the time there was nothing Stoic about it. But not only did I not miss any of it, it actually felt great not having so much sh!t to worry about - can't see myself ever going back to the way things were.

Not having a tonne of crap allowed me to save a tonne of money. Now that I have a tonne of money I no longer want a tonne of crap. And so it goes. Don't get me wrong, the tonne of money is nice, it eliminates a lot of anxiety and that's probably what I like most about it.
Well said. What you did is called "minimalism" and many people have done exactly what you've done and reported the same results. Minimalism is also a stoic principle.

"The way to be rich is to desire nothing" -Epictetus


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
Reaction score
Quality post.. I agree with everything.

There are sooo many troll posts on the internet and especially in the manosphere It's refreshing to see someone like Cola post value time after time.

Adding to the minimalist conversation. I once literally lost EVERYTHING in one year... my house, my apartment, my job, my wife, my good name, my freedom and ALL of my material possessions including my bed, tv, computer and all my books. For no reason might I add, I had to fight for my innocence after spending thousands of dollars of my own and my extended family's money. I had to start ALL over.. at my moms house where I wasn't even allowed to reside due to rental agreement.

When I was left with nothing and had my back against the wall.. this period of time was when I learned about myself the most. I learned what I was made of. I learned about what is important for survival, not getting depressed and accepting the way things were and doing what I can to keep myself up and not falling into the impending doom of homelessness or worse.. drug addiction .etc.

It is when I slowly started working my way back up in material possessions I started to fall into the daily grind of a dull life. Not reading as I should, not pushing myself, not eating as healthy, watching too much internet, started getting back into porn .etc

Buddah preached "Kill all your desires" to reach enlightenment.

There is soo much wisdom from our ancient teachers.. shout out to my man Socrates, Plato, Buddah and everyone else


New Member
Jun 1, 2016
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Some great quotes there cola, we can all learn much from these. Did you find them in a certain book, or were they floating around on the internet? I'd like to know the books they're from if anyone would happen to know.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
@Viscontii It's well known quotes from very well known philosophers. I bet you'll find them in many books and repeated multiple times across the internet.